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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Well, it seems Nintendo and their Joy Con drift issues aren't just theirs anymore. Microsoft is facing a lawsuit over 'drifting' issues to their Xbox controllers. This has actually been a problem since the 360 days. I don't know how many controllers I had that ended up with messed up analog sticks. This is why I can't stand Xbox controllers, because they break down so fast. Each controller I've had since the 360, always have problems with the analog stick. Eventually the stick does start to drift and I then have to buy a new one, or stick with the faulty one and hope for the best. Anyway, it looks like Microsoft might be forced to repair some of the elite series 1 and 2 controllers. I don't own either, but have dealt with this with standard controllers since forever now. And the odd thing is, it only seemed to happen for the Xbox controllers. I never had that with the PS2 or any other console with analog sticks. Maybe this will result in free repairs of Xbox controllers. If so, I'm taking advantage of it to get some Xbox One controllers fixed. Read more about this here: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/lawsuit-continues-to-pursue-action-over-drifting-xbox-controllers/
  2. Super Mario Maker 1 & 2 are hugely popular games. It got me thinking when I played it a while back with my nephew. Why don't we see more franchises step into this genre? I could see a franchise like Sonic getting a Sonic maker game. That would actually be cool. I'd try that out. I imagine people could make some unique levels. That's just one idea, what other franchises would you like to see do a game like Mario Maker?
  3. What would you guys say are the best games in the Yakuza series? I only played Yakuza Zero so far, and I only played it for a couple hours at most. I want to get back into it though because what I did play, I enjoyed a lot. What is the best in the series? Should I start from the first and go from there?
  4. Well given that the new Xbox drops just November 10th, it's bound to happen that some stores are going to get stock in soon. Check the link below to get more details. As well, you can watch an unboxing of the console at the link below. https://streamable.com/2b0iwl Link to article - https://twistedvoxel.com/xbox-series-x-retail-console-unboxed/
  5. I've never been one to spend much on mobile anything. I tried one of those online claw machines and paid maybe $5 max. I considered buying coins and stuff in some games, but I never go through with it. I just see no point in it personally. But, to each their own.
  6. I didn't see any previous topics, and I made sure to search just in case. I didn't notice any with any similar titles to this one either. This topic differs in that it's about what we consider to be the "Best" in the genre, so this would likely fall in line with like a top 10 list of the best horror games. Essentially what is the best horror game ever? Disregarding favorites and going by popularity, review scores, and overall standing. Which horror game should be called the best of the best? I can see most people saying something like RE2, RE4, Silent Hill 2, and a few others. I really think Resident Evil 4 might be regarded as the best, but I don't know. It's tough to say which should be the best, because there are so many great horror games that came out.
  7. Depends, because for one, I like to be told how the game works and what I need to do to get things moving. But of course, I like mystery and like to learn some games on my own. But, I don't want to get stuck running around a big map trying to figure out what to do next, it doesn't really work out so well. I could see it working if the objectives were, for example, on a sheet of paper you have to look at in game or something. At least that won't take you out of the game like seeing an objective marker on your map or in your sights. I like games that give you enough details to know what you're doing.
  8. We're talking about Smash Bros here, I think the realism is out the door. 😄 It's different, but Smash Bros has a play n watch character, Soldi Snake, and other characters. Steve should fit right into the mix. It's going to look weird, but that's the charm in it I think.
  9. Not all of us are pro gamers like yourself. 😄 Maybe I just suck, but still, I would have loved to beat either game. Maybe if I replayed them again recently, I might have a better chance. Yikes, I think I'll pass on playing that one. I still have yet to play it. I hear it's notoriously tough, but it's all about timing and precision. All of which I don't have these days lol.
  10. Amazon prime Day 2020 starts October 13th. This includes deals on many items, but currently I don't see any game deals listed. But, I wouldn't count that out, as I imagine they will have more game deals once the actual event starts. More deals go live on October 13th. You can find more details here - https://www.amazon.com/primeday
  11. What would you guys say is the easiest games to get involved in for esports? I am by no means a pro gamer, and I doubt I could actually win an actual esports event, but I think it would be quite cool. Anyway, what are some games that are easy to get into and maybe even master?
  12. Has anyone here played the Postal series? It's one of those games that seems to have a 50/50 following, where some love it, and others hate it. I only played the first Postal game briefly, but I thought it was campy fun. Does anyone here get into the series? I heard a sequel came out a year ago, but I haven't tried that one either. Looked a lot of fun from what I did see through. 😄
  13. I don't think a topic like this exists yet, so I figure it's time we make one. What are some of those extremely tough games that you still haven't beaten? Games that are so hard, that most people give up. I find that with the first TMNT game, as well as the legend of zelda 2. Both games on the NES. I would also include Dark Souls, as I just don't have the patience to 'git good'. There's a lot of NES, SNES, Genesis games and more that I haven't completed. Name some tough games you still can't finish to this day.
  14. Does anyone here collect Amiibos? I only have one myself, and it's the anniversary edition of Mario in the standard SMB game. I want to collect more of them, especially most of the classic Mario characters. What Amiibos do you own? And do you keep them in a box or open them up? I have mine opened.
  15. I can probably handle Fallout 4 or Skyrim. Haven't played either in years though. NFS Heat would be fun, but I'm not a big fan of the racers. I was thinking of trying some emulators to play some retro games. I have an NES and other classic consoles, but I have no way of connecting them to my PC yet, so an emulator would be ideal. Just need to get some good USB controllers to play them. I can't stand using a newer controller on NES games. But yeah, thank you for the suggestion.
  16. That's inevitable. Just the only concern I have there is the pricing, because I hear it's going to be pretty pricey. But, here's hoping they eventually lower in price, because SSDs are becoming the norm these days.
  17. Looks cute, and I like that it kind of reminds me of The Escapists. Well, I see it is published by Team 17, who also did that game. I'll for sure be checking this one out, as The Escapists was a fun game.
  18. True, but we never thought we would get to this point in terms of graphics before. Devices are becoming more advanced every year, which means games will too. Of course, I don't know if we'll ever get to a point where a game looks as real, but I believe it could one day be possible. I'm speaking of the future though, because I don't see graphics getting to that point of realism for many years yet. If anything maybe 20 years from now.
  19. I believe this is a continuation of the RE7, so likely Ethan. I remember them mentioning something about Ethan, but I don't know if he's the main character again.
  20. Since Halloween is fast approaching, I figured we could start a topic to discuss some of the best horror games around. From the past to the present, what do you consider to be the best horror games out there? Personally for me, Silent Hill 2 is a big front runner, but I know games like Resident Evil 4, Amnesia, System Shock, Eternal Darkness, the first 2 Dead Space games, and so on. But, what should be regarded as the best of all time? What do you guys think?
  21. I'm mainly referring to cart based games, ones from NES, SNES, Atari, etc. Anything that came in cardboard cases. I ask, because I only have the carts for my NES, SNES, atari, etc. I don't own any in the box, with the manuals sadly. Does anyone here own any games still in box?
  22. Sad news for Amazon, their first attempt at gaming has come to an end. Their game Crucible, a free to play team based action shooter. It didn't get good reviews and also didn't go anywhere since. Seems no one was really playing it. Read more about this story here: Bloomberg
  23. Does anyone own any pro controllers? Something like what Razer does, or what Xbox did with their elite controller. Anything where the controller can be changed to add buttons/triggers and so on. I own a PowerA pro controller that has back triggers. It was around $70 or $80 when I purchased it. It's built a lot better than other PowerA controllers, because as you know, they tend to be kind of cheap otherwise. The reason I got it, was because for some reason prices on controllers keep going up, and I wasn't going to pay $80 for another standard controller, because they tend to fall apart fast. I would like to buy the Xbox One elite controller though, but not into paying $150 plus for a controller though.
  24. Lets face it, a 1TB HD is not going to cut it for most people. I believe both the PS5 and Xbox Series X will come with a 1TB hard drive. That of course will not last very long, especially with games getting bigger in size with each new release. Just imagine what the next COD is going to run ya, if the current one stands at over 200GBs, then just wait and see what it'll be on new gen consoles. It's gon take up a lot of storage. Anyway, they are making attempts to add more storage, which is nice, but why isn't it that they just add more storage to the consoles? Why not just go 2TBs? I mean, this will solve a lot of those problems. Yeah it'd be eaten up fast, but it's at least enough to get some games on there. And the new consoles should download and install games a lot faster, so there's that too. What do you guys think? We're going to eventually get new released that will come with bigger hard drives, so why not start big from the get-go?
  25. idk, I wouldn't say Mafia remastered was really that overhyped. I heard a few rumblings about it, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it was overhyped. If anything, it probably could have done with more publicity and marketing, cause I don't see it selling a ton. I can agree about the Mafia II debacle lol. Squadrons on the other hand, sure. It's all over the place right now and is hugely popular right now among fans and streamers. I don't see how it failed to live up to their promises though, as it seems people are really happy with it. Unless I'm missing something? And for sure, youtubers, streamers, influencers or whatever else we call them, are for sure being paid to sell these games as much as possible. I cringe at some YouTubers who do a lets play of a new game, because it's clear which ones are promotions. It's easy to tell, because they never looked that interested in playing. You can tell when a player likes the game.
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