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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. So much gore and torture you can smell it through the tv. Walk by recently used torture devices with matted insides some of which are still dripping. And that dripping never stops. You can always hear it. Faint voices of screams that are on its last round of echoes. The sound of chains dangling in the silence from an unknown breeze. Hot inferno in one chamber, and cold ghostly chill in another. Bones and limbs laying around as if kicked to the side like garbage, or fallen from a cart of bodies. Growls from creatures that are somewhere, and every turn you anticipate the worst. Cold stone walls and hooks dangling from ceilings. Big roaches and rats scurry. A maze you can't get out, with endless sights of death to see. And that is all just the surface, till you go down another level. You might as well be in hell. Because your soul is now forever changed. Hallucinations has you tormented, making you a raving lunatic. You find yourself naked on the cold bloody floor, weakly crawling as each breath is the last. Mad demons laugh at you all around. The world is spinning. You finally can walk and stumble around delirious. Head spinning. Bodies dangling. Axe chops. Chops. Then you make it to a quiet chamber to collect yourself. And the exit is not a door, but a psychological puzzle you have to solve in order to escape the dungeon. And you then wonder if any of it was real. Flashbacks haunt you. You begin to think you are dead. Turns out you never made it out of the dungeon, and that quiet room was just a teaser. Now you have to run, cause the monsters are there for real. And you run not knowing where you are going, just running through the maze. Hiding, running some more. Then you wake up and it all seems like a dream. Because it is. You are still in the dungeon after getting knocked out. Now you are strapped down. And the torture begins. Non pain torture first. And you have to figure out a way to get yourself free and run again.
  2. I think my top 3 games I'll be playing in 2021 are some games that came out the end of 2020. Cyberpunk 2077 AC Vahalla Ghost of Tsushima As far as games that are coming out in 2021, I'll have to wait and see what actually comes out. Horizon Forbidden West is a must!!! I am going to get Skyrim for the ps4 and tackle that in 2021. Those are already some big games... see how it goes! And I have to say goodbye 2020. This has been my greatest gaming year so far as a new gamer. Looking forward to the adventures that awaits!
  3. He's a great actor. He also does the voice for Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5
  4. That's gotta be cool though to see something still here that you played long ago, in a land far far away, where dragons still roamed! 😃
  5. Yeah, some people are really good at acting like they are doing something throughout the day to seem they work hard, and others can finish fast and get chided for sitting down for a minute.
  6. Here are a few Magic: The Gathering 2020-I'm getting excited! Think I found some new collectibles, but I really want to play the games.
  7. Magic The Gathering looks fun too and they also have cool cards! Looks like they are still making them in 2020. Thanks for the heads up on those. Wouldn't mind buying some cards, but there are so many! There's also Gwent from Witcher 3. Wonder if they will add booster packs to Gwent for the coming years. Would be good to get them now huh.
  8. I wouldn't mind playing a TCG. But I wish there was a way to do it online. I have the GI Joe TCG but never played, just as a collectible. I came across Flesh and Blood. It looks fun and the cards look pretty awesome. I've always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons.
  9. Quest in AC Odyssey I actually just started. A guy was standing on top of a building threatening to commit suicide with a crowd gathered around. Kassandra goes up there and tells him he is a coward and is not going to do it or he already would have. He is complaining that his village is poor and he left to come to this place to fight a Minotaur, but again he was too cowardice to fight it. So he is a coward once more by asking Kassandra to steal some prestige armor and an axe for him to bring back to his village so he can lie about being a hero and that those are trophies for slaying the beast. That's cowardice all the way around, but I decided to help. Should have just given him a Spartan kick right off the thing. Guess that makes me a conspirator. But it was supposed to increase tourism to his village. Guess if more mouths are fed, his lie won't hurt but himself.
  10. There are several ideas that come to mind, but what I would love is to tackle GI Joe and make the game for a very mature audience and not tailored to a kid as they always tend to do. I'm not talking action packed shoot em up or another spec ops missions. The franchise has terrorists, ninjas, saboteurs, elite gov. military force, best technologies, weapons dealers, entire brainwashed towns with cobra attire in their closet. I would add a lot of drama and apocalyptic situations. Some terrorist plots will succeed and others fail. There are so many characters that can be utilized from the Joe and Cobra lineup. It's hard to do, but I would use a wide variety of them instead of the typical lot. I would have a remarkable story where you may even sympathize with Cobra. I have read Joe comics in that sense; where Cobra Commander actually had a reason to become an anarchist and able to recruit so many to add to his militias that had similar fall outs. It would be so much fun to play a character you loved as a kid, switch gear and weapons, level up etc. Or make a character in the likes of yourself. You know how much nostalgia that would bring to all the adults that had Joes as a kid and desire to see a mature environment of that awesome time? Bet your ass it will be a big hit. But I'll dream big and given $millions to play with.
  11. I think the competition is gonna come from the VR. As their game list grows and specs improved, people will spend money on it and take away from the 'classic' consoles. But, they better make it more user friendly somehow because even though VR is fun, you have to be in the mood for it. It's a lot more user friendly to play a regular console and chill with your pets.
  12. I hope so, or else it's just another marketing ploy. Makes no sense to have a game for the ps4 and start it all over again for the ps5. I mean, is it that important to replay the game just to see a few extra hairs on a horses ass?
  13. It's a good time to finish some up and try new ones. For me, I have a habit of jumping into a new game before finishing others. But I am gonna focus on some big games I have been playing for a year. Don't want them to end though. I know you got tons of cool games. Decisions, decisions!!! It's that time of year.
  14. I had a pretty good gaming year for 2020. I got a ps4 the summer of 2019, but I have played the best games and had the best immersion in adventures this year. Those top games being AC Odyssey, AC Origins, Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, and others. I tried VR Oculus for the first time. Never before have I been this much into gaming and it continues to grow on me in a good way. For 2021 I'm looking forward to finishing those large games I have and beginning new ones. I know AC Valhalla is going to be a big one for me this coming year. I have Cyberpunk 2077, but I'll wait for a couple more updates before I get into it. Sure that will be a big one too. There are quite a few ps3 games I want to finish including the Dead Space series and Mass Effect. I wonder what new games I will decide to get in 2021. I'm excited for all the new adventures.
  15. I just want to get to the fun fighting, but it's kind of a pain for me to look around for things to buy, get a job, study, hang out with someone, go get a spa on a certain day. I've forgotten all those things, so to get back into the game throws me off.
  16. I thought Bioshock 1 was creepier then Infinite, so that environment for me told it well to watch my step. But Infinite sure did set it well too. Unique games. Horror games have to have that. Would be weird to be playing sims, then all of a sudden a demon rushes you.
  17. Morality is a very interesting subject when it comes to deities and things we can't possibly understand. But there is a universal rule. That is when pitched against unfathomable decisions, do what causes the least amount of suffering. But maybe that doesn't hold true at all. Mortals that can't see the future will do what they think is right at the time, but a deity will have a different standard if they can see the future, or even if they have a better understanding of humans over a span of thousands of years since a deity probably has witnessed man's existence from the beginning. All humans know is a short written history manipulated by man and time. I can't think of a game where morality is held to a different system. But definitely gonna think on it.
  18. The Suffering Fatal Frame Mercenaries Destroy All Humans-Remaster doesn't cut it
  19. Prince of Persia Sands of Time remake is in the works. Looking forward to that too
  20. A hero in the 'eye of the beholder' reminds me of the Assassin's Creed games. In Origins, Bayek takes revenge on those that killed his son and defeats corruption in the process. He is sworn to protect the people. In Odyssey, Kassandra is looking for her mother and has to defeat an evil cult, but the game doesn't really emphasize to protect the people. She even has conversations with the philosopher Socrates about killing. Is an assassin justified for killing as long as the corrupted is among the victims? Maybe that is neither hero or anti-hero. But just simply a selfish act of vengeance. So true
  21. Innocence is that natural instinct until we are plagued by ideologies and the environment around us. You are right that a hero is in the 'eye of the beholder' meaning even villains can be someone's hero. Just like someone who thinks they are a patriot but wants to enslave others, or a rebel that's wants genocide, or a hero that fights for pro slavery, a hero I refer to as being one has to uphold integrity and morality. And who am I to say what that is? Exactly My point is, I think that siding with a criminal in a game shows that being a criminal doesn't mean they are automatically cut off from having the capacity in heroism. Would it forgive the things a criminal does if he does something heroic? Probably not, but you have to weigh it in at least. But if a criminal could still have potential heroism in them, then someone upholding the law could pervert heroism. I guess we really don't know until a situation arises that clearly divides us into being either a coward, hero, or villain. Those three characteristics are probably in all of us interchangeably depending on what situation we find ourselves in. But a villain in attack mode is way more obvious. Choices you make in the game could also define your character a little more too. I remember in True Crime Streets of LA you are a cop that chooses whether to be a good cop or bad cop. Lines are easily crossed. Referring to The Walking Dead again, one of the characters was on his way to prison for murder when it all happened, and he became such a lovable character. So our human nature can turn, whatever direction that is. I guess nothing is set in stone. But when we need some good, heroes will rise. I won't judge if they happen to be a criminal.
  22. For whatever console you have, what themes are your favorite that you use? On my ps4 I only have God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn, which it is currently set on. I like the music. I'm looking to get some more and just came across some Witcher themes.
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