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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I managed to play just 3 hours today and it was all given to playing Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires.
  2. You would have to start training your body to adjust and work towards getting to sleep when it's around that time. It's not going to be easy but with time, it will change towards it.
  3. If I still had Resident Evil 4, I would keep playing it till it's not possible for me to play it again. As long as I still have it on my console, it's always getting played.
  4. You don't have to stand all through the gameplay, it's not realistic to do that. Most people get to stand when the pressure gets too much. You can't start playing immediately and have that kind of pressure.
  5. It's actually why I had to give out my Playstation 3 because I know very well that I'm not going to be playing more on it.
  6. I need to get my hands on one of their latest Galaxy Notes. I need to have that experience and see what it feels like. I have handled S22 Ultra for a bit, I need the higher ones.
  7. Unfortunately, I haven't been in any kind of video games tournaments but it's something that I'm looking to taking part in one day.
  8. They wouldn't see the good role video games play in the life of gamers and make something nice about it but only the bad aspect of it that they would care about.
  9. I'm very sure that anything from $5000 on monthly basis would be a very good pay for me. I'd take the offer without any delay.
  10. Did you ever get to play Dirt Rally 2.0? It's another good racing game.
  11. There was a gaming seat advertised here one time back where it was given 50% off if I remembered correctly. Imagine ordering for more gaming set, you will get a lot more discounts.
  12. I really enjoyed this performance. I had to listen to it here twice before I felt better.
  13. I have the same thing against tutorials that are very boring. They are no fun to waste time watching. I rather sleep than doing that.
  14. If Drake gets included as a high profile celebrity in GTA 6, it's something that's going to pull a lot of people taking interest in the game. Yes, GTA franchise already have lots of followers but that's going to add more to it.
  15. I recently joined playing the online game last 2 months and it's been an exciting experience for me. Although, I only managed to finish 6th in the league last season.
  16. It's the beauty of having free Wi-Fi, you don't have anything to worry about internet data connection costs at all. Data is very expensive in some part of the world.
  17. He should be around 89 years if I remembered correctly. The funny thing is that he doesn't use walking stick or use eye glasses. He's a very strong and healthy man.
  18. They keep working on making the game better and it's exactly what it's been since then till now. It's gameplay got better, graphics, weapons and skins too.
  19. And when you learn from the scratch, it makes you know almost every single thing there is to be know about the game. It's why I don't like jumping into any game in between. I need the beginner lessons.
  20. I gave 3 hours of my time to Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires today.
  21. Finally, someone chips in a little support for Bravely Default. At least, it would get one vote in the pool. It would have been so odd that, others got at least a vote and it never did.
  22. They are just crossing out the same candies just like the name implies. It's the higher you get in level that it gets really difficult. Do I enjoy playing it, Nope!!! 😛
  23. I'm not sure if I would be getting any new skin on Fortnite till further notice. No matter how tempting it gets for me which I know it always does, I will try and resist. It's very getting out of hands.
  24. Why would I ever feel comfortable with my controller being dirty? It's not possible. I always make sure to have them cleaned at least twice in a week or once if I can't meet up.
  25. You don't need to enter all of them at once, it's going to be too much for you to catch up on them. It's even going to stress you out over the limit.
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