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  1. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Games you bought and tried but don’t play at all?   
    Fall Guys is one online game that I got for a while now but I have never really been moved into playing it at all. 
  2. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Has anyone here ever regretted a preorder so much you won’t preorder again?   
    Some gamers have good experience with their pre orders that they might be lured into buying gain. Shagger did once but I'm not if he would be open to it again. 
  3. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Anyone here planning on getting Fifa 21?   
    How can there be the kind of bugs in FIFA games in real life football? It can never happen at all. 
  4. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Do you find video game reviews or video game essays more insightful?   
    Both the essay and video reviews are quite insightful to who makes use of them. The videos add extra value to content. 
  5. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Assasins creed   
    Exactly, with our differences in human beings nature, we can never be the same in our preferences especially when it comes to games. 
  6. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in What's your favorite online game?   
    Seriously, both Final Fantasy 7 and the Remake are excellent games for my liking when it comes to being played online. 
  7. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in What's your favorite online game?   
    I'm going to pick Final Fantasy 7 Remake as my favorite so far in the franchise. 
  8. Haha
    Boblee reacted to Justin11 in Games or types of games you’ve abandoned and want to get back to   
    Laughs, I don't have such seven hands like the octopus, I only have just two hands, which is for one after the other games. 
  9. Like
    Boblee reacted to The Blackangel in Do You Think it's Right For People Who Pre-order or Have Connections to Get Early Access Time With Games?   
    It was worth it to me. I've had no regrets and the bonuses are great.
    I got exactly what I ordered, on time, and it all went smooth as silk.
  10. Like
    Boblee reacted to Empire in How Big Is Your Backlog?   
    185 games on steam and 24 games on Epic, And more elsewhere, and yet there are always more games that people want to get 😛 
    But end of the day, like anyone else we have many games that we do not play, almost half of games that I have never even played before 😜 
  11. Thanks
    Boblee got a reaction from Head_Hunter in Your favourite game series?   
    Alright, I will get back to you with the update as soon as possible. 
  12. Like
    Boblee reacted to DC in Last Game Played   
    Madden 22 on XB1
  13. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from PGen98 in Does gaming usually regulate or dysregulated your mood?   
    Personally, before I get into playing any new games, I must read the reviews and watched some gameplay to help me decide. 
  14. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from PGen98 in How Big Is Your Backlog?   
    Yeah, that's a fact that most gamers can attest to very easily with so many cheap games out to build up on if having a big backlog is a trophy. 
  15. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Patrik in Stupidest moments you’ve had while gaming?   
    Seriously, it never solved anything at all but make you get more cranky on the games. 
  16. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Patrik in Stupidest moments you’ve had while gaming?   
    Screaming at the characters when I'm being frustrated like they can actually hear me yell at them 😂. 
  17. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Optimism in games is usually about moral victory   
    The only logical conclusion for me in games especially horror games that ends in immoral victory means that it's not yet finished as long as the evil is still out there, the fight continues. 
  18. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Heatman in Has a pro really changed how you play?   
    The real thing is that I find it very hard to play with someone who's still on the same level of strength or below me. I don't learn anything new from them. 
  19. Like
    Boblee got a reaction from Head_Hunter in Games that incorporate creating art as the player   
    Arts is about creativity and in being creative, you get to put something into a new shape that offers aesthetic phenomenal quality. 
  20. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Gaming Goals for 2022   
    It's always a waste of game when it's rushed because it's going to take away from you all the side things you are supposed to do. 
  21. Thanks
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Give up gaming for cash . . .   
    This is one of the dark sides to the existence of cryptocurrencies and there is nothing that can be done to change unless what the government of most countries are at now with the ban on cryptocurrencies with introducing their own coins. 
  22. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Justin11 in What do you find most relaxing, Fallout or Elder Scrolls?   
    I would be looking forward to it and hopefully get some screen shots of your first game on it. 
  23. Haha
    Boblee got a reaction from Justin11 in Do hints break your immersion or fun in any way?   
    Sometimes, I would be wondering what their so called game testers are actually testing before the game is vetted and released? 
  24. Like
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Sims Games   
    Seriously, their paycheck from the channel would be running in thousands of dollars. 
  25. Sad
    Boblee reacted to Heatman in Games or types of games you’ve abandoned and want to get back to   
    I haven't played my Cuphead yet in 2 years now and it's quite a disappointing thing from me. 
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