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Lamarr the strelok

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  1. Haha
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to The Blackangel in Bad Brand Names   
    I have to say that bean bag tossing was suddenly called cornholing. As for the last infinity years "cornhole" meant something entirely different. It's like thongs. in the 80's thongs were flip flops. Now they're extremely uncomfortable butt floss. You're basically walking around with an intentional wedgie all day. Assuming you can walk at all. I would much rather have my ass cheeks covered and prevent rug burn from my jeans, than go around with a strip of fabric running up the crack of my ass.
  2. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to The Blackangel in Stereotyping of Violent Criminals   
    It's no secret.
  3. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to The Blackangel in Driving for Recreation   
    I had s 49cc scooter that I absolutely loved to ride for recreational purposes. It got stolen by some worthless piece of shit in 2012 during the brief time that we lived in Denver. I loved going out around 2:00AM when there is little to no traffic and it’s quiet and peaceful. It’s as if the city is deserted. I would love to come up with another one, but money is telling me fuck you.
  4. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to The Blackangel in How irresponsible are the US poor?   
    Let’s get one thing fucking straight right god damn now. BEING POOR DOES NOT MAKE SOMEONE A CHEAT, BUM, OR LOSER DESPITE YOUR DESPERATE DESIRE TO MAKE IT SO. I grew up bottom of the barrel poor. Not much has changed. If it wasn’t for disability and food stamps I would still be homeless, and still be dumpster diving for food. And it’s because of people like YOU. You don’t care to learn. You throw your labels and definitions onto other people, as if your opinion is the be-all-end-all of who and what they are. Have you ever even MET anyone who is or was homeless? Have you ever met someone who never had a chance in life? Your sense of superiority is what makes a huge portion of the population puke. The enmity we feel for you is because you intentionally use your ignorance to breed stupidity.
    And you really think no stupid richies exist who get by on mommy and daddy’s buck? Try Paris Hilton.
  5. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Jayson in Driving for Recreation   
    Who like to drive just to see things like nature, big cities etc.?   Where do you drive to?  Do you stay at a motel or camp?  Does anyone have or have used an RV?  Does anyone rent cars for traveling? 
  6. Like
    Lamarr the strelok got a reaction from The Blackangel in Hair Bands   
    Some of my biggest influences as a guitarist came about in the 80s.George Lynch,Matthias Jabs, Akira Takasaki and others were in bands that were considered hair metal.Sure it got dumb in the late 80s but there were some really good musicians /guitarists from the 80s. Dirt is one of my favorite albums but most grunge to me is play shitty sounding guitars, do some heroin and feel sorry for yourself. And the Scorpions have been spreading peace through music for about 50 years.Winds of change has over a billion hits and that was years ago. As noted there was some shit bands too but some I still love 40 years later.
  7. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Head_Hunter in Working at Fast Food   
    That's one of the discouraging factors around some gigs. If you aren't earning better salary for the job you're offering, you wouldn't have that urge to continue. 
  8. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Reality vs Adventure in How irresponsible are the US poor?   
    How irresponsible are the rich? We had a president that is the only one who absolutely refuses to show his taxes; had a fake university he was sued for; went bankrupt multiple times. The rich have a lot of foreign accounts that they hide money and always cheating taxes. Many business owners used bailout money to buy expensive toys they didn't need. Central banks gamble people's money and drives us into recessions. The government prints paper money without having enough precious metals to back it up. Politicians take bribes or lobbying money instead of working for the interests of the people. 
    There are a lot of people born to wealthy families who would naturally be a bum or loser if it weren't for their parents always providing everything they need. They can screw up in life with hardly any consequences and still have a house. In the real world how many of them would wind up in an apartment or trailer instead? 
    The poor is not to blame for America's problems as a powerful country in the world with the highest financial rating. It's the irresponsibility of policy makers always leaving out the important things to better the education system (not whitewash it as what is currently happening to education or take money from public schools to finance private schools as Betsy Devos did in the trump administration); also increase min. wage; and create jobs. People don't want to be poor. Republicans are trying to take away the school lunch program. That has been put into place since WW2 when too many people were being denied into the draft because of poor health from malnutrition. So that program is to help children develop properly. Why take that away from children? 
    Poor people have their problems and some have made bad decisions, but nobody is there to bail them out like we do for all the bad decisions that bankers and corporations make. We go into a recession and guess who gets the damn bonuses from the U.S. government? Fucking CEO's. Where is that damn trickle down? So there is a hell of a lot more freebies going around for the wealthy, it's just spread out to fewer people. 
  9. Haha
    Lamarr the strelok got a reaction from kingpotato in Describe Your Place   
    12 guitars of various flavors,8 guitar amps ,a bunch of guitar pedals,1 1x12 speaker cab,1 4x12 speaker cab, 42 inch tv,55 inch tv,garage with a 50cc chinese scooter,etc.kingpotato give the racoon some water to wash everything in and he'll be fine.😀
  10. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to kingpotato in Describe Your Place   
    -One bed room
    -Built by nature
    -One corner for bathroom, another corner for bed
    -Roommate is a racoon, very rude but pays rent with stolen goods
    -Cheap since its a cave so free (The racoon doesnt know that)
    -Color, brown dirt shit
    -About 1 meter or 3ft tall
    -I rent the place to a bear during the christmas holidays, bastard is always on a bad mood after his stay but again he pays rent
    -Outdoors, lots of open space around
    -Ongoing fight with squirrels neighboors, they tend to shit on the drive way, the racoon is helping me to fight back, we are doing the same to their tree.
  11. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to The Blackangel in Americans Should Be More Upset About The Right Wing Assault On Education And Teachers   
    Are you fucking serious? Your kind committed terrorist attack on the capital, you're pushing white washing of education, you pass voter suppression bills, you're pushing religion into public schools, you make terroristic threats, you attack Democrats and liberals in general, you remove the LGBTQ+ community from even being fucking people, and you ban libraries from having books that you would object to.
    There are even some assholes that are trying to get history books banned because there are images of ancient Greek pottery with nude people on it, so they are calling it pornography.
    Conservatives are fucking idiots, lunatics, and fascists. They hate democracy, and support dictatorship under a racist moron. They are actively doing everything they can to destroy what is left of this country. The USA is long gone. We are the SA, or just America, as we're no longer united.
  12. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Patrik in Way u @?   
    Casablanca, Morocco.
    It's average 10-13 degrees these days, so cold, busy traffic, friendly people and a unique vibe mixed between simplicity and modernity!
  13. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    Cyberpunk just got a 1.5 update, so I'm gonna go ahead and download the game now to see if it's a ps4 dumpster dive or not. 
  14. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Heatman in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    Seriously, I never really understood the point of having nudity in Cyberpunk 2077. There was so much they can do in the game and not that. 
  15. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Boblee in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    Nudity is a very big thing in the world right now and I have a very good reason to believe that it's the cause of them having it in the game to gain attention. 
  16. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    It's like it's some kind of joke. There are romance scenes so maybe that's what the purpose is for. Supposedly you can't romance one of the female NPC if you play the female, so that's another hypocritical thing while you can customize the character to be a trans. You should be able to romance whoever, especially in a game like Cyberpunk 2077. I think the game was more meant to play as the male protagonist because all the romance options are open with the female NPC's. 
  17. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Heatman in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    Seriously, like they have nothing else good to do with character's customization in the game but their sexual parts. These guys are seriously unbelievable. 
  18. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    So I finally got to play Cyberpunk 2077 on ps4 and everything worked fine. Only time will tell if it stays that way, so I will keep myself with low expectations. Relating to this topic, the character customization shows breasts, penis, and vagina. I don't even understand the point of customization at all whatsoever because the game is in 1st person. You can even change your customization whenever you want when you reach your apartment. So again, what the hell is the point? And to even go through the process of customizing breast and penis size is just to get people talking about it, since it has no purpose and you never see it unless you change your customization features at the apt. I played both male and female characters to see which is best and I think I'll stick with the male since the voice goes better with the environment, but that's only my opinion. I read up to see if Cyberpunk will ever make it 3rd person, but I highly doubt it. It was made to play 1st person. Never know though. So the nudity serves no purpose other than to get attention. Saints Row 2, you actually can run around nude, but the parts are blurred. So why that hasn't spurred debate while Cyberpunk has, who knows. 
  19. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    It should be ready to try tonight; was a big update to download like almost 60 gb. But it's downloading 1.51. That means 1.50 had some issues and I looked up to see if 1.51 fixed it but supposedly that has a bunch of corruption issues. I'll find out soon enough. 
    You are right about that. 1.51 is already out and probably a 1.52 soon. Shoot, in a week it'll be at 4.51. 
  20. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Kane99 in Games I am (and have been for months now) waiting for and looking forward to   
    Stalker 2 looks pretty dope.  Never played the first game. Should I play that first or play this instead when it comes out?
  21. Like
    Lamarr the strelok got a reaction from Crazycrab in Xbox Buys Activision. Sony Buys Bungie. Where is Nintendo in this buying craze?   
    I'm a PS and PC player mostly. Nintendo has their niche now and I don't think that's gonna go down anytime soon.I think they'll invest a bunch on online games and services in the next few years.I don't know how you can exclude the biggest and most successful icon in gaming history from the video game 'pie'.As far as graphics, all the pretty ray traced,blah blah stuff don't mean anything if the rest of the game is boring.Much like guitars and amps, you don't need the most expensive product to have fun and be productive.And yes Switch doesn't have some big games I guess,but it's the only place to get all the Nintendo exclusives.I'm starting to think there's a ton of Nintendo fans that simply don't squack about how great the switch,etc is. Maybe console and PC people are more vocal than Nintendo fans. Dammit! Now I wanna get a Switch and make a bunch of animal buddies in Animal Crossing!
  22. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Boblee in Moments in games you are forced to do something you hate?   
    Thank you very much for the clarity of what QTE's is all about. I actually thought you had forgotten my inquiry. 
  23. Like
    Lamarr the strelok got a reaction from Heatman in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    Reality this game had such a disastrous launch I'd put that disc in my ps4, get the current update and see if it ran ok.It still might be an unplayable mess but I'd like to see if it's playable now. I'd look at it like an experiment then maybe shake my head and un install it. But yeah It looks and plays better on ps5.
  24. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Heatman in Moments in games you are forced to do something you hate?   
    I could have sworn it was a completely different thing but thanks for clearing things up for him and myself as well because I was perplexed too. 
  25. Like
    Lamarr the strelok reacted to Heatman in Cyberpunk 2077 question   
    If I really needed a sex scene, I definitely know exactly where to go for it. Why would they stress it on the game? 
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