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Everything posted by Yaramaki

  1. You should get the game with the cover art below, not the one released in 1999 ๐Ÿ˜‰ , but man if you lived in europe i'd just send you a stack of ps3 games to keep you busy :
  2. sony made me poorer over the years, but what has this to do with the topic at hand, it's about timed exclusive games/content. I just had to give an example and sony seemed to be doing this a lot in recent times. I remember when Rise of the tomb raider was an exclusive to microsoft for a year, it did the game more harm then good. in other words Timed exclusivity is just pure bullshit in the end.
  3. You're damn right, even if you just buy your games digital you still have the option of the disc drive, needless to say you have options to not being stuck to the ps store alone.
  4. Seems like sony is becoming king in netting timed exclusives games for their playstation consoles, now with the recent releases of ghostwire, deathloop and kena : bridge of spirits apperently all being timed exclusives this has got me wondering, what do you think off this practice? is it a good thing or a waste of money? Let's discuss!!
  5. Yes they did, Polyphony Digital Made Motor Toon Grand Prix 1 and 2 for the ps1. Quite obscure games since the first game was never even released outside of japan. Oh how could i forget they also did the exellent Motor bike simulation Tourist Trophy on the ps2 offcourse.
  6. I had to double check and that made me realise that there is no excuse that i have a serious problem, last year and this year, the only thing i use is the series x, the ps2 i will also use in the future once i finally get around moving everithing from my parents place, i meanly bought that version because i can use a european plug on that model, both dreamcasts (partners lim edition and sakura wars lim edition) are brand new so i don't plan on using them why would i, the wii u is also brand new but i may use it one of these days :
  7. Career mode hasen't changed in like forever, yes there may be a few new additions here and there but not enough to warrant 60 bucks on a yearly basis because it's a shame for offline players like myself that nothing has changed all these years, also how is it even possible that career mode in fifa 11 is way better then in current fifa games. something i never understood, how is it even possible when you start a career manager mode that you can just pick any team you want to manage, doesen't make sense to just being able to be able to pick a team like real madrid as a team.
  8. call of duty isen't going to be a xbox exclusive anytime soon, maybe something from blizzard or a smaller game will be exclusive but not call of duty, microsoft would lose a huge slice of the playstation pie and i doubt they want that. Probably something similair to what they did with minecraft seems the more likely option i think.
  9. If all you can think off that you don't have to get up for changing a game then i don't know, may aswell start wearing a diaper so you don't have to get up to go to the toilet anymore. Not going to be involved into the same discussion again but not a fan of digital fan myself,
  10. No idea why you're comparing Need for speed with Gran turismo as both are completly different games. Need for speed is an arcade racer, GT is a sim racer. It's like comparing apples to oranges doesen't really make a whole lot of sense. The best thing Ea can do is reevaluate the Need for speed series and get back to what made the series populair and give the franchise to a capable studio because Ghost clearly isen't able to make a decent need for speed game. Ea owns codemasters and slightly made studios now so why not let them make a Need for speed game.
  11. How about a round of Gwent?
  12. Don't you think career mode has gone stale after all these years, wheter as a player or a manager Ea haven't really changed a whole lot over the years. They could start by sort off introduce a basic story to make career mode somewhat fresh again, or do you not care about that?
  13. So please tell me for a person who hasen't bought a wwe game since 2011, is it worth jumping in the series now or should i not bother at all? I don't follow wrestling but i'm kinda curious after seeing some career mode clips on youtube to check it out for myself. I assume many of the older wrestlers are present aswell?
  14. Can't talk about ps4 and ps5 as i don't have a ps5 yet, i do have a ps4 pro and can't imagine games released cross platform (both on ps4 and ps5) are going to look that much nicer on ps5 at this moment. I'm only talking about cross platform games. I've got a series x for a few months now and the only real noticable thing is the loading times especiall ac valhalla loads up so much faster but that is just about it, my xbox one x would have been fine to use for atleast one more year. Surely there will be some difference if you play it on base xbox one or base ps4 since we're talking about hardware that is almost 9 years old. I'd personally prefer smooth gameplay and a steady framerate above graphics. One last thing i'd like to mention is that if you're interested check out the youtube channel Digital foundry they do many side by side comparisons between platforms and technical analysis if that's your thing.
  15. VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action comes to mind, If you like point and click/adventure games you should check it out, it's not every day you get to play as a bartender in the near future.
  16. I think telltale games should be worth a mention since they Revolutionized the adventure and point and click genre. The first walking dead game was a master piece, it's a shame telltale started pumping games left and right without ever really changing or improving on their mechanics, i've recently played the walking dead final season and low and behold it still plays the same as the first walking dead. Gameplay is still bare minimum but i guess that's not why you play these games. Dontnod with their Life is strange games kinda copied the telltale formula but vastly improved upon it. Stardew valley is another game i would like to bring up, that game takes all the great elements from farming games from harvest moon/stardew valley and combine it with rpg elements and vastly improved on anything SOS/HV have done, the fact you still discover new stuff after over a hundred hours of gameplay says it all. Not only is it the best farming game out there, it also popularized the farming/life simulation genre as a whole. The recently released harvest moon is absolute garbage and story of seasons pioneers of olive town, while not bad it left me with mixed feeling as it could have so much more. The fact Stardew valley was made by one person makes it even more impressive. Man i could list tons more but feels like i'm beating a dead horse.
  17. Did you play the wipeout omega collection on ps4?
  18. I picked this up on the cheap and have enjoyed it for what's it worth, get's kinda repetitive after a while tough. Doubt they will ever remake it, since all i heard it sold very badly. But they remade the wonderful 101 so you may never know. As angry video game nerd would say What were they thinking? Putting a bloody gory game on a family friendly console.
  19. I don't really have a problem with microtransactions if they are optional and don't disturb normal gameplay. I don't really get developers on this either, since it does more harm then good for their games. Take the recent backlash Gran turismo 7 is taking because let's be honest, what a dick move from sony to include microtransactions a few weeks after launch it not also makes them look like money greedy assholes. GT7 on the ps5 costs already 10 bucks more the usual price, pretty sure it costs damn near 75 euros over here. I don't really play multiplayer so can't really talk too much about that. Like i said free to play games are something i stay away from, if they offer the whole experience for a fixed price, i'll gladly try some of them out. I always wanted to play Genhsin impact but since it's free to play i'm not going to bother why they don't offer it as a complete game for a fixed price i'll never understand. Maybe i'll just need to get over the fact that games are nothing but consumables these days, you're done with them and move onto the next to be never played again. It's kinda saddening since kids who grow up these days are not likely to be able to play a game from their childhood again if they ever want to offcourse. Who am i to comment on somebody who likes free to play games and should they spend money on it or not. I think it's a waste of money and that's what the original title off the topic says. but then again if i spend 15 bucks at mcdonalds and another person spends 15 bucks on something they get hours of enjoyment off and it makes them happy. I'm most likely the real loser in this scenario ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. No idea i stay away from free to play games, but the idea of paying cash for a skin or a weapon sends a sends a shiver down my spine. But hey to each their own, who am i to judge ๐Ÿ˜‰ If you get value out of the game and you think it's worth it, that is what matters. i'm just not really into the idea off paying to advance in a game, i'd rather just buy the whole game, instead of being bothered every few minutes to buy something.
  21. Current gen i always buy new, if i don't want to pay full price, i just wait until it drops in price and pick up a copy. Most games drop a few months after release. Retro i'll settle with used but only if it's complete and in exellent condition.
  22. NO, skins and weapons should to be something you should get as reward for playing the game not something someone should fork out their hard earned cash for.
  23. Do older consoles count or are we just talking current gen systems? If only current gen counts my parents suprised me with a series x a few months ago.
  24. I think nintendo is imo the most innovative company, i mean they reinvented themselves with the Wii console, got a stinker (albeit great system imo) with the wiiu and bounced back with the switch. Take any recently inhouse developed game by nintendo there is always something innovative in their games, Mario oddysey pretty much revamped the mario franchise, Breath of the wild gives you a sense of freedom i've experienced in maybe a handful of games. Super smash brothers is kinda the ultimate tournament f and local co-op fighter. Super mario maker while pretty much a creation tool, it's a game you could in theory play endlessly. Fire emblem three houses dare i say it's best strategy Rpg i have played. Should i go on๐Ÿ˜‰
  25. Why not try Driver : San francisco on your ps3 my man gives you something else to play then mgp games ๐Ÿ˜‰, Driver san francisco may suprise you as it's quite good and holds up fairly well. The story may be over the top but The shift mecanic int he game is really quite something you have to experience and wonder why no other racing game has used this since. Pretty sure you can find a copy for dirt cheap somewhere in a gamestop or online. With that said Ubisoft should bring back the driver franchise, i mean use the map of the crew and the shift mecanic and you have already have a winner on your hands.
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