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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. With a new Fortnite season comes new weapons and this time around, we have been spoiled by Fortnite and Epic Games by the many new weapons that we have to use this season. I have been playing a few hours myself today and so far, out of all the new weapons so far, the scoped SMG has to be my favourite followed by the rocket ram that they have released as well which is a cool weapon. What have been your favourite new weapons in this season?
  2. So today was the day (25th of August 2023) when we got a new season on Fortnite, Chapter 4 Season 4 which is called The Last Resort and I have played it for a few hours today with my kids and I will admit, compared to Season 4 Chapter 3, this one is a lot better and I am loving going back to a similar season as Chapter 2 Season 2 which was the Midas season during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Have you played any Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 yet? What are your thoughts on the new season?
  3. Shortie


    This was a game I missed myself I believe from the Sega Mega Drive. I always remember playing so many games but this one does not ring a bell at all for me. This is why I love emulators though as I know any games I may have missed, I can go back to if I wish to play and try them 🙂
  4. I remember the Atari being the console that I started gaming on and that got me into gaming. For now the price is a little too high for me but I would imagine that there are many people who would jump on that for a console like that especially if they are the type who like to collect consoles as well.
  5. I remember when they released GTA, everyone went crazy to ensure they grabbed it, that was a very unexpected freebie from them and if I remember rightly, it was around Christmas as well and it was like gifts from Epic during that time and GTA has to have been the best one yet.
  6. I remember spending once close to £100 for a certain edition of a game I once bought years ago. I believe it was a Call of Duty game that I purchased at the time but that is the highest I have paid for a video game. In terms on in game purchasing, I wouldn't like to even guess how much I have spent on that over the years 😄
  7. I remember my kids used to play Minecraft a lot and they used to spend hours on the survival mode. I was only ever one to play in creative building things and doing pixel art as well in the game as I never could fully get into survival to the extent some people do. I still play Minecraft now on creative just to chill out.
  8. This is something I have worried about seeing happen now that AI is getting more clever. Game developers will almost definitely lose their jobs because it will be cheaper to use AI to write code over hiring someone to do it. I would like to say it is a long time coming before we do see that but seeing how fast AI progresses, it may be less time than we think.
  9. Forza is one of my favourites when it comes to racing games. I haven't had time to play the latest Forza Horizon game as much as I wanted to but the game with every new release just gets better over time. GTA is great for just driving around sometimes and checking out the map, they have such huge maps and loads to explore and being able to do that in a vehicle is awesome.
  10. This is definitely very much the case. I found that using the tutorial and even practicing as well really helped me get better at the game to a certain extent and having the ball cam turned on in the settings to stay on helps a great deal. I still have a ways to go to be a lot better but I have scored goals and made some awesome saves so not too bad 🙂
  11. I was actually shocked I made it to level 200 this season as it was not the greatest level. I am now at 221 and will be honest, I have nothing more to do this season and ready for the new season on Friday now. I feel playing a lot of creative and UEFN modes within creative helped me reach the level I did. I last played Fortnite again not too long ago, made it to gold in ranked and I am happy with that, ready for a new ranked season and new season altogether in the game now.
  12. I played it myself on an Android device and I found that it ate the battery and also made the device really warm as well. I found keeping it plugged in helped with the battery but not with how warm the phone got. A power bank is definitely a must though if you tend to play a lot of Call of Duty Mobile on the go!
  13. Oh no! I can only imagine. Is it something you like to tell or is it something you prefer to keep to yourself? I can't remember myself playing Frogger in an arcade either but I always remember playing at home when I was younger. I honestly can't remember seeing Frogger in any arcades I went to which was a shame.
  14. Thank you so much! I agree about the list of games though, are we even gamers though if we don't have a huge back log of games that we may never play LOL. I know I have a huge backlog myself and even if I tried, I probably wouldn't get through them all!
  15. I did not know that, that is an awesome feature to have with the Oculus to prevent any kind of severe injuries or issues when playing. I agree, even though I know some have played drunk when using VR, this game may not be a wise one to play when drunk LOL!
  16. That we did LOL. Definitely no worries for safety back then when we would try and play frogger in real life. Nowadays if kids were to try that, could you imagine the outroar across the internet as I would imagine they would record it and post it on the internet for everyone to see.
  17. At the moment I am very much into Fortnite especially with the new season only being a few days away now. I also enjoy playing games such as Destiny 2, and Overwatch and have in the past played games such as Elden Ring as well. So many different games I could mention but I could be here a while 🙂
  18. We now see different servers that offer a space for those who wish to take part in GTA RP and I have seen many times people wondering if GTA RP would ever come to GTA 5 or maybe even GTA 6 when that is finally announced and released. GTA RP is very popular and there is no doubt about that and bringing it to either a current game or even GTA 6 could be a huge move by Rockstar? What are your thoughts? Do you feel Rockstar would ever add GTA RP to their game?
  19. This is very true. With so much that you are able to do with friends and also as mentioned the GTA RP as well, people are keeping GTA 5 alive through all that. I don't think stopping playing the game altogether will rush Rockstar to release GTA 6 any sooner, I believe that GTA 6 will be bigger than GTA 5 was and the time it is taking for us to even see an announcement is simply because they are working on getting the game perfect!
  20. This is actually quite weird but also at the same time, it is something you would want to experience as well. I have seen many videos where people panic on VR over things such as height or even falling but something like zombies is completely different. I definitely see some accidents happening when people are fighting zombies using a VR headset in their own living room!
  21. I have seen today circling the internet that it is looking as though Apple will be announcing the iPhone 15 very soon. This is no surprise as I feel Apple always seem to announce a new phone or device around September time and with things circling today, it could very well be the iPhone 15 we see announced very soon. If the iPhone 15 gets announced, are you someone who would buy it on release or would you rather wait a while?
  22. It was coming for Trump. The guy has always been someone who thinks he is better than anyone else and that no one, not even the law can touch him and he can do as he likes. Both times he has been in court or seeing leaving or heading to the courts he's looked worried and tried to hide it. I can for sure say that he's not hiding it very well. I hope they throw the book at him for everything he has done, it's a shame that there are still so many ignorant people in the world that believe he can do no wrong.
  23. Due to what is offered on the Steam deck compared to what I can play on the Nintendo Switch and out of the two which one has the games that would interest me more, I would have to go with the Nintendo Switch. I love the idea of the Steam deck but to be honest, I feel they rushed it's release and with everything available in the steam library not being available on the steam deck, that is something that also puts me off.
  24. I always remember playing it on the Atari 🙂 remember that was the first time I played video games and it was my dad that introduced me and my brother to gaming that way 🙂 I am pretty sure it is still available but a more updated version on Xbox and possibly PlayStation as well as I have played it a few times on Xbox as well for the nostalgia 🙂
  25. EA have announced that they will be bringing out their own football game this year since losing their contract with FIFA and FIFA 23 being the last game they could release under the FIFA name. So far, many are excited for the release of EA FC but of course, it is another game a year after the last game with a name change so will there really be many changes aside from possible team moves and new players? Will you be playing EA FC? Are you excited for it?
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