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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I'm not talking about justifiable homicide like a cop or bounty hunter would face. This is amongst civilians. What I'm referring to is killing someone when you're not in personal danger for something they have done. The movie A Time To Kill is a great example of this. If someone was to rape a female family member (especially your daughter) do you think killing them is the right thing to do? If someone breaks into your house, do you have the right to kill them? In my opinion the answer to all these questions is a firm YES. I have actually gone on the record with the cops that if someone breaks into my house I will intentionally kill them. I will open fire and keep shooting until I know for a fact that they are dead. I will probably fire an extra round or two just to make sure they are dead. I don't have kids, but if someone was to attack my daughter I would torture them to death. Slowly and as painful as I could make it. People like that deserve to die. They have no business being alive. What about you? Do you think it's ever justified to commit a murder as a civilian?
  2. You're definitely right there. Everything is scripted and preplanned, but the injuries they suffer and the grueling schedule is 100% real. There's not a wrestler alive who hasn't suffered a serious injury. There have also been wrestlers who died as a result of the business. The most well known being Owen Hart. What I mean by fake, is a lot of the physical violence. They don't punch each other with their full strength, or some of the moves. For example, with the pile driver, their head isn't slammed into the mat. It's actually held high up enough so that it doesn't hit the mat like that. If they did drive their opponents head into the mat, it would almost definitely cause either paralysis or even death from a broken neck. And if you watch someone punch, they stomp the mat as they swing. But most don't even notice that as they're not looking at the wrestlers feet.
  3. The original Metroid (NES) was a lot of fun. I also have Metroid II on Game Boy. They're great games. The original was so wildly different from other games, that it was initially thought it would be a "one and done" kind of game. A lot of the games that came out back then were like that. But the sales of Metroid were significant enough that Nintendo took notice. There was a new Metroid for every Nintendo system with the exception of the Virtual Boy and the Game Boy until the GBA came out. The franchise has been wildly successful. Not as successful as their more recognizable franchises (Mario & Zelda) but still a big time seller.
  4. They're absolutely still around. Every grocery store around here has them, and there's still commercials on TV for them. I don't know if they're available in Jamaica, but here they're as available as any other snack cracker. And they even have different cheese flavors.
  5. Yeah it was an offensive price. We actually went out to eat afterwards. We had planned on eating there at the event, but with those prices, we decided to get an actual meal somewhere in town. As for Barney, it would have been interesting to see some asshole in the costume standing next to a life size T-Rex that actually moved a little bit.
  6. Her birthday is August 13th 2017. So she'll be 6 this year. I've had her since she was a baby and had grown all her feathers. So she was a few months old. She gets into bitey moods a lot, and makes sure to shit on me every time I have her out. Maybe it's her misguided way of showing affection.
  7. "It looks like it's not a Phillips, and it's also not like the cross hair one..." A Phillips screwdriver IS the "cross hair" one. I've seen come complete fake videos in my time, but this one takes that cake. The only thing I can think of that's fake, but portrays itself as real is pro wrestling. But in this case, I would give more credit to wrestling.
  8. I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this, but to me it looks like some kind of fighting game in the same vein of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Is that right? With you mentioning JRPG's @Shagger I'm now officially confused. I've never particularly been into anime, so I really don't know what to look for in these kind of games. The only anime I even really know of is Dragon Ball Z. Unless that one no longer counts. If Pokemon is anime, then I know of two.
  9. I'm somewhat like that with Zelda games. I have virtually all of them, including 3 ROM-hacks, but I'm not really trying to collect them all intentionally. I just love the franchise so damn much, that I tend to buy every game as soon as it released. Off the top of my head, there's a couple that I have zero interest in. Cadence Of Hyrule and Hyule Warriors being two of them. There's probably others (very few) that I won't be picking up. The abominations on the CD-i are definitely out. Hell, I even have the cartoon series on DVD.
  10. Ave There are a few YouTube creators here as well. An exchange of ideas and pointers with those more experienced with YouTube and those less experienced could be a fun conversation.
  11. Ave When you say older, what are you referring to? I'm a classic gamer myself (N64 & back) so I would love to have someone to talk about the classics with!
  12. @Rain Dew and I went to a dinosaur event Friday. It was a total letdown. There was almost nothing there, and what was there was entirely child oriented. I'm talking under 10. So for adults to drive several hours to an event that had virtually nothing, it was entirely a waste of money. But the concession stand is where they really rip you off. A can of soda was $3. But that's not the worst of it. A damn hotdog cost $8. EIGHT DAMN DOLLARS. If @Rain Dew had wanted one I wouldn't have let her eat it. We would have had the damn thing bronzed instead. I bought a soda that I thought would get me a fountain drink. How wrong I was.
  13. Yeah, dino nuggets would count. I love chicken nuggets too, but I don't care what shape they are. I gobble them up. I used to love goldfish crackers, but these days I've grown to like Cheez-It's better.
  14. Cocaine Bear 4/10 It had its moments, but overall wasn't much more than a creature feature, despite it being based on the real events of a true story.
  15. My jaw hit the ground when I saw the pics of his collection. To hell with Gangsta's Paradise, that's a gamers paradise. I knew there were millions of videogames that have come out over the years, but until you've actually seen it, that's just a meaningless number. 🤯
  16. I really hate my damn fingers. That was supposed to say I USE one of them as an email they can connect to.
  17. That is something people wouldn't believe about me. Aside from growing up on 80's rock, I was forced to listen to country music all the time as well. It's what my parents listened to. A weird thing about me is that I absolutely despise bubblegum pop music, but I like KPOP. I'm weird.
  18. One that I haven't seen mentioned yet is GTA. There are gamers that snatch up whatever new one it is that comes out and play the hell out of it. I'm sure there are gamers out there that refuse to play anything else. I know there are gamers like that with certain franchises of games. I grew up on Nintendo and still love it. But I still play several other systems. After PS1 launched, I got into PlayStation, mostly due to Castlevania SOTN and FF8. Since then I've been gaming on more than Nintendo. I love my PS5, and despite initially hating it, enjoy the hell out of my Xbox One. I'm still a Nintendo chick, but I also play many other systems.
  19. I honestly never cared, but the vast majority of the games I ever owned were in jewel cases. I think I have owned one game that was in the long box. But I don't think I have it anymore. I do have a PS2 game in a long box, but don't remember what it is.
  20. I never played Super Punch Out, but I played the hell out of SMW and B&B. But I have to say that Beavis & Butthead was a lot better and more fun on the Sega Genesis.
  21. Was free speech a thing? I can't seem to recall. Also how long is it going to be before the government tries to charge @DC for running VGR and in turn being forced to charge to use the site? He would never go for it, and probably tell the government to piss off, but I can unfortunately see them trying. Despite it being a video game site, they would probably lose their shit if any games they didn't approve of were mentioned. No more GTA. No more RDR2. No more COD. We would be limited to sports and bible games. If that.
  22. My grandfather received 5 bronze stars and some other kind of medal from the army. He was a medic in WW2, and was part of a unit that liberated Auschwitz. Aside from him, I don't know anyone else that received any kind of medals or special honors.
  23. Ave You should be able to get answers to just about any question that you have. Just make sure to read the Rules & Guidelines of the forum, and you should be just fine.
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