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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I'm disabled as well, and in a wheelchair. But some of these simulators are just going too far. I got to experience a lot of things before I was stuck like this. I had a lot of different kinds of jobs, grew up on a small stock farm, was a bull rider as a teen, and a lot of other things. Now, however, there's not a lot I can do that I enjoy. So I guess I got a lot of it out of me that simulators would cover. But I still think they're going too far when there's one called Job Simulator.
  2. @DC can you make this topic sticky? I was looking for it the other day, and for some reason I couldn't find it.
  3. Switch--- The Childs Sight (DDL) Skyrim Thief Simulator (DDL) Blasphemous (DDL) Revenge Of The Bird King (DDL) Aldred Knight(DDL)
  4. Off the top of my head, I would have to say when a bite bug farted on me in FF8.
  5. I played SimFarm on Win95, but was never gung-ho about it. Unless things like Roller Coaster Tycoon count as sim games, I never played any other sim games. It doesn't have the appeal to me that it needs to keep my attention. More power to those that enjoy it, but in all seriousness, with the Job Simulator I have only one thing to say: WHAT THE HOLY FUCK????
  6. A large number of the games I play were unique titles that never got any kind of sequels. So I can't comment on those games. But the ones that do have sequels never bumped out the previous entries in the list. I still play Zelda 2, FF1 (NES) and FF2/3/4 (SNES), and even though I've seen a lot of people say they're all the same thing, I still play all of the God Of War games. My favorite is Chains Of Olympus. Just because it's old, or there's a new entry in the series, isn't a valid reason to quit playing a game that you enjoy.
  7. I don't plan, I improvise. If I decide to do something it's entirely in the moment. i don't plan to do something 5 minutes from now, because I could be dead 3 minutes from now. So like I said, I don't plan. I improvise.
  8. If you could literally remove one thing from existence, what would it be and why?
  9. It's an attractive game. My only complaint is that I wish the camera was closer to the characters.
  10. I played the classics. Pacman, Pitfall, Space Invaders, Asteroids, etc. I also played some more modern games when I was a bit older and all the good ones were gone. I played Silent Scope, Soul Calibur 2, and Dance Maniax. It's similar to DDR, but you use your hands instead of your feet. The Soul Calibur 2 machine that I played was on the Mizzou campus, so it got a LOT of attention. It ranked the top 100 players. I was ranked at 6th place. But that was almost 20 years ago, and I don't even know if the machine is still there. Probably not, since there have been so many sequels since then. But me and Kilik were virtually unstoppable.
  11. Blaster Master. The mix of fantasy and sci-fi is just awesome.
  12. Out of the ones in my library, there are several. Marble Madness (NES) - The marbles are damn near impossible to control. And the last level, if you're even able to make it there, is so hard it's almost unbeatable. And the fact that there's a timer just ups the insane difficulty. Solar Jetman (NES) - Literally impossible to control that god damn ship. 'Nuff said. Zelda Oracle Games (Game Boy) - I get stuck so easily in these games in spots that I just can't figure out where to go to get out of that area so I can go to other parts of the world map, that I have to putt out the guide. I'm absolutely horrible at the games. South Park The Fractured Butthole (Multiple) - This game is just a bitch. For me it's hard as hell. Not sure why, but I have immense difficulty on this one. DKC (SNES) - This one enrages me to no end. I've beaten the first 2, but never even played the third one, just because of how pissed I get. The only reason I have it is to complete the trilogy. Darkstone (PS1) - This one is just a "Huh?" game. Nothing makes sense, and there seems to be no actual goal. I've played it quite a bit, and found nothing. So either I suck, or I just don't know what the hell I'm doing. I used to be really good at fighting games, but I haven't played any in years despite the fact that I have quite a few. I think I'm just rusty as hell. I'm leaving out ROM-hacks because that's too easy to talk about.
  13. I just did a major run to Walmart today. I’m gonna be trying to put shit away all weekend.
  14. The Core is a good one. I haven’t watched it in a while, but always enjoyed it when I did.
  15. It’s par for the course these days, but not too terribly long ago, it was unheard of for there to be any kind of vulgarities in a video game. People were freaking out over blood in Mortal Kombat. The first time I ever heard, or maybe more appropriately READ, a video game cuss was in FF8. Mostly it was Zell. He had a bit more of a mouth than anyone else, but there were also messages from the game. Like when you fight Wedge and Biggs at the prison, it often pops up a message that says ”Wedge is pissed.” I’m not joking. That’s literally what it says. So what was the first time you heard a game cuss?
  16. I stand mine up on end so they have a larger area to dispel heat. That has helped immensely.
  17. I don’t think those who are subscribed to PS Plus will be let down. Nintendo is kicking ass on their end, so PlayStation will want to keep up with them.
  18. Maybe it’s because I’ve only been awake for about 20 minutes, but I’m not fully following your question. If I have it wrong tell me, but the only old school Nintendo game I can think of that ported to Switch is Links Awakening. I play on my Switch a lot, but no more than I play on my NES, SNES, and N64.
  19. I haven’t played it, but I’ve heard a lot of people say that it gets extremely boring really quick.
  20. Lake Hylia in Zelda. Specifically the version from Ocarina. The tranquility of the lake is just calming to me. There have been several times in real life that I’ve started up the game just to take Link there and just leave him alone so I can look at the water. Since I can’t do that IRL anymore, it’s a nice release for me in game.
  21. I never would have expected a statement like that from a developer, but at least they're honest. That garners a lot of respect from me. Simply due to the honesty, I'm going to look into more indie games than usual. My tastes typically run on a fairly narrow stream, but have been getting out there more here lately. How about a recommendation? Games and developers both to check out.
  22. The only good thing I can see from the delay is right in what he said. "The good news is, we're nearly done with development of The Last Of Us Part II. We are in the midst of fixing our final bugs." Every game, despite honest efforts of honest developers has bugs when it hits the shelves that they didn't catch before it was released. So this delay can give them time to weed out bugs that they missed and give the initial release a better game. I'm not trying to shit on anyone. No one is perfect. But, in my eyes, more time to develop equals better results on the finished product.
  23. I'm a classic gamer, and as such, virtually everything I play is a cartridge. So I tend to buy more from eBay than anything. I also shop on the Nintendo eShop quite a bit from my Switch. I think the most I've spent on a single game there was $2.99 or so. Some of the games I've gotten are masterpieces. Some were ok. Others weren't anything special. My favorite so far is Goblin Sword. I have been playing the hell out of it. If you're a fan of old Sega Genesis style graphics then you would love this one. Also there was a game I bought the other day that literally was selling for only one penny. 1 cent. It looked good, and at a single penny whether I liked it or not I wasn't losing a damn thing.
  24. I'm gonna slap myself for this one but.... DRM? I'm not good at acronyms much past "LOL".
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