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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Obviously not. @DC already said he's against the idea.
  2. After drama, horror is my favorite type of movie.
  3. Most of the shows I watched as a kid are off the air now. The only ones left are remakes and not the original.
  4. I'm not looking for song based hatred, like their songs suck. I'm looking for things about the musician themselves. For example I can't stand Taylor Swift, or more appropriately, Talentless Skank. She can't sing, she is a pathetic little whore that only wants to date a guy so she can treat him like shit then have a song written saying he was the asshole. Then there's Ariana Grande. Her self worship is so far beyond sickening I don't think there's a word for it. Also, licking donuts then putting them back? And to top it off she's not cute. Semi-attractive, maybe. But I've seen things in the toilet that were better looking than her. And lastly, off the top of my head, is Marilyn Manson. Wow. Where do I even begin. He want's to be taken as a black metal musician, but he's forgetting one thing. You have to have talent to be a musician. He's nothing more and N*Sync with mascara. His songs, if they can be called that, are all the same repetitive high school bullshit over and over. Maybe you should try something new Brian Warner? Oh and the Beastie Boys tried way too hard at the age of 12 which earns them a spot on this list. Just watch the video to You Gotta Fight and you'll see what I'm talking about. 12 year old white boys trying to hard. And before you get your panties in a twist about me bringing race into it, I'm white, so in this instance I can.
  5. Not a bad song, but WHAT THE FUCK is that little white thing???
  6. The most relaxing thing for me is watching a heavy downpour of rain. I'm talking heavy flash flood rain. I like to go into my garage where there's no interference from TV, computer, phone, or anything else. Take myself something to drink, maybe something to munch on, and just watch the water fall. I don't like sunny days. I like overcast days, and even better when it rains. If Missouri wasn't my home, I would move to Seattle. Where it's my understanding, that it rains almost all the time.
  7. Physical pain. My body starts to hurt, which leaves me no choice but to get up. Muscular Dystrophy is a bitch.
  8. I was poking around on the Nintendo Eshop last night and came across this game. I watched a preview of it, and bought it immediately. For those that grew up playing Sega Genesis, this game would be right up your alley. It has Sega style graphics and is an amazing game. For those like me that are classic gamers, regardless of what system you grew up playing, you will love it too. One of the best things is it was only $2.99! It's more than worth the money.
  9. No offense but you have a tiny library. Are you just into only one specific franchise? Or into one extremely specific type of game? It's all good if you are. I'm just curious.
  10. I've lost all faith in anything Google except for a search engine. And I'm starting to lose faith in that, as it tends to bring up bullshit that isn't even related to my searches anymore.
  11. There were a couple Super Scope games that were good. Metal Clash was the one I liked best, if memory serves me. I don't remember much about any others, as I haven't touched a Super Scope since the SNES heyday.
  12. If I'm awake I usually tend to just grab my MP3 player and listen to music. I would watch DVD's on my portable, but the noise airplanes make is too loud to hear the movies. Which is confusing because I can hear my music just fine. But this MP3 player is a gift from the Gods. I've had it since the Bush administration, and even stepped on it accidentally at one point. And it still works as if I just took it out of the package. It has a 4gig storage and I absolutely love it.
  13. We haven't driven any of our people to lower themselves to republican status. We fight hard to get rid of all the terrorists in our political system (Chump and Dense for example), and bring in intelligent people that will fight for creating and maintaining a functioning country, while facing the threats to our world like climate change. It's why I support Tom Steyer. He's the last hope this country has.
  14. @DC if you ever want to go with an animal mascot I recommend either a rat or a pitbull. Either Would be appropriate. And I can ever offer the pics.
  15. First off, a "real man" has to exist. Males are all horny 17 year old boys. But if there was a "real man" he wouldn't be afraid of his emotions. He wouldn't be afraid to cry. he would be strong when needed and sensitive when needed. He would be the type to take care of his family, and be responsible for his actions. He would be honest. He would be trustworthy. And above all he would be authentic to himself. But since no man like that exists, we're all stuck with nothing but horny 17 year old boys.
  16. On one hand, I can understand why they do it. If you're bullied incessantly, at some point you're gonna snap. I remember beating the shit out of kids due to bullying in school before I dropped out my Junior year. The bullying I went through was relentless. But I never took a gun to school and shot up the place. On the other hand, when that person snaps, they may go the other way. Instead of leaving the situation, they try to kill it. That's what war is all about. I'll support a justified war. But something like this, I look down on it with disgust. Murder is so generic and uncreative. Where's the art? Where's the creativity? Do something that will be unique and worthy of being remembered. Don't take the lazy way. If you are going to take the lazy way, then you kill the offending persons FAMILY not them. Make them live with the knowledge that their actions caused their loved ones to die. That's more of a punishment then killing the person that hurt you.
  17. Actually there's not a whole lot of that on the DW. that's a myth. The DW is full of bizarre and extremely controversial stuff, but the illegal stuff is rather rare. You have to specifically look for it. And as for those DW mystery boxes that you see all over YouTube? Pure bullshit. None of us know where the hell people got that idea. No one in their right mind would buy a box of random shit on the DW and actually give their address to someone there. You're setting yourself up as a patsy doing that. On the forums, we all get a laugh out of that.
  18. It's mostly a turn based game. But the best part is listening to Iron Maiden through the game.
  19. I didn't really play anything yesterday. I fell asleep really early last night. Somewhere around 5:00 and actually had to be woken up to be told to go to bed, LOL.
  20. Are we talking something compatible with a specific game company? Like something that plays Xbox games? Or are we talking a whole new Gaming console completely different that uses its own format?
  21. Yeah, but with everything turning into digital downloads, backwards compatibility won't be an issue. You just pick the game you want, whether it's 30 days old or 30 years old, and download it. Some will download it to remember the "good ol' days" and others will download it out of curiosity. 20 years from now some college freshman may get curios as to what the hell Q*Bert is and download it. 20 years after that, another college freshman may get curious as to what the hell Skyrim is and download that. They won't even know what a PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch is. They probably won't even know what PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo even means. Their only knowledge will be different companies putting out games they can download on to their gaming storage unit. But by then it will also most likely be a Ready Player One situation. These are sad times. Be ready to be dinosaurs people.
  22. Duck Hunt was the shooter for me. The Zapper was fun as hell to play with. Silent Scope in the arcades was a great one too.
  23. I wouldn't know, as I usually tend to sleep on airplanes, unless it's an extremely short flight.
  24. Since the PS2, most consoles can be stood up on end, and that gives a much bigger exposed area to expel more heat and keep them cooler. But if that isn't working enough, then a small desk fan should do the trick. It has done wonders for me. Or if you're in a relatively small room, and can stand it, you could just put in an air conditioner for that room. For example I turned one of the small extra bedrooms in my house into a home office. It's where I spend most of my time. An AC unit would turn the room into an icebox if I put one in. Or if you don't have a window, you can buy AC units that aren't window units, but they are expensive as hell. Several hundred, pushing close to $1k.
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