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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. As our resident classic game expert, I would love to hear some of your favorites and thoughts on others.
  2. On Nintendo systems, I've been playing for 35 years. On older systems (Atari 2600, Colecovision, etc.) I've been playing closer to 38 years. Currently, I'm 40 years old. And was there ever any real doubt that I'm a gamer?😁 That is in fact NOT a complete roster of games, That is only a small portion of my games, and it is only one system.
  3. That's fine. Everyone reacts to things differently. But Arthur is the only real family or friend that some of us have ever had. So it takes its toll.
  4. We based our system of government on the Roman senate. Look what happened to them. Their entire empire collapsed. It was only a matter of time before the same hing happened here in the states as well.
  5. Pretty much. If Bitcoin or Etherum decides to back out or crypto collapses, you lose what you bought and you're fucked. And with cryptocurrencies being decentralized and just floating on the web, you have no legal guarantees of anything. I just flat out don't trust it. Wikipedia covers it really well. Especially in this section.
  6. Some clips are really good, others are stunning. One of my favorites on the >insert country< Got Talent shows was Andrew de Leon. He was mind blowing and in no way what I was expecting. Susan Boyle was another one that shocked with hidden talent, and was on BGT.
  7. For this conversation, I think the main focus is the American south. I miss the days when I could fill a jar with lemonade, and sit out on the porch swing just watching the world go by. That was truly peaceful. If I had the money, I would have a cabin built way back in the woods so that I could enjoy that once more.
  8. From what I understand, it's untraceable virtual money. Take your bank account for example. Let's say you have $1,000 in it. You don't have $1,000 cash in your wallet. Cryptocurrency works the same way. You would have a form of bank account that instead of having cash behind it, you would have the company you bought from backing it. It's somewhat along the same lines as the NFT bullshit. You buy something virtual, and hope you don't lose your ass doing so. It's why I don't buy cryptocurrency. I don't trust it. I invest in something more tangible. Which is why I buy a troy of silver every month. The price of silver fluctuates by the second, but it holds it's value really well. I would invest in gold, but can't afford it in any way, shape, or form.
  9. I've never had any problems with micro-SD cards. What brand were you using? If you want a brand that's durable, reliable, and the top of the market, you have to go with SanDisk. They're the best available (in my opinion anyway) they're really affordable, and they're one of the few that has released a micro-SD in a 1T size. I would definitely bet that you would never have a problem with that. Of course every company produces lemons from time to time. It's the nature of the beast. But I stand by SanDisk and will go to bat for them to say that you can safely rely on them.
  10. Several of us have been predicting this for years. He tried hard to incite it while he held the White House, and the closest he came was his terrorist attack on January 6th. As soon as he made this comment, the FBI and CIA should have been busting his door down and taken him away in cuffs to interrogate him. Constitutionally they can hold him for 72 hours without giving him any rights. Which means they could be coming at him non stop for those entire 72 hours with multiple teams of interrogators. No sleep, no bathroom breaks, nothing but water and bread. And while they were busting down that door, some of their colleagues should have shut down and dismantled his poor man's Twitter so as to minimize the amount of people that actually see the post. But then again, I'm sure there is some MAGAT(maggot) that would have a screen shot of it, that they would then post on Twitter. So whatever damage he is intending with that post, is easily going worldwide. If any one of us publicly called for a civil war, we would be in federal prison for up to 20 years without trial, as that would count as sedition. They would then hound friends, family, colleagues, and everyone else. They would dig deep into our internet history to see what sites we frequent, and if any of us use the dark web. They would probably have a doctor count our pubes to make sure we had the appropriate amount. Good luck doing that with women as a huge number of us shave. If you think you have any secrets, the government can and will dig them up. If you farted in 3rd grade, they will find out where, when, why, how long the fart lasted, was it silent or loud, and how bad it smelled. I'm absolutely positive that some FBI or CIA asshole is watching me type this post as they have the technology to monitor things in real time.So to them I say: PISS OFF ASSHOLES, IT'S A GOD DAMN GAMING SITE.
  11. Dating apps aren't weird in my opinion. From what I can see, they're actually quite popular.
  12. I've completed the story as well. My issue is that I don't like going past Guarma as it's just too emotional for me. So after we find our way back from the island, I pretty much never see camp again. Not that I have a problem with that, but it's just not the same game after that. Everything's falling apart, almost no one can be trusted. It's just not the gang is was in the beginning. So I tend to play it through those areas instead of completing it. I have one file right now that is in the epilogue, and with the exception of doing it one more time for our gaming channel, I don't plan on going into the epilogue ever again. I just can't take Arthur's death. I didn't cry when my grandmother died, but I break down when he dies.
  13. There is a lot of talk about cryptocurrency here on the forums. And a lot of it is derailing threads that it has nothing to do with. I for one am tired of it, and I know a lot of other people are as well. Therefore if you want to make any mention of cryptocurrency in any capacity, do it here in this thread. Leave other threads to stay on topic. If you're wanting to direct your comment to a specific member for whatever reason, you just have to mention them. They will get the notification.
  14. That's a difficult one. It's a toss up for me between FF8 and RDR2. FF8 has some of the best side quests I've ever seen in a game. And so many of them are hidden so well in the game, that unless you have a guide to let you know that they even exist, you would never find them. RDR2, with its stranger missions also offers a lot of side missions. There are random people all over the map for you to help out, and also random encounters to help. Also there is the Legendary animals and Legendary fish that you can go after. You can catch yourself a wild horse, but the Arabians are the only ones worth catching despite the fact that they are the absolute stupidest animals in the entire damn game. You can also make up your own missions in these games. For example in FF8, you can go after all the best spells in the game. You can try to get your inventory completely full. Something I have never achieved. In RDR2 you can try to get every animal in your compendium. You can also try to get every cigarette card, or go for some of the optional challenges. Those two games are full of endless opportunities.
  15. I never got to play the Sega Saturn. I think it would be interesting to play. But other than that, I've played pretty much everything, and own most of them right now. The ones I own are: Atari 2600 NES SNES N64 Game Cube Wii Switch DS Game Boy/GBA Sega Genesis PlayStation 1/2/3/4/5 PSP Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One Xbox Series S Those are only the ones I can remember off the top of my head. We have more than those but I can't remember them all. The one system I'm trying to find at a price that I can afford is a Colecovision. I had one when I was a kid, but didn't appreciate it at the time. Now I regret it. But things were different in the 80's.
  16. I think a full story of the beginning of the Van der Linde gang, from the time Dutch and Hosea met, up to the Blackwater mess would be great. Like how did Mary-Beth end up in the gang? How did they cross paths with Bill? Whose bright idea was it to not kill Micah on sight? These are things I want to flesh out more than they already are.
  17. No it's not stressful. It's very convenient in actuality.
  18. I have several, the first two are on the same subject manner. First is Nosferatu. It's a silent movie, and an amazing one. The most famous scene is also one of the best. The vampire is feeding and looks up in horror as the sun rises. An all around amazing movie. The next is one that can't be ignored, mainly for the actor. Bella Lugosi's portrayal of Dracula is mesmerizing. He had the look, the elegance, and he portrayed the evil perfectly. There have been many vampires since, and a few Dracula's, but none could ever compare to Lugosi. He was in several of the classics like many Frankenstein movies and the Wolf Man. But my favorite thing is that he did several adaptations of Poe's works. The Black Cat, Murders In The Rue Morgue, The Raven. I know that was more about Lugosi than the movie, but I couldn't help it. Nosferatu and Dracula are two of the best from the black and white era. The House On Haunted Hill is another great one. An eccentric millionaire offers people to his supposedly haunted house, offering them $10,000 if they can make it through the night. Doors locked, windows barred, no phone or radios. A perfect example of classic horror.
  19. I know, I'm just giving you shit.
  20. If you want to know who's online, all you have to do is go to the top of the page, hover your mouse pointer over forum, and then click online users. From there I always just click "logged in".
  21. @DC just what places are you trying to advertise with? I think porn companies may be just a tiny step too far. There's a line, and it's not the one in the cartoon girls pants.
  22. The Wii flat out sucked, in my opinion. I don't have the interest of getting into a debate with anyone on it, regardless of their thoughts on the system. That out of the way, the NES had 716 officially licensed cartridges released on it, that could legally bear the "Nintendo Seal Of Approval" logo on them. But you also have to take in the fact, that a large number of them were multi-game cartridges. That fact alone puts the number of games well over 1,000. There were also games that were released that, while Nintendo couldn't in good conscience put their stamp of approval on them, they had no problem with them being on their system. Like bible games for instance. Then you could also count ROM-hacks made by the fans. Hell, I found a copy of FF7 on an NES cartridge on eBay and snatched it up quick. As for the quality, the NES had the most original and unique games of any system. That is a point that will be argued by many people here, as well as anywhere in the gaming community, but it is something that can't be ignored. To some (like me for instance) it is bone hard fact. To others, it's merely an opinion. There are games on the NES in which the style, and in some cases, the subject matter hasn't been attempted since. Unless you can point me to a sequel to A Boy And His Blob. With the DS, I'm not saying it was a bad console. But you have to consider how many iterations of it there were before you start counting the games. It is like the Game Boy in that regard. Many versions, many games. New versions mean more games. But you also have to consider the number of oversized franchises like Harry Potter and LOTR being brought to mainstream attention. Those games have been made, remade, made over, and made again. Star Wars falls into that trap too. If you ask me, there are too many of some of these games. So that skews the number widely. Granted the DS has several thousand games, which pretty much dwarfs any other system on the market. But the DS has grown and changed since its beginning. The amount of games initially released for the first version, was very low. But the design of the system in the way it worked, has only been rivaled by the Switch when it comes to handheld systems. From the numbers I've seen, 300 games on the DS is only about 10% of the number of games that have been released over the years, through all of its versions and iterations. So while the DS may have the biggest library, it still isn't able to rival the impact the NES had when it launched and still has today. Many people shop for library size, some shop for preferred systems, some shop by genre, others shop by reviews, and others still just shop for quality regardless of age or system. If I only shopped by genre, I would never have played RDR2 a single time. Because up until that, it was all fantasy games for me. I had never been into western games. Custer's Revenge was the one that destroyed any interest for me. I'm not trying to downplay anyone's opinion or preference. To each their own. I'm simply pointing out a few things that I feel should be acknowledged. Nothing more, nothing less.
  23. You actually can play any console game on-the-go. While they’re made by third party manufacturers, there are portable NES, SNES, and even N64 gaming systems. I’ve tried the SNES, as it’s more affordable than the others (not to mention easier to find) and they work quite well. But mine disappeared long ago, so I haven’t used it in more than 10 years.
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