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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. It varies. @DC prefers to let things run their course for the most part, so we try to do the same. But sometimes things are in blatant defiance of the forum rules, or a thread gets to a point that we have to step in. Aside from that, we're no different than anyone else here. Well, @Shagger is certainly... let's be polite and say "different". Fuck it, he's just weird as hell. if that ain't the fucking pot calling the kettle black
  2. I have both the slim and original PS2. The slim being more compact had a lot of advantages over the original. The only disadvantage I can think of is having to pop the top to change discs. Whereas the big one you inserted the disc in the front so the system could take hold of it, instead of having to open it up and pop the disc on the spin mechanic.
  3. It's all good. And BTW, it's not "bro". I'm female.🙂
  4. No, I traded a game I shouldn't have. But I made the decision, and have to live with that. I traded a copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day for something that was nowhere near equal in value. I could have gotten the game off eBay for probably $10. I don't remember what I traded it for, but since I had 2 copies, I thought it was ok. Now I regret it.
  5. I take the amount of time needed until that bug bites me to start playing again. Sometimes it's a few hours, sometimes it's a few weeks. Or possibly even longer. It's like when I'm writing. I can't just sit down and force myself to write. I have to be inspired and have that bug biting me, or (as any author will tell you), anything you write will be pure shit. It's all due to the bug biting you. No bug, no drive.
  6. I've made a lot of trades on CL. Games I wanted, and had extra copies to trade with someone who wanted a game I had. There is one trade I regret, but live and learn.
  7. Yeah, but a 10 year old PC? Shouldn't they upgrade to something better? Sure, it would cost them a lot now, but the performance would more than pay for itself within a year.
  8. Nintendo tries to put blocks on things like their flashback systems, but skilled hackers can easily get around them. They upgrade the memory and hard drive, then add tons of games, spanning several systems, and sell it off for a profit. No flashback is an exception to this, but Nintendo is so greedy that they lose their minds over this shit. I believe that they are of the mindset that since they have been around for 133 years that gives them some sort of entitlement. Granted I'm a Nintendo fan, but the shit they often pull is what made me start playing PS1 way back in the day. I was tired of the bullshit, and wanted something else. I'm not saying Sony is a bunch of saints, but i still gave Nintendo a big "fuck you". And their next few systems after the N64 were absolutely worthless. I hated the Game Cube, Wii, Wii U, and all the versions of the DS. I still hate them. The only systems they have released since the N64 that I enjoy are the GBASP and the Switch.
  9. Being that I'm a classic gamer, and still play systems like Atari 2600 and NES (which are the ones I played as a kid) do I even count on this post? I play the same games on the same systems at 40 years old that I played at 5 years old.
  10. I've never had any issues with buying secondhand games. A lot of my library are used games. Being a classic gamer, I don't really have much of a choice but to get them used. But I have no problems with that whatsoever.
  11. I would be worried that it would enhance that events that caused PTSD. For example if it brought up my memories from when I was in the Marines, I would probably have a complete mental breakdown.
  12. If it's a game I'm really into and absolutely love, I'm willing to pay. For example, a couple weeks ago, I payed $15 to block ads for a year on my Sudoku app, because I absolutely love playing it. Next year, I'll do the same. I can barely get off the game. It's a great mental workout, and just fun as hell on top of that. So in my eyes, it's totally worth the $15 per year.
  13. "All I loved, I loved alone" - Edgar Allen Poe People can love someone or something, and that feeling may not be reciprocated. So it's extremely often that someone loves something alone.
  14. The Blackangel

    Hair Bands

    What is wrong with Poison and Warrant? Their music is incredible. They're two of the best bands of the 80's.
  15. Either way I got a kick out of it. I posted the first two a couple years ago, and just now came across this one. if you like it, cool. If not, cool. I just thought others would enjoy it as everyone seemed to enjoy the first two.
  16. Several things have been suggested in relation to transgender people in sports. Some have suggested weight classes like they do in wrestling. For example, if she weighs 130 pounds, then the cis gendered women should have to weigh the same. Some say that would solve the issue, others not so much. There have been thousands of things proposed, none of them viable. In my opinion, it all boils down to discrimination more than anything. But that's another topic for another thread.
  17. Adding a bunch of moderators sometimes adds to the problems. If the wrong person is made a mod or admin, their ego could take over their duties. They would let their friends get away with whatever they wanted, while going after the ones they don't particularly like for the smallest thing. I've seen that happen. It happened on a forum I used to run, so I had to fire those mods, and appoint new ones. I've also seen it on forums that I joined. There's one that I'm on right now, and for whatever reason one of the mods took a real hatred of me. She attacked me for no reason. She was fired as a mod, and put on a parole type status. She eventually left the forum all together. I don't know what her problem was, but she absolutely hated me. And she abused her position to attack me at every opportunity. Too many mods often equals more problems. But it also depends on who the person is. Some are great, and a true asset. Others should never be offered the privilege of assisting in running a forum for someone. It depends completely on the individual.
  18. So I'm just a joke to you? I never knew that my pain was a source of comedy for others. I guess that makes me rather pathetic then, right?
  19. These candyass chickenshits should have no say whatsoever. If they are too much of a pussy to have their kids actually learn then their only option should be homeschooling. Don't punish the rest of the kids because you're too stupid, and too much of a coward to let your kids learn reality because it makes you "uncomfortable". History isn't always comfortable. But that's no reason to ban it from schools. Do you think black students are comfortable talking about slavery? I would be willing to say they're not. But they still learn it to know what was done to their race by whites in the SA (States of America). You can't fix the scars with a fucking bandaid. You can help try to mend the scars with an education. This segregation of keeping kids from an education is going backwards 100 years. The Titanic is still being built during these kids' education timeline.
  20. Actually they thought witches kept black cats as familiars and could possess the cat. As for the black plague, they blamed rats at the time. But history shows that it wasn't actually the rats, but instead was the fleas they carried that spread the plague.
  21. It would only be over the top only if it wasn't true, and they didn't openly support white supremacy. Even their golden calf refers to nazis as "very fine people" which is something that shows where his personal allegiance lies. The Klan, Proud boys, Westboro Baptist Church, Red Ice, Full Haus, Stormfront, Mannerbund, and hundreds of others all align with the republiKKKlan party and are openly supported by the republiKKKlan party. Then there are the nazis and white supremacists that aren't part of any organizations that also are republiKKKlans. A huge portion of the right wing base is these kind of people. If they all suddenly turned away from politics and never voted again, or switched to another party (not necessarily Democrats), the right wing would dissolve and never have any form of majority or power again.
  22. Most dogs understand instinctively that the child doesn't understand what they're doing. When I was a toddler, I was mean as hell to our animals. They never attacked me once. One even went out of her way to protect me. The only ones that ever got mean were actually our cats. But cats are the spawn of Satan anyway. And there may be some wondering about what @Crazycrab said about poodles. That goofy ass haircut that you see poodles with today? That was actually developed by hunters to keep their joints warm and protected, yet keep them light and slick enough to move through water quickly. It wasn't developed by some pompous rich bitch.
  23. I was about to ask this very question. Arthur became more than a digital character to me, the same as he has to many other people. He was a father, brother, and best friend. All three are things I never truly had. I found them all in him. When he died it broke my heart. I lost all three when I lost him. Even now I'm starting to cry. Go ahead and laugh if you want. Sure, this may not bother a lot of people. But when you develop a relationship, it hurts when you lose that person. And when you feel that pain, REAL MEN CRY.
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