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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. No, I have never played it but I remembered that a friend of mine had recommended this game to me a while back. He used to play it for hours on end.
  2. Resident Evil 2 remake and Resident Evil 7 has some of the best atmospheric sounds in the past year. The eeriness of the silence combined with the occasional zombie roar really keeps you on the edge of your seat.
  3. I also feel like crackdown 3 is going to flop and I didn't even finish the second one because I found it to be a very crappy game. Crackdown on the Xbox 360 was alright - quite a bit above average and it was fun for a while but I got bored of the game.
  4. It has to be one of my most annoying experiences because I had to miss college for a week and a half and it took me close to 3 weeks before I could get any solid food again.
  5. You could just say you were a bit frightened and in the heat of the moment clutched on to his arm.
  6. Deus Ex: Human Evolution.
  7. Didn't you grab the voice actor just in case you needed to throw him at whatever might attack you two and make a run for it? 🤣
  8. In the case of my PC, It was Grand Theft Auto V which is 60GB even before the various updates and it took me about 3 and 1/2 hours and then the updates were endless.
  9. Same here, I am not an addictive person by nature. As a matter of fact, I get bored of everything eventually so I just can't be addicted to anything.
  10. Spawn in a huge army and try slaughtering them in very creative ways such as using a pickaxe and/or handicap myself by using no spells/powers.
  11. That was an excellent comeback, I can't lie. Not that I care for partisan politics.
  12. I have a Capital One Account and the rates aren't that bad either. They also didn't give me a hard time like Chase did even after I provided them with all the information they needed.
  13. That would have creeped me out for sure but I wouldn't go investigating it. That's how the first victim in a horror movie dies - being too curious.😂
  14. In first world countries, there tends to be a huge amount of choices but in the case of my country, not so many at all. I only use my phone wallets in an emergency situation and nothing else.
  15. I knew the Patriots would win although I really wasn't cheering for either team. To be honest, this Superbowl was unusually lackluster and anti-climatic.
  16. I set an alarm for every 30 mins while gaming and if possible, pause the game and go stretch and walk around a bit. It is possible but the key is moderation.
  17. Banking fees in my country are ridiculous so I find myself using other transfer methods so that the bank doesn't rip me off.
  18. I do track my spending but I also allocate money to certain important needs such as rent, food and bills way ahead of time. Everything else is a luxury to me.
  19. The key to eBay is to check the seller's feedback and ratings. Anyone rated below 97% is a no-go for me and they must have sold a lot of products over the past year for me to even consider them. I don't do new sellers just because of the risk involved.
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