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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. It's all up to you the technical team of Google to make provision for this data move. I believe that it's something that can easily be done by simply enabling a path to which such data can be moved.
  2. It's more or less at your time for relaxation after the days job and running around. I wouldn't play too much and I will sleep immediately when I'm done with dinner and resting.
  3. Of course yes, they have the quality to get there on top with the level of commitment and dedication they are investing in the franchise. Women are no longer the weaker sex.
  4. Gone are the days when women sit back and allow men to take all the glory and spotlight, now they are all out for it with men and they are doing relatively well from my perspective.
  5. Welcome to my game frustration. Seriously, the rate with which teenagers get into gaming is appalling and they literally lack good manners with how they talk and insult others in the game. This is a complete turn for me in some games.
  6. Literally, that's the only choice that they are have to stick with as a result of the shutdown. One important thing Google should make sure to make provisions would be to make it possible for them to retrieve their data.
  7. Exactly, and if the side quests are very fun and interesting, it's bound to get gamers to spend more time on it than the main game play.
  8. If you don't have anything much to do with time on weekends, aside from those that also works on weekends, then it's indeed a good time to play games. Although, some people would like to visit their friends and family on weekends as well as hang out with them.
  9. Some people are very good with complain about just on anything even when it's their decision to get into such things or not. Side quest is a thing that can be ignored if you are not interested or play when you feel like. Personally, I don't have any problems with it at all.
  10. Women are a great addition to the video game franchise and they do literally very well in the game. Look at some of the mind blowing and fantastic woman video games like Resident Evil. It's awesome.
  11. I would like to say that there is no perfect time to play video games especially if you are working. You can only play when you are free to play and in the right frame of mind to do so. It's only the jobless ones that can actually pick out a perfect time to play games always since they have no other engagements.
  12. Well, to you it may not see appealing but to me it does. In fact, I love being the muscular type of guy and I hit the gym every day to achieve that.
  13. This is absolutely true. At the moment, it's going into extinction and there is no chance of it ever being a trend any more. It was good then when it lasted.
  14. This is a way some people used to show up their frustration with some games or a particular game that they were playing at the moment. They used the chat medium to engage in all sorts of arguments and banter. It's fun in a way.
  15. How about Kratos in the God of War? That's a very good one in my opinion with the kind of strength possessed by the character Kratos, it's a sure pick.
  16. A good number of people today are chronic introverts simply because of getting too drifted into fantasy game world and spilling far away from reality. This is a very big problem that is associated with game addiction.
  17. As Google have made it a public news it's shutting down its Google+ platform, their users are definitely going to move on. Nokia had ovimail in the past, but today it's scrapped and no more, most people moved to Gmail.
  18. I just tried on playing Angry Birds 2 today and it's such a very funny video game to play.
  19. Some research can be misleading. It's not always about what is written in research pages. Games affect people in a different ways. Some research can be wrong while some might be right.
  20. Seriously, I don't donate my games in such situations. It's not a thing in my to do so.
  21. Thanks for making this available. Now, I can literally know more about the game. Thanks for sharing mate.
  22. There is no denying the fact that headphones are more expensive than earphones. It's why the former is more durable than the latter.
  23. It's how you play games and get yourself consumed by it that determines how it affects you in positive or negative manner.
  24. Well, I didn't just assumed out of the blue. If you were a fan of Tom Crusie and Mission Impossible movie, you would be very familiar with one of the movies set that was named Mission Impossible - Fallout.
  25. I'm asking if the Fallout 4 is a mission impossible game franchise?
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