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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. A about 3 months ago, it as announced that Aloy from HZD would become a free 5 star playable character in the FTP online Anime style RPG game Genshin Impact. I'm not fully versed on how exactly premium characters work in the game, but I do know that 5 star rated characters tend to be costly, so for this one to be offered for free, all be it in the wake of a cross portion deal, is something I'd describe as very fair. Aly was made available for PlayStation 5 players first last month, she was added in a patch for players on other platforms a few days ago. I have played Genshin Impact a little and, even though it didn't really get it's claws into me, I recognise it as a decent game that certainly worth a try. And given that HZD is one of my favourite games with Aloy being one of my favourite protagonists, I appreciate this. However, a portion of the PC players have taken a very different stance going so far as to even call A'y's inclusion as "an insult". Some hate Aloy's inclusion so much they have actually made an effort to delete her completely form thier accounts. More details on this from Dexerto.com. Now, dimensional travel is thing in Genshin Impact, so for characters from other games or other established lore's and stories to become a part of the game makes sense within it's worlds rules. This may have been a part of miHoYo's long term plans for the game right from the beginning. Regardless, the common excuse that Aloy "doesn't fit" just doesn't fly with me. There is a theory going around that PlayStation wanted Aloy to be put in the game for promotional reason in exchange for thier cooperation to allow cross-platform saves on PlayStation for Genshin Impact. If that's true, than what we have here is a good thing happening for the wrong reason, but in the end the players got those cross platform saves and a free premium character out of it, so it was win for all all. The rage here does not make even a lick of sense to me. If it was really was immersion breaking and seriously mess with lore or cannon I'd get it, because I just don't see it that way. It's not like this sort of thing is anything new. I Remember skins themed arond Phantasy Star Online 2 and for 2B (Nier Automata) in Gravity Rush 2. Then there's Marvel Vs Capcom, a fighting games series themed around characters from universes that would never otherwise interact and don't connect at all. This just adds to my confusion on why Aloy in Genshin Impact has pissed people off so much. What other instances can you think of of characters making cameo appearances or being referenced in other games can you thing off and how do you feel about this sort of thing in general?
  2. The only real change I see coming from this is EA actually making sure all the logo's from last years game are changed for once.
  3. I've seen the same products on Amazon sold for less elsewhere. They're not necessarily gaming related, but the fact is I have. Tools, for example. I also saw better deals on gaming laptops while I was shopping for one, hence why I didn't buy mine from Amazon.
  4. Like you said, it's not an affiliate link, so no worries. I'm sadly not shocked to see these issues with the game, just EA being EA. The only thing in FIFA that's certain to work out of the box in are the in-app purchases. Still, it's cool to see the community coming together to help each other like PST.org have.
  5. I do use ad block to access most of the internet while on my computer, but not my phone. I try to remember to turn it off for VGR, but it's inevitable that I forget at least some of the time. The recent video has odd helped me remember to turn it off because if I refresh VGR and it doesn't play realise that I've turned it off. Still, I'll do my best @DC.
  6. Well, my experience of Neogaff is more recent, but no better than what you describe. I gotta be honest, I only know resetera through reputation and what is posted on Reddit and YouTube, so take what I say with a grain salt. Either way, they're both best avoided. Couldn't agree more. I wish success for the site, but not at the expense of the community. This forum could grow a bit more and still be great, but if it got to the point of Neogaff it's inevitable that it will become less hospitable.
  7. I'm sorry, but I cannot regard in-app purchases of any kind being in a game in "beta" as acceptable. The whole point of a beta test is exactly that, a test, to make sure the base mechanics work and find bugs an faults. In app purchases, DLC and deluxe editions have no place in that scenario whatsoever. Keeping the game in "beta" for four years is an excuse to ride on to deny and delay promised features and content to string people along. It's a brilliant idea in terms of business. Only suffer the expenditure to develop half a game the milk the community for years rather than the COD or Battlefield mentality of developing a full game to only take in the money over a year or two at most. It's much easier for to convince a player base to be tolerant and patient for a game that's in a test phase and still in development. I would be no different, but that tolerance evaporates from me the very second that game offers any kind of DLC. A game is supposed be finished before such things are even contemplated, and if the dev's claim a game is in "beta", by thier own admission, the game is not finished. Cash shops, DLC, microtransactions, special editions, there is no excuse to have any of these things in a game that isn't finished, so there's no excuse to have them in a beta. Simple as that. What I describe as the false beta is something that isn't talked about nearly often enough in the gaming, but it is quite possibly the worst practice a game company can indulge in. It's manipulative, greedy and downright lazy. PUBG was a good example. Even when the game launched ON DISK for consoles they were still claiming it to test as an excuse for the outdated graphics and lack of full game features. The crown jewel of false tests has to be the aforementioned Star Citizen though. A "game" that's been in alpha, not even beta, for nearly a decade but still managed to take it over $300 million and counting from it's fans with pay-to-win DLC packs, some as expensive as a brand new 5-Series BMW. Escape from Tarkov may not be as extreme, but the similarities are undeniable. A "beta" that lasts as long four months would be suspect, never mind four years. I hate to bring it to you, but that game is never coming out as a complete game. If I were you, I'd jump ship before it sinks. But at the very least, please do not spend one penny more on it.
  8. I must say @TheFjordFox, I wasn't sold on Escape from Tarkov before, and based on what you describe, it sounds truly awful. Beta for three+ years, progress resets, multiple currencies (that will include premium currency I have no doubt), bad game balance for new players along with a loot system that favours players that pay, so it could be considered pay-to-win (as outlined here) and all this fremium bullshit in a game that isn't even free. It's the long beta period alongside the microtransactions that really bother me, it reminds me a lot of Star Citizen. A game that claims to be in an incomplete test phase should NEVER allow users to buy anything, and if they have been doing that for years I'm tempted to even call this a scam.
  9. Resetera isn't Neogaff on steroids. In fact, so far as I can tell, they're quite different from each other. The two are like the bookends of extremes in gamming. Neogaff is very "bro-gamer" culture, more right wing and stands against censorship, whereas Recetera is more on the left, endorses cancel culture and more stands for inclusivity. Both take thier ideology's too far and are both as bad as each other as a result. They are both toxic and both poisonous to associate with, but to say Resetera is "Neogaff on steroids" is a little simplistic and misleading. One thing for sure though, we're all better of here on VGR.
  10. The game is currently out. The launch back on December 10nth was a disaster. It was buggy on PC and almost unplayable on the PS4 and Xbox One. Bad enough it was removed from console digital stores. After months of patches, the game was put back on sale on the PS Store. In short, the game is available on both PC and console now.
  11. Locking this thread as posting pornography is not permitted on VGR, nor do we allow links to such material.
  12. Very glad to have you, @Boblee. Welcome to the VGR forum.
  13. It could serve that purpose for multiplayer based trophies I would think. It would take finding the right members to do so, but I see no reason why that couldn't happen.
  14. It was yourself who awakened the thread back in August after 10 months of it gathering dust in the first place. So with all due respect, even though @Head_Hunter posted on the thread more recently, you're the last person with a right to decide whether or not the thread has lost it's relevancy. If people want to discuss the PS5 on the PlayStation sub-forum on this thread, I take no issue with that. And, once again, a reminder to both yourself and everyone that if you see something on the forum you feel needs either myself or @DC's attention, report it using the report function, don't post the request on the public forum.
  15. To me the reason is fairly simple. Whilst there are 1440p monitors, I don't believe there are native 1440p TVs.
  16. Once again, I'd like to remind the community to report suspicious post posts like this, not to engage with them. Don't "call it out" because trust me when I say it doesn't make you look clever just because you can see it's spam. Locking the thread and removing the link. One more time, if you see something suspicions, report it. That's it. EDIT; In addition, I also offer another gentile reminder to everyone that "back seat moderating" is against our rules. The right thing and only to do with posts like this is to report them.
  17. I just realized I completely forgot to finish my profile. Another thing to do when I get home, but should be fun to put together.
  18. It's not that I've never liked it, but I must admit it's been at least two decades since I was genuinely interested. However, that also means I remember when the franchise was worth a damn. Back when the how radically different the tech was from one generation to the next meant the developers actually had to try. Before the absolutely vile monetisation schemes that are a now an inoperable tumor too deep into the body of the game to be removed were even so much as an idea. There are a couple of things that haven't changed, though. FIFA is not a choice, it's a lack of options. The monopoly EA holds with sports titles has been the bane of fans of these kinds of games for decades, whether they know it or not. It's also a habit. People buy the game year after year because it's what they, as fans of soccer/football, are supposed to do. They're compelled, as if it's written in thier programming. EA know this and even cement this mentality by resetting progression every time a new FIFA comes out. To EA, the player base are seeds they plant to harvest and not a damn thing more. This is not the way a gamer behaves. It's barely how a human being behaves. Gamers want and demand the very best out of the games they love, they don't "surrender to the programming" publishers desperately want them to and accept whatever they get. It's like an even deeper version of the fanboy mentality. FIFA is not a gamer's game, not even slightly. It exists for soccer fans, or to put it in a way more akin to modern FIFA, to exploit soccer fans. And you know what, it's the game's fans that are ultimately to blame for it because they put up with it, or even worse defend it year after year. Ironically, it's soccer fans in real life that provide the perfect example of how EA's FIFA fans should be behaving. When thier team, players or managers fuck up, the fans aren't the least bit shy about letting them know. They don't put up with excuses or accept less. You can agree or disagree with the manner some of them "express" themselves, but the point is that it's passion and love for the game and thier favourite teams that fuels all of it, so why can't FIFA fan's show thier passion by standing up and saying "We have had enough!" ?. Gamers did that with Battlefront 2 and won, it can happen. Soccer fans can stand up, gamer's can stand up, so I don't understand why fan's of EA's FIFA lay down.
  19. Since when was The Legend of Zelda underrated? It's Nintendo's most hyped franchise after Mario.
  20. Welcome to the VGR forums. Always happy to greet new people.
  21. No they are not. Activision are the publisher of the COD series. They are to a video game what a record label is to album. Developers are the recording artist, the ones who actually make the game, and in the case of COD Vanguard, that is Sledgehammer Games.
  22. Well, here is YougYea's take on this issue; First, a link to the amazing Eurogamer article an interview. Now, assuming you hear or agree with Yong's perspective, you know he's not wrong. This game is the worst, and will be the blueprint for manipulation so long as this franchise is still popular. Fuck this game, really fuck this publisher and fuck the people who still play it after watching this video. If you still fell like this game is worth your money, then you are a slave. We have had a lot of FIFA fans join recently, and to them specifically, I urge you to bring the fight. Not against those who speak against the negative talk on this gaming forum, but to join us in the fight against the horrible and destructive practices these games are so determined to employ.
  23. OK, this is starting to get ridiculous. You like FIFA, that's fine, and talk about FIFA all you want, but stick to threads where it's appropriate please.
  24. I'm afraid affiliate links are not allowed, and it is stated quite clearly on the Forum Rules and Guidelines: Because of that, I have removed your referral link.
  25. We want a shot of your new ride in the flesh. I hope you bring an appropriate soundtrack with you on the road trip. Do me a favour, bring some Sabaton.
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