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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. I agree, I just got the Note 9T. 5G, fast charging, 5000Mah battery, 48MP camera and it cost less than £200. With phones with these features for this price you are completely wasting your money with £800+ Samsung's and IPhones as far as I'm concerned. Look at some of these other brands and you will find something just as good for a fifth of the price.
  2. It's not as hard as that, at least not in the UK. Your registered from birth, all you have to do after that is provide your current address and even if the address they have on record is incorrect you can still vote. I know because I've been in that exact situation. From what I understand the registration system in America is already way more rigorous and complicated.
  3. Here's an interview that Game Informer did with the devs. We get some more details about some of the in game mechanics, crafting system and so on. Worth checking out.
  4. I looked because I could not believe it, but to you credit it's true but it's not common practice. What YoYogames is doing with their Gamemaker Console licenses is fucking bullshit. It's the equivalent of paying a subscription for Netflix but then Microsoft gating that 3rd party service behind XBox Live Gold. Even if you pay them their fee you still need to go through the same registration process Microsoft, Sony, and/or Nintendo and pay their fees! Their literary charging developers for something they don't provide. If I were a dev, I wouldn't touch their shit with a flag pole. FUCK THESE GUYS! Yes, publishing for consoles is expensive because of publishing fees as well the one off cost of development kits but neither of these have anything to do with the choice development tools and game engine. I know that likes of Unity, Unreal and Cryengine don't charge extra fees for publishing on consoles because it's BS. But obviously none of this has anything to do with the protagonists being white so I still gotta question why the hell you made that connection?
  5. I'd say most early 3D games in general from the mid to late 90's. It was a transitional period between the old and the new so I think you can forgive them on that but there are older 2D games that actually hold up much better.
  6. I never watch live TV, in the UK you have the pay the BBC £159 annually for the TV licence. That's more than twice as much a Netflix, Amazon or Disney+ for 2 maybe passable drama series and rest is repeats if soap operas and reality shows.
  7. Deal Expired, locking thread All 3 chapters of Tell me Why from Life is Strange developer Dontnod is free until July 1st on both PC and XBox consoles via Microsoft Store and Steam. Microsoft Store; https://www.microsoft.com/en-GB/p/tell-me-why-chapters-1-3/9nf83przk6k3?wa=wsignin1.0&ranMID=24542&ranEAID=TnL5HPStwNw&ranSiteID=TnL5HPStwNw-Xt2d154O22bnRa5127vo_A&epi=TnL5HPStwNw-Xt2d154O22bnRa5127vo_A&irgwc=1&OCID=AID2000142_aff_7593_1243925&tduid=(ir__dvh116fz3gkfqz3fkk0sohz3wv2xui3olxn2puhw00)(7593)(1243925)(TnL5HPStwNw-Xt2d154O22bnRa5127vo_A)()&irclickid=_dvh116fz3gkfqz3fkk0sohz3wv2xui3olxn2puhw00 Steam (PC): https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1180660/ Moderator Edit: Removed Hyperlinks
  8. There is no known object on an Earth crossing orbit that's large enough to do that... Nothing even close. It's always possible something could arrive from outside the solar system (which actually happened quite recently with the "ʻOumuamua") but the odds of this are infinitesimal..
  9. No, in fact there's only been 6 manned missions to the Moon. I do agree that there is not much reason to go back there. A manned mission to Mars would be useful but it's easier said than done. Sending a probe, well that's not easy by any means but we got it nailed down because machine's don't need food, sleep, air or have to make a return trip. For a manned mission you would need to build a spacecraft that could not only get there and back but also be cable of carrying the supplies and equipment required to the crew alive for at least 14 months, that's more than double a typical stay on the ISS that has a steady stream of supply's. Even for a crew of only 3 or 4 people it would have to be massive.
  10. Personally, if I wanted to benchmark GPU performance I would use an independent tool like Cinebench or 3D Mark. But even these aren't entirely reflective of how a GPU performs in specific games. There are other external factors that have an effect like game engine, API, optimization and so on.
  11. Not surprisingly it's a rare problem in Scotland but I have been known to use a damp dish towel when my console's fans where really screeming. However I honestly think it's better just to turn them off for while.
  12. Your really not getting it are you. ASUS GPU Tweek, Gigabyte AORUS and so on, ALL have those those same features because they are industry standard. On my ASUS ROG card GPU Tweek could adjust clock speeds, power settings, measure RAM, temperature, clock speed and power usage, the lot. It's REALLY nothing special. The difference being they are all bespoke to their designs including lighting and other external features. So their is absolutely no reason to use MSI Afterburner if it's not MSI card. Yes, you can make adjustments using MSI Afterburner if it's not an MSI card but what's the point? If it's a Gigabyte card then AORUS will do the same thing and more that's actually relevent to that product. Now please stop encouraging to use the wrong software for their expensive GPU's.
  13. In a word, everything. In life you need to sleep, eat, drink, piss, shit, run the daily risk if getting sick or injured, worry about money, face society and law in manners that actually have consequences, wait in real time, there's no fast travel, no extra lives, no superpowers, no saves, no reset, no time travel, no mods, no console commands, no cheats and even if play by all the rules and play it with 100% effort it ultimately results in death no matter what. Video games are great, and life sucks.
  14. Some GPU's have bespoke features like RGB lighting controls, internal and/or external fan speed controls and overclocking profiles that are specific to brands and even specific products. I'm not trying to be mean or call you out, but people need accurate information and you are wrong. They use the same GPU's provided from NVidea or AMD but they use their own designs for cooling, sensors, lighting, motherboards, fan controllers and power and in no circumstance should you using overclocking software that's not intended for it. If you have an ASUS ROG GPU then you should be using the ROG software provided, NOT MSI Afterburner.
  15. Unless there's commentary then not only is it legally questionable under the DMCA since the content is not transformative, by why would you watch somone play a game over playing it yourself if their not adding any commentary about it? It makes no sense to me, the reason I'm watching a particular let's player or streamer play a game is obviously because I want their thoughts on it.
  16. Well having the safety protocols disabled didn't usually work out to well for the characters on Star Trek...
  17. Well that one is only really relevent if you have an MSI branded GPU. All manufacturers have their own software that is bespoke to their products Of course you should be using the one attached to your particular setup. When it comes to must have software, you've listed mostly benchmarking and monitoring software and that's good, but I think there are some other utility software that I feel everyone should be using. Game Clients: It might seem a bit obvious but it's easy to overlook some of these, especially if your new to PC gaming. Steam, GoG Galaxy, UPlay, Epic Store, EA Origin... You need these in order to purchase and play your games. CCleaner: Despite the companies unsavoury but well earned reputation for pushing it's products through intrusive adds, this is still a very useful tool for getting rid of redundant or unwanted files. 7Zip: As far as I'm concerned this is the only application worth getting for opening archive files. VLC: The reigning heavyweight champion for media players if you use any type of locally stored video or music files. Vortex: The replacement software for the old Nexus Mod Manager for user created mods on that platform. It's a must have for any PC player who want to play mods which as far I'm concerned should be all of them.
  18. To be fair I can kinda see their point. It's an issue of how the revenue is split for in game items if people from all platforms can see them which can be a bit of an issue especially if it's content that's supposed to be exclusive to one platform. They need a better and more clear solution.
  19. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I absolutely despised this game when it came out. The impression I got from all the marketing was that it would be a lone Godorian Ranger up against the armies of Mordor where the player would to use strategy in order to progress and survive. The truth is you just run like an invincible idiot and it's patheticly easy. The characters are about as interesting as cardboard, the story is instantly forgettable, the main character is stupidity overpowered rendering most of the loot and skill tree upgrades utterly pointless and it features some if most broken stealth detection I have ever experienced in a modern game. I beat the game killing or enslaving literally every single Orc from Captin to Overlord before I was even half way through the skill trees with only basic runes. The stealth detection is so broken you can literally sprint across open fields or even through crowds of enemys and still get stealth kills. They loose track of after breaking their line of sight for only a few seconds and you can kill one Orc and his buddies just a few feet away won't notice a thing unless their staring streight at him. Even if by some miracle you are caught it doesn't even matter. In combat you can simply spam combat finishers over and over using wraith strike. I once survived surrounded for over half an hour barely getting touched. Even the final boss' and the "Black Hand" are total joke. There are two things in this game that are ANY threat to you. High level 17+ Orcs that are immune to stealth, and your own lapsing concentration. Even the much acclaimed Nemesis System is broken. My "nemesis" once interrupted me during an execution, and it was random Orc I'd never seen before in the entire game. I once encountered an Orc who was afraid of everything including me and, would just run like a pussy and I don't blame him. The worst thing though is the story and characters. Have you ever walked out of a movie theatre and feel like you've already forgotten the movie you just got done watching? That's this game in a nutshell, it leaves Zero Impact. It's bland, boring and doesn't feel like Lord of the Rings at all. Despite some great voice talent from the likes of Nolan North and Troy Baker the characters are even more bland than the story. The main character in particular Talion (Baker) is every dull generic white guy you've ever seen. I don't mean to discredit any who likes the game but consumers need to be informed before making a purchase at any price and I'm giving consumer advice. If you are a fan of stealth, expect a challenge or a good LOTR story, do not waste any amount of time or money on this game.
  20. Gamers and publishers have gotten a bit more demanding when it comes to they want. Gamers want bigger games, better graphics, better frame rates and so on. Publishers want more money. It's developers that ultimately feel the pressure from both sides.
  21. Leveling from 50 to 75 is the hardest part. After that you can repair to 125% so you can practice on pretty every single weapon and armour piece you find and it's a lot easier. With that being said it shouldn't be taking THIS long. Are you using trainers to? If the purpose of this is to raise endurance (which is something you want to do) then you can raise block and heavy armour as well. Armourer as a skill honestly isn't anywhere near as important as it is Skyrim anyway since there's no crafting system.
  22. It looks great, they seems to going in the direction that I think fans wanted which was to expand on the existing mechanics and polish things up. The animations have improved (especially in the faces). combat against humans seems a lot better, it looks less like the aggressive style of Assassin's Creed but instead seems to have lifted some Ideas from games relay more on defensive strategy like Breath of the Wild and Dark Souls. If this new crafting is up to par then I think this will be something very special. Oh and anyone thinks their smart by pointing it out, WE ALL KNOW THE GAMEPLAY IS SCRIPTED! It's just like any other gameplay presentation. They haven't said to much about the story and that's a good thing but I am wondering it they will expand on the storytelling as much as they are doing on the gameplay. Like adding some player choices that affect event's or maybe a love interest(s) for Aloy. They mentioned that she was going to the Forbidden West with her friends and of course we know that Erend is one of them and I'd guess that Talanah and Petra are there to. Sylens will almost certainly be in the game, maybe even as the villain. There's even been rumours of co-op but I doubt it.
  23. "Sticks out like a sore thumb", has anyone seen a sore thumb that sticks out?
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