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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. I'd probably call it a tie between the original 60Gb PS3 and the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis.
  2. If it was the only option then probably yes, unless the bundle was FIFA or something. You could always sell or trade in the games you don't want.
  3. From what I understand, the titles on the Odyssey where really more bored games. The only graphics it produced were lights. It needed overlays that fit across the screen in order for the games to make sense.
  4. In the original North American release the option of playing with the expert sphere grid was omitted. Square Enix seemed to have this idea that American fans would be to dumb to understand it. The X/X-2 remastered versions include it now.
  5. I feel the need to make a small point about X/X-2 Remastered. When starting X you Will be given a choice between the standard sphere grid and the expert one. FORGET THE STANDARD GRID! It sucks because your party will be significantly weaker and the post game is pretty much impossible. The expert grid might be a little harder to follow for a newcomer but you've got us help you if unsure what to do.
  6. I think the more apprpriate question is not IF you can but WHY? It's a stupid idea! This is obviously a kid who doesn't really know what they are doing. In order to "transfer" the account the buyer would need access to the sellers email where they can then access other accounts and services like XBox Live, Google, Amazon, personal emails and social media then seize control of them. it's literally paying somone to steal your indentity, someone needs to warn this kid and get that craigslist post taken down.
  7. There are some bigger names that are an exception like Nolan North, Troy Baker or Laura Bailey to name to name a few that make a more but for the most part a full time voice actor could earn about the same a mid-teir factory worker or detective but it's not stable. To say if it's underpaid or not really depends on what your comparing them to. As @The Blackangel pointed out when compared to actors in movies and TV it's obscene since those actors are paid far to much.
  8. You spoilt brat! My first computer had 52mb... AFTER it was upgraded from 8mb! It also had that original Pentium that was famous for not be able to count! Your RAM capacity was more than my hard drive!
  9. Assuming that this is all true, and it has got to be said that this is HIGHLY speculative at this point, it will almost certainly be multiplatform if #FucKonami are publishing. I'm not getting my hopes up here. There are other possibilities like Alone in the Dark, Dead Cells or F.E.A.R to name a few that haven't seen a title in a while. I'd rather wait for an official announcement than speculate, especially when it comes to even the possibly of #Fuckonami. They haven't given a squirt of piss about any of their IP's for years. Hell, they already had an opportunity to develop and market a new Silent Hill with the PT demo but instead decided to go out if their way to erase it from existence.
  10. NO IT DOESN'T! I already proved in my post last August with Chrome and AC Odyssey running on max settings I was using barley more than 8GB. Why do you keep trying to spread such misinformation? A non-gaming or productivity user could run Windows 10 with 8GB. They can browse the internet, use Office, basic multimedia and streaming apps or even play some older games without ever pushing it.
  11. Im thinking about Mass Effect Legendary Edition. I never played the originals so this seems like a good opportunity for me to try it out.
  12. I wouldn't gamble on any sport, it's such a predatory business. As far as I'm concerned if you feel the need to place a wager on a team in order to get invested, then it's clear you have little to no actual passion for the sport in the first place. I'd maybe play a game of poker with some friends but that's a far my gambling goes.
  13. I can be really addicting when It's done well, or bore you to sleep when it's done badly. I'd say FFX has probably best system I've played in a RPG but there also a ton of strategy games like Civilization and X-Com that use turns as well so there's a surprising amount of variety in turn based systems.
  14. I'd say I'm more of a dog person. You can call paranoid and you'd be right, but whenever cats are around I always get the impression that they know something we don't...
  15. Either you beat them or your a poser. The souls community is the worst in existence. Enjoy.
  16. You can really start from anywhere. Each is set in its own universe so can go in blind without playing any of the others. If you have no desire to play "retro" then anywhere from X (X/X-2 Remaster) forward look modern enough for you. XI and XIV are MMO's so they probably don't count unless your interested in that, although I think XI is long dead at this point. Avoid XIII and it's sequels like the plauge though.
  17. Just have others have been mentioning you cannot copy a Game on to a disc and have it work on a console. It might be possible if the console is cracked but even with that I would have my doubts. You couldn't even do it directly if you using another PC, the guy in the video that @killamch89posted is talking complete crap. What HE is doing is creating a backup disc(s) for the game so it can be reinstalled on another system without having to download it again. A useful feature if you need to install it on another system that doesn't have access to good internet but it's NOT a playable disc. You would still have to install the game on the new system hard drive or SSD then connect to Steam online for verification.
  18. Whether it be a sporting event, concert, play or even (in some cases at least) a movie, nothing beats the live experience. It's not about getting all the action, information or watching the performance, It's about soaking in the atmosphere. You just don't get that through watching on TV screen in your home. Being there live makes you feel like a part of it. The obvious drawback is that it takes more time, expense and planning to be there live. Not to mention in the current situation it's not even possible in many cases. Even before this shitstorm pandemic being at home is more comfortable and convenient.
  19. That's true right now because there are no exclusive games on the system. A few years down the line when some of those big exclusives start coming from studios like Bethesda (Elder Scrolls VI), Ninja Theory (Hellblade 2) and The Initiative (Perfect Dark) the market ls going to swing back their way.
  20. I'd go for Microsoft right now. I think the Series X/S is going to be a late bloomer.
  21. They make their money from accessories, XBox Live and commission on software sales, that's how the console market has worked for years. To make a decent profit on hardware they would have to sell each XBox Series X for at least $800, maybe more. It's the same story with PlayStation, I remember articles about the original PS3. Despite it being sold for $600 Sony were still making a loss on every single one. History has proven that the sales and marketing strategy of trying to make money by selling hardware doesn't work. Back in the nineties they tried with consoles like the 3DO. They outsourced a number of different manufacturers each making their own version of the 3DO who could make a profit for the sale of the consoles and the publishers making money of the games... And it failed miserably because the buy in was just to high for most gamers. It was a similar story more recently with the whole Steam Machine debacle. Making money through the sale of console hardware alone does.. not.. work.
  22. I certainly won't argue. It's the only console I can think of where every single aspect (aside from controlers, which were pretty much the same) was an upgrade. It had improved asthetics, UI, build quality, graphics and media playback. It also had the best games on the market and it was FULLY backwards compatible needing nothing but a copy of a PS1 game. No other console in the PlayStation, XBox or even Nintendo line up has ever achieved all that including the PS5. It was quite a system.
  23. I use them for quite a lot. Gaming, Netflix, Amazon Video, YouTube, locally stored videos and websites. I'm actually making this post on my PS4 !
  24. Axiom Verge 2 is due to release on Nintendo Switch and Epic Games Store this year, but there's no specific window yet. It's a little disappointing that it's not releasing on Steam or the other consoles but I can't exactly blame a developer working solo for accepting exclusively deals. https://www.axiomverge2.com/
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