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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. I think your being WAY to forgiving. The Spartans in the actual Battle of Thermopylae wore a full bronze chestplate, not the bullshit nothing in the movie. Never trust Hollywood. I know where you're coming from. The Celts used to charge into battle wearing next to nothing to intimate the enemy but that is a rare exception. The reality is tactic doesn't really work. If your a soldier and you see your enemy running towards you with their "tits flapping around" then survival instinct will kick in over the distraction and you will kill them. I'd much rather have the confidence that what I'm wearing is offering at least some protection or camouflage over "Hey, look at these abs!"
  2. It depends on which FF your talking about, in 12 you can have quite a lot fun with it!
  3. This kind of thing has been a peeve of mine for a while now. At the end of the day it's all about context, take this for example: Now obviously as a practical piece of armour this is beyond idiotic. Not only does it not protect anything but it puts all the weight on her shoulders and other joints which is where you want it the least if your swinging a sword. As a piece of art however, it looks really cool so if your game or movie is a fantasy that is not supposed to be realistic anyway I could accept it. But if you're making a historical epic and you've got Joan of Arc leading the charge at Orleans wearing something like that then it's fair to say I wouldn't be the only one flipping my shit! Now before anyone starts it's not just with women either: I've got no issue with sexy armour but just keep it where it belongs.
  4. I wasn't really that bothered about the PS3 store closing down. I am glad the Vita's is still open because there is still some developers making games for it but this is just delaying the inevitable. You can't really expect Sony to support these systems forever. What's bothering me is the CMOS battery issue which could render the PS3, PS4 and PS5 all but useless down the line should both CMOS battery die and the servers go offline both of which inevitably will. Sony could fix the problem so easily by simply updating the system software so that trophies are disabled while games are played offline. I know this is possible because jailbreakers have already been able this exact same thing.
  5. Macbooks were the go to option for creative purposes live video editing and music mixing, but not anymore. These days the hardware and software options available for PC's are just as good if not better for production.
  6. I genuinely don't understand why people keep buying this companies overpriced crap. Their phones, tablets and especially computers have been measurably worse and more expensive than their competitors for years. Their cooling designs in particular are so bad that in some MacBook Pro laptops the heat sinks for the CPU/GPU are not connected by way of any thermoconductive material to the extrator fan. No copper linkage, no air conduit, nothing. They are THAT BAD! Then when they overheat (because of course they do) they just stick a middle finger to whatever warrenty and make them buy a new one which of course they do because their consumers are suckers.
  7. Interestingly this the first game from Dontnod who would later go on to make Life is Strange and in my opinion, Remember Me is SO underrated. I think it gets overlooked because the style of 3rd person action and platforming gameplay was very typical at the time (Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Darksiders among many others) so it kinda got lost in the crowd. It's really good though.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong @StaceyPowers but I think the one you are talking is this one where Joel, Ellie and Tess are on their way to the Capital Building: As much as I love this game I just gotta say it, this sequence sucks! It is a complete trap because it looks like you can stealth through this which is what the guys in this lets play initially try to do but you can't. Certain enemies will always detect you and alert the others even if your behind them and crouching, it's bullshit. You can maybe take out the first one or two with stealth but after that you just gotta run, gun and smash.
  9. If your playing on PS3 (correct me if I'm wrong) then this port of Skyrim and DLC is known to have a lot of problems. Not to mention just recently Sony shut down PSN store on PS3 and PSP which means that some games aren't getting patches. I don't know if Skyrim is one of them but it's something you need to keep in mind now.
  10. I'm not to sure, like I said I'm not that familiar with Max Payne. I think I played the first a little back in the day but I don't remember much.
  11. I find it pretty much impossible to believe there is any game that nobody hates. In terms of games that maybe come close, or a least I've heard little to no negitive critique about I'd say: Half Life God of War (2018) Portal Final Fantasy 7 Metal Gear Solid Undertale Cuphead Maybe this doesn't really count since it's the case of a bad port rather than a bad game but I've heard the Atari 2600 version of Pac Man almost universaly panned for it's poor quality and even contributed to gaming crash. I've seen quite a lot of people that don't like Max Payne. Most of their complaining seems to be about the main character but I don't remember playing it enough to really say.
  12. I don't see the point of a 4K screen on something that small. I think even at 2K the pixel density will be so high that you wouldn't see any difference from 1080p. From a marketing perspective I could see why the feel the need to push higher resolutions in order to sell the new models but it's not practical at all. I'd radther it stick to 1080p and it be a few hundred dollars less, but typically they gotta go "my dick's bigger than yours".
  13. If their focus is on new games then they obviously wouldn't be remaking The Last of Us, or at the very least they pass the bulk of that project to another studio like they were originally going to. This is complete bullshit.
  14. I think the idea that certain game genres shouldn't exist on certain platforms in this day and age is ridiculous. Regardless of what control scheme you preffer for whatever gamer whether it be controller, mouse & keyboard, racing wheel or whatever they can and often do work on PC and consoles. Yeah, I have my own personal preference's to but I don't understand why people throw such a god damn hissy fit about what other people use to play the games that they paid for.
  15. Console commands aside not really, you'll just have to stick with it.
  16. I'm going to have to disagree, the Last of Us Remastered and the sequal don't play that mutch different (and in some aspects I'd say the sequal is worse). Even if they did the that's not the heart of the reason l describe the original as "perfect". It's the storytelling and characters the sell the experience and I just can't see them doing it any better. It's not like the Resident Evil or Final Fantasy 7 remakes where new technology has given those developers the opportunity to add to the experience and make significant steps forward. If all they are going to do is refine the visuals, A.I, animations and other mechanics to be more like the sequel then it's clearly not worth the effort. Especially when you consider that The Last of Us is playable on PS5 via backwards compatibility and even on PC via PS Now, I know the latter is not exactly ideal but you can do it. I agree with @StaceyPowers that this is "superfluous and pointless" waste of Naughty Dog's talents. They could and should be working on a new Uncharted, TLOU sequel or even a new IP for PS5. Now it might about 6 or 7 years before we see legitimatly new content from this studio and that is going to hurt the PS5 badly.
  17. Yeah, the QHD thing is a bit confusing. I think they are doing it on purpose for marketing. They are just letting people who are less informed think it's 4K or at least higher than 2K and that pisses me off. I'm not really impressed with the product either, at that price it should have a 3070 or 3080 in it. The 3060 is mid range.
  18. In terms of business I'm sure that Sony can and will make a tidy profit from a remake, but that is the ONLY reason for them doing this. This is the very definition of creatively bankrupt. The OP was critcal of Capcom for all the Resident Evil remakes but they actually make sense. Gaming has moved to a point where the experience can be legitimately improved from those dated tank controlled games. The original PS3 release of The Last of Us however, isn't even 10 years old and it still looks and plays modern. There is room for some very minor improvements like AI and a fresh coat of next gen paint but unlike Resident Evil they won't be able to take significant steps to improve an experience that's already perfect. If you can't remake it better why remake it at all? Sony.... Is.... Loosing it.
  19. Night one of Wrestlemania was really good, despite most of the matches not having that great a build up. The set looks fantastic. I normally get annoyed by celebrity matches but Bad Bunny was impressive In the ring. The WWE and Smackdown Woman's title matches were both great and got the right results in my opinion. The only weaker moment was that tag team termoil match. Having the live crowd back really made a difference.
  20. Even if the Basestation does not natively support the XBox via USB out of the box, it should still work via optical and an aux cable connected to the controller for chat.
  21. I've seen some benchmarks and reviews and it's pretty impressive. Running most modern AAA titles at it's native 800 x 1280 resolution on low to medium settings at about 40 - 60fps. Not to mention it has USB Type-C 3.2 ports so you can hook up an external GPU caddy, which is a great alternative to having a separate gaming PC.
  22. Then you clearly weren't paying any attention at all! It's literally one of the first things that happen and there's references to it all the time.
  23. If you make it past a certain point in the Dawngaurd questline you can craft then at a forge just like arrows.
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