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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. I could be mistaken but I do vaguely recall there being some kind of explanation as to why the men outpopulate the woman in this universe. I think it was something to do with the Cordyceps infection rate being higher among women. It's something that tied into David's town and how they needed to capture woman and girls (like Ellie) in order to maintain the population. If I find the exact reference I'll post it here.
  2. I don't tend to play anything on easy unless there are some specific unlocks or Easter eggs or something. I always start my experience on normal then move onto hard if I'm finding it a bit to easy.
  3. 129Gb of RAM is not only completely unnecessary for any gaming or even productivity set up but it actually slows things down unless it's quad channel. I stand by my earlier argument, most games these days are GPU heavy and don't need that much system RAM. It's productivity tasks like video editing or running multiple applications where system RAM comes into play. For 95% of user's 32Gb is more than enough, borderline overkill in fact.
  4. It's not really that complicated. Untill Final Fantasy X-2 each was one is its own self contained universe unrelated to any of the others. They have common elements like enemies, abilities, weapons and a guy called Sid (weird) but if your playing a Final Fantasy game for the first time you don't need to know anything about the others. Now Kingdom Hearts... Try to explain THAT franchise to a newcomer and their brain will melt. It's more complicated that the Space Shuttle!
  5. A little update on this, today I took the pluge and got a Redmi Note 9T, pretty much the cheapest 5G phone on the market. It turns out 5G is not rolled out in my area on the network I use but the phone itself is still a significant upgrade from what I had before. More importantly, despite the fact that I'm not in 5G area I did an internet speed test on my old and new phone using same SIM and network via hotspot and performance almost doubled from 3.3Mbps to 6.1Mbps with the new one. So even just having a phone that's 5G compatible can make a significant difference.
  6. This might sound crazy but I like satisfying endings, whether they be happy, sad or down to interpretation. If it concludes the story in a manner that works then I'm down with it. The endings I'm not satisfied with are those that aren't really endings but when they just stop.
  7. I was raised Catholic but I certainly don't practice THAT anymore, I'm atheist these days. My interest in religion these day is purly intellectual, I have no intention of practicing again. However with that being said if I ever were to practice TST does fall in line with my own moral compass than certainly Christianity does now. I'll check that link out.
  8. Satanism is starting to sound listen like my kind of religion.
  9. The last of us: The story it's is actually not that unique when you think about it, but it far surpasses other games and even TV shows and movies based on this genre because of how it takes advantage of it's platformto tell an otherwise liner story. It's SO engrossing and makes you really care and sympathize with the characters, even when their doing some pretty bad things. The characters, writing, pacing, music and performance's are all spot on, it is a quite simply a masterpiece. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater: Coming of the convoluted, nonsensical mess of Metal Gear Solid 2 my expectations of MGS3 weren't that high. But Kojima and his team addressed those issues and presented this prequal in a manner that was more consistent, had more emotional weight and where the twists where actually clever and made sense rather than "well we did that in MGS1 so lets do that again then explain the bullshit reason why later". It's more straight forward and less pretentious than the other games in the series and in my opinion, way better for it. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice: This was an incredible experience, especially given the limited resources the dev's had to work with. They couldn't even to cast an actor, the used their YouTube channel video editor in the lead role! Don't get me wrong though, she was brilliant but it still makes me giggle! I don't want to say to much but is one the most unique and brave gaming experiences out there. I'm not going to say why but if you haven't played I recommend you do so with a 7.1 surround sound headset. Horizon Zero Dawn: Many stories in open world games in particular often feel like they drag or get sidetracked. This is the only one I can recall thats more interesting, deeper and relatable the further it goes. It's a fascinating journey as learn about the how the origins of both Aloy and this world are tied together. The other part of what makes this so special is that Aloy is such a likeable protagonist with her charm, wit and even sarcasm. Life is Strange: It's certainly not for everyone and even I HATED the prequal. The original is what I feel really pushed narrative games to the next level with not only choices that effect the ride but also having the ability to experiment with different ones on the fly. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes right now and I wouldn't even blame you, but I get fully invested in this world every time I play. It does a great job of making you feel like someone important and the modding community over the years has done a great job of expanding this game even more. Beyond Two Souls: I'll be honest, I'm mostly including this in the list for one reason and one reason only.... Elliot Page (known as Ellen Page at the time of release). In my opinion his captured performance is hands down the best in ANY game I've played to date, he even beats out Ashley Johnson and Troy Baker of the forementioned The Last of Us which was released the same year. If it weren't for him this whole game would have fallen flat on it's face because of David Cage's ridiculous decision to go Tarantino on presentation of the story. It completely works against the aspect of player choice because not only do the choices have little to no effect but the player KNOWS going in they don't. Later releases have sorta fixed the problem by allowing the play to through chronologically instead but man, I will never get that choice. Don't get me wrong It's a good game but it could have and should have been so much better.
  10. A person who compliments other people for being fun loving.
  11. I'm with @skyfire on this one. I live in UK in a semi rural area and I get 4G and apparently 5G is available here to although I haven't tested it. Even if your area doesn't get 5G your still better of future proofing yourself. If you knowingly buy a new 4G phone now you're throwing your money down the pisser since it's going to be worth next to nothing probably by the end of this year. The next phone I buy will definitely be a 5G model, I'm just waiting for a good sim free deal. Their not even that expensive now, I've seen them on Amazon for less than £200.
  12. Final Fantasy X is probably my favourite too. It might be that I have a bit of a soft spot for it being the first FF I played (I had an N64 and not a PlayStation). You don't necessarily need to brush the dust off your PS2, the FF X/X-2 HD Remaster is available on pretty much every modern platform. I've been replying Final Fantasy XII (Zodiac version) lately and I find that it often got the cold sholder, at least when it first came out. The new Zodiac version fixes the majority of the problems by re-introducing the Zodiac class system and It's now one of the best in imo. If you were to ask 10 players what the best Final Fantasy is you'll probably get 10 different answers but If their's one thing that just about all will agree on.... Final Fantasy XIII, it's sequels and it's cast of total douchbags are easily the worst!
  13. Let me put it this way. A fishing minigame might not sound like that big a deal and it normally wouldn't be. In the original NieR, however, the fishing minigame was so terrible that some gamers and even reviewer's refused to continue to play. I'm NOT kidding! It's a strong contender for the worst minigame of all time! Not to mention that it is compulsory for one the early story quests. With Replicant, the difference is night and day. It's much more in line with something like Zelda and MUCH more playable.
  14. I didn't even pay $10 for my last eye test, how the fuck is that good value?
  15. Neir Replicant √1.5. I know the actual title is the number but I think that calling it √1.5 draws more focus on two reasons why it's called that. The First is that it's a bit more than a remaster but a bit less than remake. The second is that this franchise is pretentious as fuck!
  16. Running under the assumption that it's a reviewer who does make the effort to play as much of the game as possible, There's two reasons: Early review copies, the bigger ones at least get their review copies a week or so early. The play in 8 - 12 hour marathon sessions to get their reviews out as quickly as possible.
  17. I got no strong preference. The only thing the pisses me off is when, like you mentioned, your trying to talk to an NPC or listen to a audio log. Then it can be very irritating when you've combat sounds, other NPC's or other players (when online) kocking in your ears.
  18. Never heard of it, it sounds like a pretty annoying way to control a game to me.
  19. I've played for about 6 hours now. It's already clear how just even a handful of improvements can improve the experience. The additional voice acting, a fishing minigame that isn't impossible to understand, optional fetch quests that aren't hours of grinding. They are relatively small changes but they add up to make a big difference. I'm way more invested in the story and characters now than I was before even those aspects are pretty much the same.
  20. This is a shame. Crystal Dynamics have done some amazing work when they are passionate about it like the reboot of Tomb Raider. Marvel's Avengers was a project that I had the feeling from the beginning had little to no passion to it, it was just a job.
  21. You could argue that their really is no such thing as a game that has zero player choice. Even in linear games the player has some degree of influence on the narrative even if its limited to something as trivial as "which enemy dies first" or "which direction does the main character go in". That argument aside I agree with @The Blackangel. There are tons of games that offer little to no player choice that I replay simply because I enjoy the experience. Having the choice to do something differently in replays is definitely welcome but it certainly doesn't strike the game of replaying if it doesn't.
  22. While I can't say I agree with everything you said I enjoyed hearing your thoughts. Your absolutely right about everybody being different. Me personally, I'm probably a bit left of the middle. I like the idea of communism but I feel that in practice the human animal is to selfish by nature for it to truly work. In that sense capitalism does make some sense since it's a culture format that encourages people to get off their asses and contribute even if it is selfish at times. When it comes to gun ownership. Soldiers in war aside I don't think people deserve the power to end another person's life with the ease of pulling a trigger. People argue self defense but their not defensive weapons at all, their the exact opposite. The only defense quality is deterrence but other non-lethal alternatives like pepper spray and tasers have that effect to. I want to make it clear for the record I'm not American, but I do feel there is a bit problem with this in America more than anywhere else. Part of that comes from the second amendment for the right to "bear arms". There are however, 2 major with this today. First is that at the time these were drafted the firearms available were one or two shot guns that took about minimum 30 seconds to reloaded. The kind of power that firearms have now was incomprehensible at the time. The second and definitely bigger problem is that again, at the time they were drafted, America was governed by frontier law. The only defense people settling in against bandits of native American raiders was themselves of maybe a few sheriff's at best. So it made sense back then but now the country has a judicial system and police to enforce the law it doesn't. Now I'm not that judicial system is perfect by any means (it clearly isn't), but if you look at other countries like the UK, Japan and most of mainland Europe where guns are for the most part banned they don't have anywhere near the same level of problems. The second amendment should at least be updated. I'm 100% for LGBTQ rights. I'm for religious freedom too but in circumstances when these two work against each other I'll support LGBTQ every time because one's religious beliefs and practices are a choice, being gay or trans is not. I can't stand that dumbass transphobic bathroom argument that people seem to think is valid. If it comes to a toss up between a cis woman being uncomfortable with a trans women sitting the next cubicle and that same trans woman putting herself in VERY REAL risk of being abused, assaulted, raped or murdered by using the men public bathroom bathroom then as far as I'm concerned you can sit there and be uncomfortable. Where I do tend swings bit more to the right is in some local issues. I don't think Scotland should be independent, although I'm against Brexit the BBC were totally wrong in their bias coverage against it and their licence fee policy's. Well that's my contribution to pissing people of for the day.
  23. Most of the titles from thatgamecompany like Flower and Journey can be completed in less than an hour, their still really good though.
  24. The whole argument that expressing a political opinion (or any opinion really) in a media platform counter creative is complete and utter nonsense. Free speech is a right but also a responsibility so can say whatever you want but it doesn't mean their can't be consequences. If your creating a video game, movie, book, TV series or whatever the case may and your told you can't do this or talk about that just a violation of free speech. If someone doesn't like your work or comments and chooses to criticize them, that's also free speech. I don't agree with the views expressed by lot's of people but do I argue they should making the points I don't agree with? Absolutely not! Let's face the truth here, if your making the argument that political opinions should be left out of games it's a self contradiction because what your really saying is you don't want any politics in games other than your own. You obviously wouldn't say anything when the views being expressed fall in the with your own, it's only when it works against it. There are some exceptions where someone is just being offensive and intentionality trying to antagonize people rather attempting any sort of social or political commentary.
  25. I just remembered that this game is about to drop (tomorrow I believe). I liked the original back in the day despite it's admittidly numerous shortcomings. It's clear that a ton of stuff was cut from the original release and the grahpics in the enviorments were muddy even for the time. From that I've heard this seems to address most of the issues with crisper visuals and gameplay, bringing cut content like Weapon Stories and even some characters and plot elements back in, voice overs in ALL the cutscene's and hopefully an overhaul of that pathetic fishing minigame. Anyone else condering this?
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