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Do you find graphics on games important?

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Graphics are very important, but not for the aesthetics as most people understand. Yes, graphics are a big part of the aesthetics, but thier main function is to serve as the visual interface. They need to display the game and information accurately to the player so the player can respond accurately. That is the function of graphics and it is vital the graphics work properly, otherwise a game is likely to be unplayable.


Art style and design is more important than graphics when it comes to aesthetics, but a game with bad graphics can fail to display the art style and design correctly and the limit of graphics can limit the level of detail. So yeah, graphics do matter when it comes to aesthetics, but art style and design still matter more.

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It all depends what you’re gaming on. For example, with today’s games, the graphics are crucial. But if you go back 30+ years, the graphics aren’t all that important. If you’re gaming on an NES, which for those who don’t know, is an 8-bit system, the graphics aren’t super important. If you look at Atari games, which were 2-bit graphics, they DEFINITELY didn’t matter. But the modern games require the most lifelike graphics available. If they didn’t have those graphical standards, companies could lose billions. They have to keep up with the times. Just look at the difference between RDR1 and RDR2.

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No graphics are my least worries when it comes to video games. For me game play, story, and even music comes before graphics. I still play retro games and have no issues with pixel art. I think it's odd that people get hellbent on graphics, video games are meant to be played and sure graphics can help immerse yourself into whatever game you're playing, but if you're looking at graphics before game play or story then IMO you're better off just watching a movie.

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As much as I do like to see good graphics when it comes to a game, I will admit that I do not feel them to be too important and I am more concerned about the game and how good it plays or how good the game is as a whole over the graphics. 

You could have a game with great graphics but has a terrible storyline or gameplay and that can be off putting no matter how good the graphics are.

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I would say more so visuals as a whole(factoring in the art style, not just raw graphical prowess). There are games with good graphics but still look ugly because they aim too much for realism and games with PS2 level graphics that still look crisp.


But if I had to answer then yes. I don't get why people always undersell graphical quality as a factor in which a game can be judged. It is a factor which improves the enjoyment of the game just like the gameplay, storytelling, OST, content etc(although not as important as the first two factors). 

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Yes, graphics are important in games as they enhance the overall visual experience and can contribute to immersion and engagement. High-quality graphics can also help to create realistic and visually appealing game worlds, characters, and effects, enhancing the overall enjoyment of the game for people looking to have a fun time playing them.

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Not massively important... good graphics are certainly nice to have, but they can't save a game with bad gameplay (and likewise, poor graphics are unlikely to ruin a good game for me - unless they actively interfere with my ability to play the game; for example, by suggesting that the hit boxes are smaller or larger than they actually are!

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On 12/2/2023 at 5:50 PM, Bizdustry said:

there’s nothing stopping me going back to play retro games which I do regularly. There’s something about the simplicity in graphics in that era that sparks my enjoyment on games

Everything was pixels and sprites back then. I would program my own games on my c64.

Then the technology outpaced me. Today you need a massive team that takes 10 minutes of scrolling credits to make a good game.

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Not really. I feel gaming is supposed to be more practical than visually appealing. You're already required to use powerful hardware to play games at the lowest settings. You can't have the highest of quality graphics and high speed performance at once. Gaming hardware can't handle it. Even if it could, its mad expensive and not worth the money. You have to sacrifice one or the other. I'd prefer high speed performance over superb graphics any day. If i wanted graphics at the highest settings, i'd watch films.   

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Even game developers knows the impact of having good graphics in their games today. It's why they are now using improved engines like Unreal Engine 5 and so many other sophisticated alternatives to develop their games. Personally, I appreciate games with good graphics too the same way I love good story in games. 

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On 11/24/2023 at 9:15 PM, Dismal_Bliss said:

I would rather play a game with the graphic settings on high instead of sacrificing graphics for better frame rates.

I am starting to renege on this position of mine. I've started playing FF16 and FF7 Rebirth and the action will be so fast that everything looks blurry. I switched it to Performance Mode and it's a lot clearer at 60fps. After a while I tried switching back to Graphics mode and it was giving me a headache. 

I may just be a convert now, lol.

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