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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2020 in all areas

  1. But Ellie is gay 😆 Have you played the Last of Us game ?
    2 points
  2. I figured he was keeping her gay for the simple consistently. I don't think they really need to use the show to "spread LGBT awareness" and to be honest, The Last of Us is not really a great story to do that with. It's a society where along with these types of social and political stigma that come with it with regards to sexuality, race and so on has effectively broken down. Most people in this would happily kill you for a fresh pair of shoes, there are bigger, or at least more direct problems! That's why the game doesn't put hardly any focus on in it, hell the fact that Ellie is gay wasn't even addressed at all until the Left Behind DLC came out. Like I said earlier The Last of Us is a story about the relationship between Joel and Ellie and how it evolves as they journey together. We see Joel learn to love and care again, something he has been struggling to do since the loss of his daughter. Likewise we see Ellie, a young girl who is fiercely independent and stubborn learn to trust and open up to him. That's what the Last of Us is about, it doesn't need a ton of focus on Ellie's sexuality, at least not in this story. Now the sequel (judging from the trailers anyway) does seem to be putting a bit more focus on it but we don't know exactly how that's going play out yet. hope this helps: https://www.netflix.com/CancelPlan Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to listen to some music:
    1 point
  3. What is your problem? Since I doubt that someone has strapped you to a chair and forced to watch the LGBT friendly content on Netflix "A Clockwork Orange" style, what is the point of this unceasing complaining about it? Netflix's content has nothing to do with the topic at hand anyway and none of us agree with nor give a shit about your homophobic ranting. You've clearly never played the game and most likely never will, something that's probably true of the sequel as well, so you've got noting of value to bring to this topic in the first place. So please, spare us your poison and direct your attention to other threads where you might have something to offer.
    1 point
  4. I actually support the idea only because Konami is not interested in making anything else other than mobile games, If we want to see another Silent hill , MGS or Castlevenia game we need for Konami to sell these franchises. Unless our prayers are heard and Konami starts making good AAA games again.
    1 point
  5. Juneberry

    Last Game Played

    Played some Pokemon GO for a while with my dad.
    1 point
  6. DylanC

    Last Game Played

    Still having a blast with Blasphemous. Awesome game!
    1 point
  7. JoyFreak

    Last Game Played

    The last game I played was Shadows of Colossus on PS4. I never tried the one one PS2 but heard some great things about it. The visuals are outstanding and the graphs is fantastic! Thanks to PS+ I can finally play this game. I'm currently on my 5th boss! 😄
    1 point
  8. I can't argue with anything you said. But there's one thing you did leave out. A lot of us are on an extremely thin budget and even with trying to save up, simply can't afford a decent PC to game on. My PC is a cheap all-in-one PC. It's all I could afford, and is absolutely horrible for gaming. But with consoles you can get a used one for a lot less money than a new one, and don't need to keep upgrading your console to keep up with the games released on PC. They release games to fit that consoles capabilities, until they release the next edition in the line. I mean PlayStation doesn't do anything with the PS2 anymore, and Nintendo doesn't do anything with the N64 anymore. They've moved on to bigger things. Now all this doesn't apply so much to me personally, because I'm a classic gamer with a bit of PS3 games in the mix. But still, it's hard not to admit.
    1 point
  9. Playing Zelda OoT again. I only have to beat the Shadow Temple before I can enter Ganon's Tower.
    1 point
  10. That's why PC is the way to go. Pretty much every game ever released for PC can be played on Windows 10. It might require some workarounds or patches, but it's possible. Console manufacturers, however, can and do arbitrarily restrict games from running on their latest hardware.
    1 point
  11. skyfire

    Last Game Played

    Playing some linux arcade games.
    1 point
  12. The Division 2 I'm currently on the road to my 99th platinum.
    1 point
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