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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2019 in all areas

  1. killamch89

    Favorite NES games?

    These were the first 3 games I owned for the original NES.
    1 point
  2. Zone of the Enders series and the Naruto Storm series.
    1 point
  3. kingpotato

    Gaming myths

    I actually did used cotton buds with alcohol to clean the cartridge slot on my NES when I was like 6 or 7 years old, man you are right this shit was really dumb 😆
    1 point
  4. This news is interesting to read about, but it's not shocking to see these video game companies having some problems today - a lot of these games today, do not live up to the hype and expectations that developers and marketers built up for them.
    1 point
  5. DylanC

    Last Game Played

    Resident Evil 4
    1 point
  6. kingpotato

    Favorite NES games?

    Excite bike and Mario 3, I could spend hours on those games.
    1 point
  7. I'm going to exclude franchises like Zelda, Castlevania, Mega Man, SMB, etc for this one. My favorite will always be Blaster Master. It's just a flat out awesome game. As I've said before it's the perfect mix of fantasy and sci-fi. Here's some shots of just a few of the bosses you'll face:
    1 point
  8. Excalibur

    Favorite NES games?

    Off the top of my head, Super Mario Bros. 1-3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1-3, Castlevania 1-3, DuckTales, Ninja Gaiden 1-3, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, Kirby's Adventure, Snake Rattle 'n Roll, Mega Man 2. I know i am forgetting a whole bunch of games. Duck Hunt is fun too, but i no longer have a CRT TV, so playing that on an original NES is a bit difficult nowadays, but it is available on the Wii U's virtual console and playable with a Wii remote.
    1 point
  9. StaceyPowers

    Favorite NES games?

    DUCK HUNT! A most excellent choice!
    1 point
  10. Stellaris Did a single-player run that started as an organic empire – something I've rarely done since buying the Synthetic Dawn DLC gave me the option to play as machine empires – and will end as a synthetic one via synthetic ascension. The only thing left for me to do is deal with the endgame crisis; I've already ascended and become synths. Of course, after the crisis is defeated, I intend to keep going a little longer to unlock some achievements and try things out that I never really did before, either because I didn't think to do so, or because I didn't have the DLC to do so at the time. Synthetic empires are truly an interesting type; they operate like regular organic empires, but the main species are robots. You can't start that way, either; if you want to be a robot empire, you either start as Machine Intelligence and stay that way forever, or you start as an organic empire and pursue the synthetic ascension that turns your empire synthetic... and you stay that way forever; Machine Intelligence empires will consider you a fellow machine empire when this happens, but the way you manage your empire works more like an organic one as your pops are all individuals whereas Machine Intelligence pops are drones linked to an artificial hive mind. You also can't create machine worlds as a synth empire, though presumably you can take them from Machine Intelligence empires who can and be no worse for wear. I don't know how synthetic empires handle Machine Intelligence pops that enter their borders somehow, but allegedly Machine pops can't survive outside of a Machine Intelligence... There's a Fallen Empire in my current save that is a Machine Intelligence. I could, in theory, build up an overwhelmingly powerful fleet and just kick them over for their planets, just to see what happens to their pops. If they don't purge automatically, I expect them to be assimilated and become synth pops instead. Mechanical pops from other empires survive within Machine Intelligence empires just fine, however, but they lose whatever individuality they had, if any.
    1 point
  11. Castlevania: SOTN. It goes by in the blink of an eye. You follow the same path thru the first castle, then in the invert there's only 5 of the bosses you're required to beat to finish the game. He'll you don't even have to go to the invert to beat the game in one way. Just kill Richter and you're done. But if you kill him you don't get the invert. So I always use a holy sword when I fight him since he's immune but Shaft isn't. Either way you choose, the game is just too damn short. Still fun as hell, but too short.
    1 point
  12. DC

    Last Game Played

    Currently playing Days Gone
    1 point
  13. Morton

    Last Game Played

    Devil May Cry 5
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Sekiro on Plasytation
    1 point
  16. StaceyPowers

    Last Game Played

    I finished BIoshock 1 recently and just played some Skyrim. Now I'm going to rotate back to playing more RDR.
    1 point
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