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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2021 in all areas

  1. I found it. 3 videos of RDR2 right? You have to type it in the search then go to filters for channel. Scroll down a bit.
    1 point
  2. *Coughs* Nintendo and Sony *Coughs*
    1 point
  3. Play enough of the old Infinity Engine games, and followers teleporting isn't at all immersion breaking. What is immersion breaking is being told "you must gather your party before venturing forth," and having to wait for them because you've got Boots of Speed or something on, zipping through the map while everyone else saunters (and depending on their race, this can be anywhere between 30-25ft. per round). I can appreciate how followers teleporting can be annoying when they just pop into view, but the best way I've seen it done is to have that happen off camera. I suppose in games where it doesn't happen either can't be helped, or it isn't viewed as that big a priority to 'fix'. "You cannot rest while your party is scattered" is another joyous moment, too.
    1 point
  4. As someone who has had some awfully dramatic and stupid experiences in MMOs (especially when they led to OOC situations), I don’t even know where to start with this one. So I’ll just ask the rest of you, what is the worst thing anyone ever did to you in an MMO?
    1 point
  5. I can’t stand the changes to the layout of the PlayStation Store, and it really confused/irked me that PS3 content can now only be bought/viewed from PS3. Anyone else annoyed?
    1 point
  6. It's okay to talk about what you care about. I used to work in a fascist part of Fairfax, VA and people were constantly trying to get me to change my beliefs on everything. I quit that job when people kept threatening me with sharp objects and throwing things at my head. People should get to talk about what they like so long as it doesn't harm others.
    1 point
  7. In Skyrim, I wish we could jump while attacking because it's stupid as hell that the character suddenly turns into a lifeless doll when they jump.
    1 point
  8. The games I play never really encountered reality. I can't think of a single one on NES, SNES, or N64 that ever encountered reality with the exception of sports games and sims games. Just as a note, to me a sports game includes any form of car driving/racing game. Games based off TV and movies (Bond 007, Jeopardy, etc.) don't count. But to get back to my original point, I would have to try hard as hell, and do a lot of searching to find myself one game that even remotely seemed to relate to the human world or modern world in any way from any of those 3 systems. It would be fun, and interesting to do, but I know there are none in my library, with the exception of snowboarding games.
    1 point
  9. Something funny like that happens in RDR2. When you kill a muskrat, it sounds like a woman having an orgasm. The first time I heard it, I was sure it was a glitch. So I found a few more, and knew right away that it was scripted. That's when I started laughing. I need to shut up about RDR2. It's starting to get to the point that it's the only game I talk about.
    1 point
  10. Mosquitoes, since I'm used to seeing and hearing those little cripple bastards 😛 Easy to hear them Easy to kill them to death can feel them in away leeches, you can't even tell if they are on your body, and when you do feel something odd, it's too late and they ahve taken all your blood away 😛
    1 point
  11. I'm sure enough plams can be greased with $$$$$ to allow business to contiune.
    1 point
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