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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I remember hearing it was kind of mediocre. Better than Sonic 06 and one of the other recent games. I saw some lets plays for it, and it is kind of a glitchy mess in some areas. It may have been patched properly up to this point though, so maybe it plays and looks better now, but when it released it was kind of a mess and if I remember correctly, got middling reviews.
  2. Which is why I'm not too big of a fan of tough games like this. I wish I had the patience to play them, because games like this have rich storylines and awesome characters that I'd love to see explored. I could watch a lets play for them, and I have for the likes of a couple Dark Souls games, but would also like to be the one experiencing it first hand instead of watching someone else play. I want to have the patience to "git gud" at these types of games, but I just don't. 😞
  3. I disagree. I've purchased games for $60 before that had campaigns that long, some even shorter. The $29.99 may seem like a lot because there isn't a whole lot to do, but I think it's fair enough. Still I'd say a $20 price tag would suffice, but I think this game kinda deserves the price tag. Imo at least. Especially if there are any plans for future DLC (free hopefully) and mods maybe, that could keep the game alive even longer.
  4. Yeah but it's fairly minimal when you look at it. I've played most of the COD games, minus a few of the recent ones. With each new release, I jump in and it feels all the same. The menues, the gameplay, the character models, the guns, for the most part aren't changed much from each release. They update guns all the time in this series even after release to tone some guns down. To me, COD changed a little bit when they included wall running and jet packs. That's when it changed just a little bit. Fans one second want change, and COD does so, and it's not enough, so fans want to go back. So they go back and then fans complain it hasn't changed enough. COD can't adapt because fans are so used to the same thing over and over. If you change it one bit, fans complain. So I think that's also partly the reason why COD hasn't changed enough, because fans love to flip-flop.
  5. Well considering that is new, that's probably not a bad price. I don't know what the PSOne goes for new, but I imagine it isn't cheap. If you can get a used one for $95, that too sounds quite cheap considering. I just checked ebay myself, and the used market for them are a bit pricier than what you saw last time. Most of the ones with screens are going for over $100, around $140 or so for a few of them. I looked at brand new, and the price seems consistent around $450-$500, but there are some going for $2500 for some reason, maybe it's a different model or make idk.
  6. idk, I feel like stuff like Apex Legends does well even with EA being their publisher. The team behind Apex Legends seem to not be hated, and I don't usually hear much hate about Apex Legends. So there is hope for a live service game under EA, it just needs to be controlled by the developers and not EA. Because if EA forces their control onto it, it will become a waste. But I think the devs behind this game are being given the freedom to make the game they want, and I hope it works out to the fans benefit.
  7. I just think inevitably we have to put Krato's story to rest. I know Kratos is that character that has been around forever. But I could see a God of War game working without Kratos if done right. And that's by building Atreus into a character everyone loves as much as Kratos himself. And so far it seems like fans really dig Atreus. Especially since he's growing up to become a key character.
  8. Not sure about any mobile games, but I know of Tenchu, but that isn't in modern times or anything. Maybe the Xbox Ninja Gaiden games? Those may have taken place in modern times, but I've never played them. I hear they're notoriously tough games. Anyway, I just want to be able to climb up massive cities as an person from the Assassin's brotherhood, because I could see that being quite fun. An assassin living in modern times, who doesn't use new weapons, but the ones his ancestors used. I think it'd be pretty cool.
  9. I get the remakes for the original games, mainly because the controls, graphics, voice overs haven't aged super well. But I think it's dumb to remake RE4 because it could do more with an HD remaster if anything. Don't change what worked. Sure update some of the controls for modern consoles, but don't change the story, characters, voice acting, etc. But, Capcom will probably do that. It seems every studio these days has to remake their original titles.
  10. Yeah once the NES came around and shocked the world, it showed us that gaming was here to stay. It has got to be one of the best times for gaming ever, simply because it saved us from a possible death of gaming. Then again, I think we would have gotten something to take over if Nintendo didn't. Gaming was forever going to happen, and no decline was going to stop it.
  11. Oh goodness, nothing like that. I think most people are capable of waiting to get their console/devices back. I've had to wait weeks for some products to come in from the mail after I had to get something replaced. It sucks, but it also gives you time to do other things that you normally don't do. I would watch movies, youtube, listen to music, relax, hang out with friends and so much more. I say, if your gaming tech dies and it'll take a while to replace or repair it, I say get out and experience some of what life has to offer. 🙂
  12. Yeah VR can cause some strain to the eyes. I mean, considering you have a small screen right in front of your eyes, it can't be good for prolonged use. If anything it's why they suggest taking breaks often.
  13. Kane99

    Standing desk

    Technically sitting is worse for us due to how gravity hits our bodies. Standing is better for our posture. I've never tried using a standing desk, but I'd totally consider if it I could get one that moves up and down so I can also sit if needed. I'm lazy by nature so I will probably be sitting down more often.
  14. I still want to get a switch, but I also wouldn't mind getting my hands on a steam deck. Switch is on my radar because I think it would be better for me, but the steam deck will let me play all of the games I own on steam, and that's a selling point for me. If I can somehow play rdr2 on a steam deck, I'll get one of them first.
  15. I sadly haven't played much of the Metroid games. I played the original and I think a version on the game boy advance years ago. But the first one was always a blast to play, and still is. I really need to play the newer titles and some of the other gameboy, gcb, ds games as well. Not sure I want to play most of the 3d games though. Never found much appeal on the 3d ones.
  16. Nintendo aren't saints that's for sure, they've done a lot of dumb things in the past. But, Id take Nintendo over most of the other companies out there, even if they aren't the greatest around. I think they always seem to make up for their mistakes otherwise. They really need to start listening more to their fans though.
  17. I didn't think of it like that, but that does make a lot more sense. I remember when hddvd failed. I almost got that hddvd addon for the 360 years back, thank goodness I didn't. I remember the whole betamax thing. From what I heard it was actually a better format than vhs in terms of visuals, but vhs was easier to record on I think and also allowed for longer length video than betamax did. But I could be wrong that.
  18. Hitman 3 should get you the first two titles at no additional cost as well. So each mission from 1 and 2 should be accessible on hitman 3. 🙂 I think Mad Max was on game pass at one point, but it was since removed. Would love to have it back on there though as I wouldn't mind giving it a go.
  19. Yeah pretty much this. It's tough for any American consoles to sell in Japan and other foreign countries. I mean, think of it this way, wasn't the Xbox one of the first american made consoles? Most other consoles to my knowledge originated in Japan and other foreign countries, so the likelihood of any American consoles selling well overseas is a tough sell. Actually scratch that, I think Atari is an American company, but idk how they did in Japan and other countries.
  20. They will for sure make a PS5 for each popular exclusive. I think they made one for the newer horizon game, and I bet God of War Ragnarok will get a special console release. Same with the next last of us if that happens.
  21. That's automatically what I think of as well, especially since I think portable DVD players took inspiration from it back then. I've always wanted to own the PSOne with the screen. But I can only imagine how pricey the have gotten these days because of collectors.
  22. Anyone who plays it knows it's going to kill you a ton lol. I saw a few streams of people playing it, and they died a ton. Sometimes to the easiest enemies and all that. It's a game I want to eventually play, because I like the idea behind it. But I don't know if I can handle the difficulty.
  23. I feel like EA may be starting to let their devs do their thing. I at least hope that's the case. If EA actually allowed their devs to do their own thing, and take as much time as needed to finish a game, then I don't think EA would be this hated.
  24. I think playing on the steam deck would probably be the best method, considering it's a mobile device made to play your steam library. Still though, it probably won't be the best way to play it, since it will still be a bit downgraded compared to the main game on consoles and PC.
  25. I could see something like that happening, where they allow Kratos as a sidekick or as a selectable character at least. I think it'd be even cooler if you played as Atreus and when you beat it, you can open new game + where you can select Kratos to play as. Idk I could see it working. But I know some fans won't want to leave Kratos as a sidekick.
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