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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. That's for a fact what goes on in the game industry till date. A lot of gaming companies that followed that same paths are no longer here and you never can tell what happens in the future.
  2. You know preferences differ because I know at least 3 of my guys that really find the game that interesting. It's why I wouldn't rule out any game that quickly.
  3. That was exactly what I just pointed out for him. It's 18th and not 20th. It's even Elden Ring that I'm looking more forward to its release.
  4. It wasn't really a toxic gaming community but it's got a selective kind of gamers, so it's not really that full of chatters back then. It was mainly the admin that pumps up the community with content.
  5. Their developers creativity is seriously going to be called into question as time goes by. It's true what you said about them needed to branch out to some other cities and not bore the game.
  6. There might be a chance to earn something from playing on Microsoft Windows than playing on mobile phones.
  7. Shit happens mate. I had to send him an email one time but it bounced right back. It seems he took down the email address or something.
  8. The kind of vehicles that were used on Mad Max with the way they are modded are very insane. If that's capable of being done in games, it's definitely going to be a crazy race. I forgot to add Death Race cars.
  9. Kar98k or Karabiner 98k for full is one of my favorite old classic Nazi Germany gun used in the game.
  10. Yeah, that's for sure. It's not his first time of actually trying it out and he's gotten away with it most of the time which was why he banned whoever got a whiff of what's going.
  11. Yeah, I have already played Dirt 5 with at least 20 hours invested in it playing. It's not as good as Gran Turismo for me.
  12. It was actually how I tried to rush playing Red Dead Redemption 2 but figured I'd ruin my interest in the game and had to slow down.
  13. Exactly, it's your experience from playing the game that's going to kick in for you to have something to share on the game as well.
  14. In some games, you win some and lose some. It's never a win win outcome all the time. Some games have the lead characters die in the end for a greater purpose.
  15. Nope, you got me wrong there. I purchased my Playstation 4 but some of the games that I have on the console was gifted to me by my friends.
  16. It was actually Bloodborne that had me to the death and if not my friend who helped me out, I would have moved on from the game a very long time ago.
  17. Why do some gamers have so many games that runs in thousands in their backlog? Definitely, some games aren't going to be finished and they pile up.
  18. We all have our struggles from time to time. I believe that with time, they will definitely get to upgrade on their consoles.
  19. It's actually said to be released exactly on 18th February for Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 and not 20th February 2022.
  20. A pro is a pro for a reason. Some things that you find awfully difficult is very easy for them to execute most of the time.
  21. I do enjoyed how challenging playing Dark Souls dished out to me but being my favorite, it's not among the list.
  22. To each with their own. So, if worse comes to worst, I would use my avoidance-avoidance strategy and get by.
  23. I couldn't watch it here but had to go straight to YouTube and did that. It's exactly what I was talking about and as you can see, it's quite horrible.
  24. I do believe that with the help of Indie developers, it's definitely going to be something realistic when it comes to making games at least from scratch.
  25. At least 3 of my friends from back in the days in college are critically addicted to playing video games. They have been admitted once but it's not enough to solve the problem for them.
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