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Everything posted by Yaramaki

  1. Misanthropic whenever i hear that word why do i always have to think about Black metal? Juding by your avatarb i'm guessing you may be into metal? If not my apoligies for even bringing it up.
  2. Eh i'll pick it up once it's 30 buck orso next year who knows i'll have a ps5 by then, not about to give sony full price for any of their games.
  3. I try to stay away from horror games, i already have enough problems getting to sleep so no need for me to push that even further.
  4. Ps4 version is also 10-15 bucks cheaper. What the hell sony!!
  5. Xuan Yuan 7 -> great chinese action rpg, that suprised me in a good way. I really loved the characters, the story and offcourse the setting in ancient china is always a plus. Just Don't expect triple a stuff, but if you like action rpg there is a lot to like here. Figured i'd mention this game since nobody talks about it. Biomutant would be a close second.
  6. What platform are you gonna play it on ps5 or ps4?
  7. If we're talking physical games back in my hardcore collecting days that would be 1000 euros for delisoba deluxe on the sega saturn somewhere in 2014. I've got a few games that come close to that price tag but can't remember exactly what i paid for them.
  8. No i don't think it's harmful, aslong it's not online and granted the games are for their age group. I don't have kids but if i had i'd start out with kinect games as their first gaming experience. I think internet (and social media) is more harmful for a kid then videogames.
  9. They should just call their next console xbox and be done with it, i also agree future consoles will be just streaming boxes or all digital. Guessing that Probably won't happen in the next 10 years.
  10. Well you know what i mean , it's kinda early in the morning so my apoligies. 😉
  11. Well just to stick to topic title, can't say there are games i'm looking forward towards months on end, time flies by so fast i don't have the time to think about release dates or what games come out all that much. As a kid yeah there were a lot of games i looked forward to months before they even came out, but as an adult nah.
  12. Right where do i start with this subject, currently playing trough life is strange 2 but man i can't stop thinking about what is going to happen to the characters it drives me nuts sometimes can't stop thinking about it in bed resulting in sleepless nights. Bar the special power the setting is so real and almost reconizable i really feel for them, you feel sorry for the person you are playing. I probably could explain why but i'd be in spoiler territorry. I could name a few more games but i'll leave it for somebody else to name theirs for now. So did you ever have sleepless nights or nightmares from playing a certain game? I know horror games would be an obvious choice but if you can let's hear a few non horror games aswell.
  13. If only people would start voting with their wallets gaming would be a better place.
  14. The problem i've noticed is that each account has to be manually approved sure i get that is to prevent bots signing up. But it toke more then a week (almost 10 days) to get approved and only that happened when i sent a mail as to why my account isen't activated yet. Who knows if i never did contact the site if i would have been approved by now. You shoulden't have to go to that length to register on a forum i think. I'm not judging i get people have stuff to do, but approve accounts on a more regulair basis would kind off help.
  15. Nintendo doesen't really need to start and go buying up studios, pretty sure they can but why would they. They have the strongest ip's in gaming pokemon, mario, zelda, etc etc. Nintendo also has the most loyal fanbase out their that pretty much buy anything they put out -> let's port a wiiu game over and charge full price for it, those suckers will buy it anyway. I used to buy a nintendo system to play nintendo games since the rest i can play elsewhere. With the switch it's the same however i also find it to be the best place to play smaller games, it's also the purest game system in my oppinion you pop in a cart and you're good to go, no bullshit with downloads taking forever, if there are any patches it never takes long.
  16. I'm not that much of playstation guy anymore meanly because of sony's horrible costumers service i swore to never pay full price for any of their published games. If you're wondering why, my launch ps3 died after a few months and sony shifted the blame towards me, while it was clearly a manufacters fault, since those models are know to be prone to overheating i had to fork another 150 orso euros for repairs, Despite having warranty. I told myself if you're treating me like this i'll shift all my multiplatform games towards xbox. However I think sony's best games on ps4 are days gone and horizon zero dawn.
  17. it's just my personal oppinion as I coulden't get into the first last of us, so i never bothered with the second one. I may pick it up if i see it for cheap someday but that would be meanly for collecting sake as i've got no intention of playing it really. Never been much of naughty dog guy, like the uncharted games are good but i don't rate them as high as most people.
  18. Depends what you call old, for some ps3/360/wii (it's not that old imo) is old for others anything pre 2000. Streets of rage 2 and sonic 1 would be games i play every once in a while but i can play that on pretty much any modern system so does that count? super monaco gp 2 i usually beat once a year in honour of ayrton senna. Fifa 13 i simply boot up every once in a while because it has such an amazing sountrack, so i just listen to the music while doing something else.
  19. Answer is pretty easy for me, i'll exclude remasters and apparently nintendo is out too : 1) The witcher 3 : wild hunt 2) Yakuza 0 3) Red dead redemption 2 4) Stardew Valley 5) Kingdom come deliverance 6) Mad max 7) Forza Horizon 2 8 Ac Odyssey 9) Days gone 10) Persona 5
  20. I've never played cricket so woulden't even know where to start with that. For us europeans baseball and american football is also a niche sport. Plenty of games for those sports avaible good or bad. I've been thinking of importing mlb the show 22 when i comes out, kind of wanted to last year but diden't have a series x at the time so i passed on it. Always heard good words about the mlb games sony publishes.
  21. You could say that about pretty much anything these days it's just called luxery. Internet, mobile phones, tablets, etc. It's the common thing these days. Also i don't think many parents can't afford to spend 500 bucks on a console or atleast they have to save up for a while. Especially since poverty amongst familys is a common problem now. I know we all take it for granted but how many of us grew up without internet, i was nearly 18 years old when my parents finally toke a internet connection and even they diden't need it at all it cost them like 30 euros a month, we had 10 gb traffic i think that was in 2003. Before that i had to go to the library or use it at school when i had a change. Back then we diden't know off any better.
  22. While i'm all for games being historically accurate, the game in the first place should be fun to play and that's where a lot of historically accurate games fail imo. I think you have to find the right balance between fun and history.
  23. The 2020 olympic game has many obscure sports, it's great arcade sports fun to be honest. Some would even call it a hidden gem 😄 Guessing there are others : Handball, rugby and cricket have had a fair few releases over the years. Steep and rider republique (haven't played RR yet) could also be worth mentioning. then their is always beach spikers for the gamecube and yes i'll mention it anyways the dead or alive beach volleyball series.
  24. My native language is theoretically Dutch but the accent we use over here in Belgium is called Flamish, even that has various sub forms. My English is meanly self taught mostly trough videogames, movies , magazines,etc. didn't get english in school until 14 years old orso and that was like one or two hours a week at most.
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