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Everything posted by Grungie

  1. How is FF7 one of the strongest core identity games? I feel that comment is only based on it being the most popular Final Fantasy game. I don’t feel like the rolling around to dodge is much different than FF15’s warping. So I feel it’s weird to say FF15 isn’t a real FF game, but FF7R IS a real Final Fantasy. FF12 plays like an MMO (which by your logic, the MMO’s don’t count), so it also shouldn’t count because it’s not turn based. The setting is based on Ivalice, which makes it more in common with Vagrant Story and FF Tactics, so should that also discredit it from being a real FF game? You said it’s more and world are more like a “real” FF game, despite its world and lore being tied to a spin-off and a non-Final Fantasy game.
  2. Good job at dodging my other questions. I love the “items obvious” or “it’s self explanatory” responses people give, like they don’t have to substantiate it if you just say it’s obvious. FF7 remake also isn’t a real FF game I’m taking? Or is it because it’s a remake, it IS a real entry?
  3. No, I definitely do not know what I'm talking about with FF, this picture is a lie. Back to being serious, I don't know what you're talking about with the games being formulaic to the extent of Pokemon. Like how are the games tied to each other? What makes a game more "Final Fantasy" than another? When I play FF 3, it's different from 7, or 6, or 10. None of the lore lines up, it hops between medieval and science fiction, and I haven't seen crystals of the elements mentioned in ages. When you throw around vague blanket terms, you need to back those up with something quantifiable. I feel like you're using a word salad. "The weapons in 12 are like FF1-3". Like what, how? You need to further elaborate things, and not dodge my questions.
  4. I don’t know what you’re talking about with the weapon system of FF1-3. What did they do different from any other basic weapon system in RPG’s or most other FF games? I’m curious what makes a game “more Final Fantasy” than others, and I still didn’t get an answer about the shared lore that other FF games have. Did you know FF12 was the most hated FF game for awhile? So this newfound love the internet has for it is really weird. 9 was also hated for quite awhile…
  5. Where does FF12 come into play? It doesn't play like any other FF game. To be honest, most Final Fantasy games don't have much tying them together outside of magic, summons, and item names. I've been in the fandom long enough to see basically every game considered "not a real FF game"
  6. Idk what you're talking about "shared lore", as none of the games have anything to do with each other. They all have chocobos and someone named Cid, and occasionally Moogles. Sometimes the summons are the same, but others have unique summons. I think 12's battle system is more complex with the gambit system, and then there's 8's junction system. Idk what you mean by "everything" with FF15, as you have to actually quantify it as opposed to just saying "everything". There's definitely a lot of stuff associated with Final Fantasy in it.
  7. Most of the Final Fantasy games aren’t that similar to each other, so I find it weird to single out FF13 and 15. I’m not sure what made those two less “Final Fantasy” than the others.
  8. I think my iMac was $1800, as was my MacBook Pro. My Windows computer cost me like $1500. My servers probably cost $1000 total.
  9. I’m an IT guy, and my computers reflect that. I have multiple computers that run on different operating systems, so I have all 3. I primarily daily drive Macs at home, a Windows desktop for gaming needs, and a Chromebook as a travel laptop. Lately I’ve been using Linux at work, and I think the work environment makes me hate Linux more.
  10. I would love one of the Mac Studios for audio production.
  11. Most of the people I meet like that are usually cocky over a niche topic that people generally have surface level knowledge over. Since they have above average knowledge over it, they’re usually flaunting it, until they meet someone that knows more than they do.
  12. Grungie


    Due to the amount, I haven’t actually played them all, but I buy them because I want to play them. That’s why I primarily stick to collecting JRPG’s, because it’s my favorite genrezz
  13. You have to really try to damage those, or use a metallic object. A q-tip and Isopropyl alcohol or Windex is all you need. Brasso is for the ultra dirty carts.
  14. I collect/play a ton of retro stuff.
  15. Grungie


    I don’t go for systems per say. I collect JRPG’s across basically everything.
  16. Hard to say, because it’s a hybrid. As a home console, the timing is weird, but as a handheld, it’d be 9th gen, as the 3DS is 8th gen.
  17. Console generations have nothing to do with anyone’s opinion on relevancy. It’s all based off of a mix of timing and, to an extent, technology. If you look at other console generations, there’s definitely some big gaps between releases of consoles within the same generation Handhelds also follow a staggered release schedule as well. So the Switch is just as much a successor to the 3DS as it was the Wii U, and came out at the time the 3DS was going to be replaced at.
  18. I'd call it an addiction if it's become detrimental to you, and you also start having something like a withdrawal symptoms and anxiety when you're not playing. Basically if you're letting it control your life.
  19. I usually only talk down to people who instigated it with me. 9 times out of 10, they usually don't actually know what they're talking about, and I do.
  20. I've been playing guitar regularly since 2003.
  21. Do you have a clip or something I can listen to? Also, is this only happening in your videos, or is this everywhere? If you do a quick voice sample on vocaroo or Audacity, does it make you sound like a guy? Your voice will also sound different to you than it does to other people, so a lot of people freak out when they hear their voice in a recording.
  22. You just need to get a quality microphone, USB mics are good for mic noobs, especially because you don't need to buy an interface. Most good microphones usually have a slider that lets you adjust the gain (aka recording volume) of the mic.
  23. I was initially an Android user, but I converted to iPhones afterwards. That was like... 10 years ago. The Android device fragmentation was really bad back then, so it was like a crapshoot for what apps worked well and what didn't.
  24. I have a 4th gen iPad Air and a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7. I have a mixed reception on Android tablets because of the poor app optimization. The tablets are now trying to emphasize you using it in landscape mode, along with a keyboard and mouse, but the vast majority of apps just work in portrait mode. A lot of the apps also don't scale correctly, so it's like the early iPad days where the apps were just blown up phone apps.
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