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Posts posted by The Blackangel
While I can’t say that I’ve played it, it’s my understanding that The Lion King was guilty as well. Actually from what I’ve seen, almost all Disney games from that era were like this. Same name. Different game.
I’m not the most educated on the Sega library as I grew up on Nintendo. But Sonic was their mascot back in the days when mascots mattered. Sega had Sonic, Nintendo had Mario, and to s lesser degree, Link. You could say that Atari had Pac-man, but that’s probably pushing it. So almost any title could be a contender for the Sega hall of fame. They all contributed to Sega’s legacy, to a system that was no slouch in any way.
Xbox was lucky that they entered the market at a time when mascots no longer mattered. But that also means that they don’t have any specific character that when mentioned instantly takes the person to Xbox.
I don’t think PlayStation or Xbox hold a candle to the Switch. There are thousands of indie titles on the market right now, but they’re often difficult to find. At least my experience with PlayStation tells me that. However with the Switch, they’re everywhere. Thousands and thousands of indie titles and one offs, are rampant. For every licensed title from the major publishers, there are a minimum of 200 indie games. And I honestly think that number is low. PlayStation seems like they prefer to focus on games that are proven to sell. Things like GoW, GTAO, and other AAA titles.
What game had the biggest jump in graphics from its predecessor. I would say SMB2. In other places, SMB2 is what we call the “lost levels” here in the states, and our SMB2 doesn’t exist in said nation.
Mario marches like a damn nazi soldier in SMB1, but despite that it’s still one of the best games ever made. And you could pretty much thank Mario exclusively for saving gaming after the video game crash back in 1983
What games have you played that was released on multiple platforms, but was completely different in every way from its partner on other platforms.
The one that immediately springs to mind for me is Beavis & Butthead. When they were released they came out on both SNES and Sega, and they came out at the same time. But neither of the games had much of anything in common with its supposed “doppelgänger “.
Obviously Sonic and his allies and enemies are so iconic that no Sega hall of fame could exist without them. Any that tries isn’t a valid lust. That’s like excluding the Mario and Zelda franchises from the Nintendo hall of fame.
Sega’s basketball games were really great. I think I have a couple actually, but I need to get access to my list again as my library had grown significantly since the last time I updated it.
I was always partial to the blue Yoshi. Mainly because he could fly, no matter what color shell he grabbed.
I don’t see what other choice they have. The problem with releasing a hybrid console is that there’s nowhere left to go from there. Nintendo has tried pretty much everything in gaming, to the point that it seems nothing is left.
While OoT was a great game, it’s pure shit compared to the original on NES. But one of the games Nintendo took a very long time to develop was SMB3. The game inspired competitions, movies, and cartoons, just to name a couple things.
it was the biggest thing in the world in reference to gaming at that time. Video stores had months long waiting lists to rent it, and stores couldn’t keep it on the shelves for more than a day. People got violent trying to get their hands on it. Some stores actually hired extra security at the electronics department due to the popularity and demand for the game. While other games have landed hard, no game or franchise has ever hit as hard as SMB3.
The most suspenseful scenes vary from person to person. That’s because the most suspenseful scenes are the ones that play on your fears and phobias. For example someone who is claustrophobic would have a hell of a hard time watching The Descent. People afraid of the water would have an extremely difficult time watching Titanic or The Meg. People afraid of heights will have a hard time watching whatever movie gets made about 9/11.
Hockey. Because before you ever pick up a stick, you have to be able to skate. And not just forward, but backwards and sideways as well. For virtually every other sport you only have to be able to stand and walk.
Something most people have mastered by the time they’re 3.
I would say goalie. No matter how good a goalie you are, the majority of the blame for a loss is going to be aimed at you. Especially in a championship game.
To the surprise of no one, I talk to @Rain Dew the most.
Our worst nightmare has come true. Adolf managed somehow to seize power. He promised to be a dictator. He will eliminate elections and the constitution, as he promised to do. Everyone and anyone that is opposed to him is going to be hunted. He already promised that. We are going to be imprisoned, murdered, or deported even if we were born here and have never left this country. Anyone with a dark complexion or even a goddamn tan is going to be deported to Mexico. Asians will all be deported, as will Muslims and Arabs in general. Once again, just like before, our allies will be telling us to go to hell. And rightly so. With a convicted felon seizing power, laws in this country are a thing of the past. The constitution bars anyone convicted of a felony from holding any kind of office, or even running. That's obviously a thing of the past. You're not guilty of any crime if you're a right wing nazi. If you're on your knees praying for a chance to lick his balls, you're not guilty of crime. If you're opposed to him, you're guilty of all crimes. Especially the crime of having a fucking pulse. This country is gone. They're probably going to rename it Adolfica or Adolfland. I won't lower myself by typing its legal name. That word is beneath all people. But obviously not the nazis. They probably have its name tattooed on their ass.
I am so sick and beyond pissed that I can't even see straight. I'm going to Canada next month to talk to the government about getting asylum. If it's granted, I will renounce my American citizenship and be Canadian for the rest of my life.
And to think that I was stupid enough to enlist when I was 18 to defend this country. It's something that I have regretted for more than 20 years now.
I’m going to Ottawa next month to see if I can get asylum. Adolf was by some sick cosmic fuckup reelected. I just hope someone with good aim visits him very soon.
I don’t know. Constant DLC’s tend to ruin games for me. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels like that. I got the DLC from the ultimate edition, and that’s all I want. Also any DLC they released would have been strictly for RDO. With AAA titles, studios try to focus on their online version of the game. Once the story mode is out, they don’t offer a whole lot of bonus content. Which to me is a blessing. But then again, I despise online gaming. It literally turns my stomach. If it’s your thing, then by all means, have a blast.
But ask me to play online, and we’re going to find out exactly how far I can throw a waffle iron.
The only DLC for RDR2 is the bonus content that you get with the special/ultimate editions. Otherwise, there hasn’t been any new content released.
I still sleep with several guns within arms reach.
21 hours ago, killamch89 said:
Where I'm from, you have to focus because there's a lot of nutcases on the road out here and it just takes one lapse in concentration and bam! Somebody either smacks your car, smacks another car into you or some kind of freak accident.
Now I’m thinking you’re American.
All of our favorite AAA titles have things that don’t make sense to us as gamers. Even after patches and updates released these mysteries still remain.
For example in RDR2, you can find 2 of 3 meteorite fragments. Some have alluded that to gain the third piece, there’s something you have to do in GTAO, but that theory has never really been accepted among RDR2 obsessives. I can say that with confidence because I’m on several forums that are exclusively RDR2.
Then there’s the princess kidnapping. Her name was Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister. It may be something Rockstar cut, but left the missing poster as some form of easter egg. Some have suggested that she may be the mystery girl at Emerald Ranch. While it could be possible, it’s highly unlikely.
There are also items that are hidden so well that if you don’t know someone who knows, you will never find them, and most likely never even know they exist. Can anyone here find the fluorite, ammolite, shrunken head, or the devil himself? For some of you reading this, this is the first time you have EVER heard of these things. And I can promise you that there are dozens more. And for those 100% completionists you want a TRUE 100% don’t you? Well just let me know how long it took you to find the aforementioned items, plus the shark tooth trinket, hawk talon trinket, cats eye trinket, turtle shell trinket, and crows beak trinket. I’ll give you a hint: no fence can make them, and no NPC in the game ever mentions anything even remotely related to them, because they don’t know of their existence. The only ones who did know of them are long since dead. You find them all in different locales in the game.
So missing items, possible removed content, and things that no gamer knows exist, are some of the mysteries we have to deal with. And the biggest reason, is because we’re sitting here simply asking “why?”.
1 hour ago, killamch89 said:
At least I can watch it during the week.
As far as I’m aware, it’s not on any streaming service. So to my knowledge, you’re going to have to buy the disc and watch it that way.
I started sleeping with a loaded rifle in my hands when I was 12 for reasons I’m not going to get into. Obviously if I was doing that, I was in a violent and dangerous environment.
How do you pronounce some words? I grew up as a redneck, and learned to talk like one. For example, take the word Pecan. Most people pronounce it puh-con. I learned to say it as pee-con. Then there’s some location that I pronounce differently. Take Louisiana. I pronounce it loo-zee-anna. New Orleans is another. I pronounce it N’olinz. Nevada I enunciate the A. I pronounce it Ne-vay-da. Actually a huge number pronounce it that way, because there’s a town here where that is the proper pronunciation. Then there’s the name of our state, Missouri. Most people pronounce it Missouree. A lot of us pronounce it Missouruh.
Even Tech N9ne pronounces the state Missouruh.
Most sudden graphics jump in a series
in Video Games
Great pick. The technical side of FFVIII was leaps and bounds beyond what FFVII had. The cutscenes were the greatest graphics ever seen to that point. We were all wishing that we had games that looked like that as a whole. Well with the AAA titles we have now, that wish has been granted.