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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. How is it greed to own and play on different platforms? By your words that means we’re all required to play on only one platform and nothing else or we’re being greedy, threw away thousands (which is bullshit BTW) and would never have time to play them. Since you have the authority to dictate all of this, tell me what system I’m allowed to play so I can throw all of my others in the trash.
  2. Money is no issue for this question. What is the absolute best gaming laptop available?
  3. Skyrim for Switch is on sale at the moment for $29.99 USD in the Nintendo eShop. Normal price is $59.99 USD. Sale ends 8-10-2020
  4. I have 4 options. Blaster Master (NES), Zelda (NES), Zelda OoT (N64), and FF8 (preferably Switch). I would throw a snowboarding game in there, but there are too many awesome ones to choose from and I just wouldn't be able to land on one. But if I had to pick only one game for the rest of my life, it would most likely be FF8. That's one game I almost never get tired of playing. I'd want it on Switch so I could play anywhere.
  5. I'm going to have to go with iPhone. It's a lot more user friendly than android. And from what I've experienced the game choices are better too.
  6. I've built several, but that was during Win98. The parts you would need to build one are no longer made, so it would be just as expensive, if not more so, to build a current gaming PC. I still have an old PC that I use to play games like AOE2 and Diablo 2 on, but you're never going to find the parts to build one.
  7. The 360 was a train wreck from the beginning. The technical issues and RROD were turning a lot of die hard Xbox loyalists to other systems, and they lost a lot of support. I don't know if this is bullshit or true, but I read online that the Xbox One almost didn't happen due to what happened with the 360. I know PlayStation and Nintendo saw a surge during that time in sales because of the RROD. But that was the time of Wii and PS3, which both had their fair share of issues as well. Especially the first edition of PS3 that had PS2 capailities. It overheated so bad that the entire system crashed and you were usually forced to buy a new one. That's the reason for the rerelease that removed the PS2 capabilities. Wii, while it was nice to have backwards compatibility with the Game Cube, was horrible with the controller and nunchuk. A lot of people hated it, but a lot of people loved it. I personally despised it. So there were goods and bads of every system of that gen. Most would agree that there have been massive improvements all around, but there are others who would still argue it.
  8. I doubt it. While it was extremely popular, and featured games that haven't been ported to the Switch, (such as Zelda OoT) unless there were massive upgrades it would be more of a step backwards than anything. They're still selling games for it, but I don't think they're making the system anymore and have no plans to do so. I played the DS/3DS a bit, but always preferred my GBASP over it. With the capabilities of the Switch, and it's popularity, I don't think we'll see another in the DS line being produced. But I'm not a prophet or even a Nintendo insider, so I can't say for certain one way or another.
  9. Baseball bats, golf clubs, and a shotgun come to mind.
  10. If the user is a known pirate, then I can get removing them from the network. But if they just clean house and remove anyone thought to be committing piracy, then they're going to lose a lot of customers. Granted once a code is used, it's supposed to be completely void from being used again, and there are ways around it. But it's not hard to buy yourself a code, use it, put it back in the box, reseal it and give it to someone under the guise of a gift. Then when they try to use it, they're the one that's screwed. Cracking down on piracy is a good thing, but it's not all black and white. But then again it's not a perfect system, so there are bound to be innocent casualties. I may not even be making sense to anyone but myself. All I know is that I'm not a fan of a system that is 100% digital. So I would have to have the disc capable version if I was to buy one.
  11. Considering all the systems I have and play, I can honestly say I have more than 50 easily. When I buy bundles they always come with extra controllers. Most are in boxes in a closet, except the ones I keep out to use.
  12. It was interesting, but the guitar was a problem. I play left handed and the damn thing is set up exclusively for right handed players. I had Guitar Hero 3, and it was ok, but there was one part I couldn't figure out how to beat. It was some thing against some character that you have to outdo or something. I simply could never figure out what I was supposed to do there. I think the characters name was something like Les or Lex or something.
  13. Docking ability aside, how is the Switch not a handheld? Apart from that, I think after seeing the success of the Switch, Nintendo is probably moving to a portable/handheld market. Possibly entirely, and leaving Xbox and PlayStation to duke it out over home consoles.
  14. I've talked about this game a lot, as it's one of my favorites, and actually therapeutic for me. Those of us that are misanthropic beyond most human comprehension need something to keep us in check. I would love to do what The Antagonist is doing, but obviously I can't. So I thought I would post a video clip of the beginning of the game I found on YouTube. Mainly because I don't have a clue how to record gameplay on a PC unless I set up a camera in front of the screen like my phone or something. But that's more of a hassle to me than it's worth.
  15. I'm almost exclusively a classic gamer. A lot of it is child oriented, but still fun as hell. But there are games that are strictly adult oriented. Conkers Bad Fur Day is one.
  16. If you're talking about the game just wearing out from repeated plays, I've had a couple wear out that had to be replaced. If you're talking about wearing out because I put a large amount of buckshot into it, then I've had countless wear out.
  17. A couple you might try are Mahluk and Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast. I have them both, and they're pretty fun. The best one about the second game is that you get to listen to Iron Maiden through the game.
  18. True, but the sad reality is that that's par for the course these days. They keep making sequels until they've run said series so far into the ground that there's no bringing it back. And I'm not talking about only AC here. Many series have had this happen to them. Castlevania lost a lot of popularity, and to be honest with you, I don't even remember the last time an entry to the series was made. PS3 I think. To my knowledge they quit after that. SMB is still going strong, but I think they're running out of ideas with it. The one series I see that is going great and most likely will keep it up is Final Fantasy. But that's because it's a completely new game every time. Sure there are a couple true sequels like FFX and FFX2. But that's not typical of the series. The only thing the games actually have in common is the series name. And don't even get me started on fighting games. Those are way past their time.
  19. I have a couple replica master swords, and a limited edition set of the SNES Zelda ROM-hacks. My girl bought the collector edition setup of TLOU2, FF7 remake, Tomb Raider, and the FF14 update Shadowbringers. She has figures all over the house. I also have a couple Zelda collectors coins. If at some point I can find them I'll post a pic to show what I'm talking about. Somewhere around here I have all the hardback Zelda guides, still in the shrink wrap, unopened. And the last one that I can think of at the moment, even though I know it's not actually the last and there's more shit running around here somewhere, is a letter opener that's a replica of Squall's gunblade. But where the hell it went, I have no clue.
  20. In the Nintendo eShop, I got over $60 worth of games for less than $10 when they went on sale. Two that I bought together were Outlast and Outlast 2. I manage to get a lot of games on sale like that.
  21. Aside from online gaming, they won’t have to go the way of the dodo. By the time you’re thinking of, the online games people play today won’t be supported anymore. As for VR being the norm, I honestly don’t see that happening. There is a huge number of gamers who couldn’t do it. Those with limited mobility, and psychological issues come to mind. I’m in both situations for example. It may be a lot more popular at that time than it is now, but I don’t think it’s gonna be replacing anything.
  22. I’m a member of TST. I joined last year, but have been Satanic all my life without realizing it. Before anyone loses their shit, understand the difference between Satanism and devil worship first. They are not the same thing in any way.
  23. No gender stereotyping here. We’re all into something that people would think was marketed to a particular sex.
  24. The Switch and Switch Lite games are interchangeable. It’s not a Game Boy/GBA situation. If it plays on one, it plays on the other.
  25. With the exception of the Wii U and Virtual Boy, I actually have owned every Nintendo console.
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