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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I’m playing it on my PS3. I’ve never been able to play games like this on a PC. I can never get the controls down.
  2. SKYRIM IS A PIECE OF SHIT!!! Can someone please explain to me why all of a sudden out of the blue I lost control of my character, and the screen started rotating and pulsing in and out of focus? I know I’m not dead because I’m at full health. My stamina is fine, and I’m not fighting anything. And the guy I escaped with is still talking to me. This game fucking sucks.
  3. I have the Scottish, Irish, and German flags up on my wall. They’re my heritage so I never take them down. My family were Scottish Celts, and I take a lot of pride in that. For the years of 1933-1945 I renounce my German heritage though.
  4. I've finally decided to take the plunge. When I post again on this thread I'll no longer be a virgin. I'm going to play Skyrim for the first time. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
  5. If the only gaming system you were ever able to play on again for the rest of your life was an NES, what specific game would you play the most and why? And I mean the actual 1985 console. No emulators, no downloads. And definitely no mini/classic bullshit.
  6. Butterfly effect question. Would you sacrifice yourself if it would help 5 random children elsewhere in the world that you have never, and will never, meet or encounter? Take into consideration that they could be children of terrorists like bin Laden wanting revenge for his death, or children struggling with their families just to survive. And everything in between.
  7. What’s a time for you when 2+2 doesn’t equal 4?
  8. Other than the American flag, (you’re American right?) what flag would you be proud to have flying in your front yard?
  9. When kids get violent and do things like school shootings, the blame always goes to things Marilyn Manson and Doom. It’s never a parenting or bullying problem. But when a kid excels and gets into Harvard, then they had amazing parents. Kid does good: parents are to blame. Kids do bad: parents are innocent and it’s something else. Pick and choose when and where it’s comfortable to be a parent. If your kid’s a fuckup it’s not the parents fault, but if the kid ends up being the dean of Harvard the parents get all the credit. Cowardly. Pathetic.
  10. I absolutely hated Robert. They got absolutely nothing right. The first 5 minutes had me so pissed off, I was ready to hunt down every one of the asswads involved in making it and beat them to death. Another movie that was just flat out fucking stupid was The Expendables. 15 muscle men, 30 years past their prime, 50 past the time they would have been a good choice for such a movie, and a complete piece of shit plot. If it can even be called that. But the most pathetic part on that one is that THEY MADE SEQUELS. 🤮🤦🏻‍♀️
  11. Are you asking which characters or movies?
  12. Credit to @Joshua Farrell on this post. He posted the same thing in the Xbox section, but as I’m not an Xbox fan, and actually spend a good amount of time playing my switch, I thought I would see what games people have downloaded to their Switch. So far I have only bought one digital download for my Switch. I bought Goblin Sword a couple weeks ago, and absolutely love it. It has Sega Genesis style graphics, and is a ton of fun to play. So whatcha got?
  13. Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast Mahluk Q*Bert Asteroids I also have Word Cookies, Pipe Art, Word Crossy, and Cody Cross. They’re fun, but nothing like the other 4 games at the top of this list.
  14. Can Minecraft do it? I don’t know anything about the game, so it’s easy for me to be wrong about that one.
  15. A billion I could do. I think.🤷🏻‍♀️
  16. I could throw Sega Genesis exclusives like Sonic on here as well. I grew up playing the old stuff like Atari and Nintendo. I never really had any interactions with the system until many years later. I’m not on my Sega all that much, but that’s probably due to being a Nintendo girl. So, Sega exclusive games I’m sure I’m absolutely horrible at.
  17. Astynax, Blaster Master, and Legacy Of The Wizard. All 3 are NES games, and all are absolute favorites of mine since I was a child. That’s more than 30 years.
  18. After a 5 hour drive yesterday that was more than worth it.... meet Bailey.
  19. I can't stand pop. But I especially can't stand Ariana Grande. Her "I'm better than you, worship me now" attitude is something I won't tolerate. She thinks she's the Gods' gift to the world.
  20. The last time I played a farm game was Simfarm on Win95. It was a 3½ floppy game, and for the time was pretty nice. Since then, I haven't played a single farm game.
  21. I'm unaware of any games that can be played on more than one device and picked up at the same point in the game. Unless this is something like an iCloud thing.
  22. Hatred. The brutality of this game satisfies me.
  23. I used to play Mortal Kombat all the time, and got really good at it. I beat it every time. But since it's been forever since I've played it, I'm rusty as hell, so I honestly suck now. But being rusty aside, most of the games from my library that I truly suck at are just a couple ROM-hacks. I'm not the best at South Park The Fractured But Whole. Breath Of The Wild is kicking my ass at the moment, but that's because I'm a noob. I was never able to master any Metroid games. There's a couple Zelda games on Game Boy that I'm not particularly good at. Darkstone on PS1 is a bitch and a half, that I have yet to even figure out. That's all I can thin of at the moment.
  24. Didn't @DC just ask me this in the member interviews?
  25. One million dollars and I had to rely on that for the rest of my life? To those on the bottom, a million sounds great. But in all truth, that's not exactly a lot of money these days. It wouldn't last very long. So I would say no to it, and keep my games.
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