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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. The game is also available on PC through Steam.
  2. I've said it before, but it's not the fact the games are difficulty that bothers me, it's that "trial and error" approach to the difficulty I can't stand. The controls in are too sluggish to make the challenge about still and the patterns, exploits and weakness's of enemies to cryptic to make it about strategy. Take a game like Horizon: Zero Dawn, you get all the information you could need about the enemies with fast, fluent controls with effective, purposeful actions, but they still manged to make a challenging game. What I've I've experienced with "soulsborne" titles is nothing like that. It's "try, then die" until you figure out exactly what the game wants you to do to get through this section. I'd even go so far as to say the games aren't actually challenging. All you need to do to win is dedicate enough time to multiple attempt until you succeed, so they're a test of patience as much as anything. And what is with the "no pause" nonsense? In Nioh, I wasn't even "allowed" to make adjustments to the graphics settings without coming under attack, it's bullshit. If people like those games, then good for you, but it is just not for me.
  3. My personal experience with fans of "soulsborne" games has been dreadful. Elitist, arrogant. rude, unwelcoming and unhelpful. Can't say I'm surprised, though, even the games themselves are too arrogant to even let you pause. Who else but those ass holes would fall in love with those games?
  4. Wow, it's almost as if female gamers are human beings with thier own unique traits and personalities. Seriously though, why is that such a hard concept for some people to grasp?
  5. That's a noble enough cause, even though it felt fairly clear to me (as well most of the rest of us) that the thread is about PS4/XB1 era titles because; The thread started in 2018, so there was nothing at all wrong with thread title. A forum the size of VGR would struggle to keep a conversation going about PS5 and XBox Series games going for 7 pages. Let's face it, there isn't much to talk about in terms of exclusive games for those consoles at the moment. This is kind of an extension to point 2 I admit, but this early into the lifespan of the PS5 and XBox series consoles, why would anyone make a thread in discussion of "best game of the generation so far" anyway? I just don't see anybody doing that. Despite your claim that "people are randomly posting games from both last and current gen", I have looked through the thread and I have not seen a mention of any game (current or upcoming) that isn't on PS4 and/or XB1. Even so, I do actually agree an edit to the thread title to make it clearer is good idea, but you're going about this all wrong. If you feel that there is something wrong and needs edited or addressed, you do not try to moderate the forum from the back seat, you report it, something you've been warned about before as it is against the rules; I know this wasn't exactly a "conflict", but you had something you felt needed addressed by staff, but instead of reporting it or mentioning it in the "Questions and Suggestions" sub-forum, you instead talk in the thread "the moderators should do this" and "moderators should do that". There are good reasons why brining up forum issues in such a manner is so heavily discouraged. We can't address things as quickly when they're brought up like this, and that's if we even notice the request at all. I only came across it myself by casually browsing through forum, so it was just as likely I wouldn't have noticed your request to have thread title edited, it was dumb luck and nothing more that I did. Just because you report a post, doesn't mean there's anything malicious about that post nor is it an attempt to get anyone in trouble. It's simply saying "can a moderator take a look at this because...". Honestly, it could be 90% of the reports we get from members are them reporting thier own posts because they made a mistake and need them edited or removed. I doubt the OP would hold a grudge over a request to have threat title updated. Still, @DylanC, I will edit the threat title on assumption you would have no objections, but if you do, let me know ASAP. So yes, I'll comply with the request and edit this threads title to make it clear that the discussion in about PS4 and XBox One games and invite either yourself or someone else to create a new thread at some point about PS5 and XBox Series consoles. All I polity ask in return is that you, @m76, please make such requests through the proper channels in future.
  6. You may not be trying to be racist, well the fact is nobody tries. You are or you aren't. You say Jill is supposed to be American, so why was the issue the colour of her skin? It's common for Americans to have a mixed race or Latino heritage. Not to mention fact that all real Native Americans are dark skinned, so whatever way one looks at it your logic it is deeply flawed. If you were telling the truth that the actress wasn't "American" enough, why not a go at the fact actress is English? No matter what way I look at it, it doesn't make any sense! And no, I'm not triggered, I'm concerned. And trust me when I tell you casually throwing the words "woke" and "triggered" around only makes you look worse. Enough of the insults and grow up a little if you don't mind.
  7. Let's make one thing perfectly clear. You are the one who pointlessly criticized the movie over people being the "wrong" race, but not only that, you didn't get the ethnicity of the target of your comment correct. You called a half black English woman an Hispanic As explained by serval people people, it really wasn't important what the ethnicity of the actress was anyway, but instead of acknowledging the error of the comment, you do that instead. Nobody said anything stupid there apart from yourself, so that little dig at everyone for calling out the error is not fair and not apricated. All we did was talk some common sense. However, if want want to ignore said advice then you fell free to do so, just don't insult us for it.
  8. Em... it's the time between the launches of new generation of console. I don't understand why that wasn't clear.
  9. To be clear though, talk of emulation is totally fine on VGR, but talk of emulating certain platforms is a bit of a grey area as the nature of some platforms makes legitimate, legal emulation very difficult, and the PSP is certainly on of those. Still, so long as nobody post links to pirated games, the websites that host them or instructions to "crack" games, then it won't be an issue to discuss them.
  10. The PSP used a format called UMD (Universal Media Disks) for games and movies that you would watch on the PSP console. As far as I know, no other device actually used this format. It is possible to back up PSP games to the PSP memory stick and even to a computer by connecting the PSP to a PC, but that aside the only way to read data from a UMD is on the PSP console itself. So I see using a PSP emulator as slightly different that using a PS2 emulator like PCSX2, for example, because that emulator runs the game straight from a legitimate copy of the game, and as far as I know that is not possible with PSP UMD games as the only hardware that could read them was the PSP itself. However, I have found that it is possible to run digitised UMD files through emulation without a working PSP, but issue here is you still need the ISO file of the game, and, again as far as I can tell, UMD back ups don't work that way, there are not in that format. I have to assume it's possible to convert UMD back ups so they can run on PC (otherwise piracy on PSP games wouldn't be thing at all) and I'll keep looking into that, but so far the only way I can find to run UMD games on a PC is to download said games ISO files from somewhere that almost certainly less than legal. If anyone knows better and can offer more insight, please let me know. @kingpotato, I'll try an figure this out as quickly as possible, but rules on linking hosts of pirated software or instructions on how to bypass security on games is very clear on VGR.
  11. COD remaining a multiplatform title (for the foreseeable future) was pretty much established because of contractual obligations Activision had with PlayStation and other partners. So you see, COD remains, (again, for now) a multiplatform not because Xbox wanted it that way, but because they had too. It's good PR to acknowledge the inevitable as if you're considering the customer, but come on! You would have to blind to not realise this is not going to last.
  12. That does make sense being so close to Valentine's day, so it's actually more clever than I first thought. Doesn't stop it being a bit weird and very anti-consumer though.
  13. In a bizarre blunder for an even more bizarre promotion, Halo Infinite fans were left disappointed by getting a Forza Horizon 5 livery instead of a Spartan Skin for Halo Infinite with promotional packs of nail polish. That's right, nail polish (PC gamer article on the original promotion). For reasons that escape me, Microsoft partnered with the cosmetics company OPI to offer a Spartan Skin for Halo Infinite and a Forza Horizon 5 Livery with promotional pacts of OPI nail polish, both pictured below (To be fair, they do look pretty sweet). The blunder was caused by the terms of claiming the in-game items not being fully explained by neither Xbox, nor OPI. You see, the Halo skin was only redeemable though purchases off of a select line of OPI nail polishes with names like “You Had Me At Halo,” “Can’t CTRL Me,” and “N00berry” (Somebody had to write those...) costing around $20 made through Amazon, whereas the Forza livery was only redeemable at the beauty and salon supplier Ulta, again at around $20. So, depending what in-game item you wanted, you had to shop at the correct place. Like I said, this was not make clear in terms and conditions at first. The conditions have since been updated to clarify this, but not changed. And if you wanted both, that's two purchases of the same thing. To add insult to double purchase poverty, the Halo Skin isn't even in the game yet and doesn't launch until March 1st, so even those people who did get the skin will have to wait. The article I read from PC Gamer that sites an original article from Kotaku can be found in those hyperlinks. Whether you consider this promotion to be something interesting and a progressive breath of fresh air, or an awkward, overly affectionate, mis-matched couple in public (and good for you if you can, because I honestly can't decide which), either way these people did not deserve to be deceived like this. Part of me feels that OPI and XBox were deliberately vague to capitalise on the very inevitable mistake people would make by buying thier nail polish from the wrong place. There's no way companies like this just "forget" to make things like that clear. Even if it was a genuine error, why is it necessary to buy from both Amazon and and Ulta to get both skins anyway? When someone like Monster Energy dose a COD promotion, you don't need to buy your promotional Monster Energy cans from a specific supermarket, so why was this necessary here? The right thing to do is allow people to claim both skins for both games regardless of where the nail polish was bought from. Many jokes can and probably will be made about this partnership I'm sure, but the insidious way this was done is no laughing matter and both companies should be ashamed of themselves. Even though how scummy this was is the most important thing about this story, I just can't wrap my head around how this even came to be in the first place. I know I'm not not exactly "in the biz", but I feel it would take some bravery to show to investors a plan to market make-up and personal cosmetics to gamers. Am I really old fashioned, or does that not make sense? Still, once you have done this; ... feel free to comment and offer your thoughts.
  14. Like I said earlier to @m76, you cannot boil your sense of gaming down to the technology alone, it's about how the said technology enhances the gameplay experience. If the experience feels special and fulfilling, a less powerful device and deliver an experience comparable to a much more powerful one, maybe even surpass it. I do play most of my games these days a decent gaming laptop and one of my favourite things about it is that I can use in the living room or in bed, something I wouldn't be able to do with a gaming PC even though I know I could probably have gotten a more powerful device for the money if I had built a computer. I probably wouldn't be as happy with it. The Switch may not have the gusto of other consoles, but it really doesn't matter because that's not point. The fact that so many people, especially in PC gaming, are as obsessed as the are with stats and numbers to develop thier own sense of gaming makes me sad. They have no idea how stupid this actually makes them look! "My PC/console displays more dots than yours!" or "My dots can change colour faster than yours!". Now, to be fair, PC gamers do have to consider frame rates, settings and display resolution at the forefront of thier experience as they have to set thier games up to suit thier hardware, but far too many of us take this obsession way too far and I am prepared to admit that it's not always all it's cracked up to be. I get my pc game started, set it to the highest setting, try it or run a benchmark, Then, if the game is not running at an acceptable rate, troubleshoot problems if the performance really doesn't makes sense, adjust settings, then repeat until It's set up right. Once done, I tape everything down, turn off my performance overlay and never think about it again... I damb well hope. Now, dose sound like fun? No wonder people choose to play thier games of a Switch while there somewhere nice like the park of at the lakeside playing Zelda, Mario, Skyrim, Dying Light or DOOM while the schmuck that is me is at home trying to find a workaround to get NeiR Replicant to run at more that 15fps, all on a device that was triple the price to begin with. Hardware capability is overrated, in my opinion, at least in comparison to what said hardware does to enhance the gameplay experience.
  15. I mentioned a while ago that my better half did indeed buy cookbooks themed around The Elder Scrolls and Fallout, so I have tried Rad-Away, Skooma, Yao Guai Steak and Stimpaks. Decent eating and even better drinking 😁.
  16. Just for clarities sake, here's an image of the actress in question: That comment bothers me for two reasons The actor (Hannah John Kamen) is English and daughter to a Nigerian father and Norwegian mother. She's not Hispanic. All it took is a quick internet search. Why should an actor's ethnicity matter in this circumstance anyway? I haven't seen the movie (and most likely won't given it's mediocre review scores) so I can't comment, but isn't his/her performance more important? If the actor in question delivers, that's what matters. I'm not a fan of what's often referred to as "white-washing" (although in this case it's more "darker-skinned washing", that's why I don't really like the term), that being changing a characters ethnicity without reason, but it really shouldn't matter in this case as Jill doesn't have to be pure white for the character to work in the plot. You can't, for example, cast Samuel L. Jackson as colonial slave owner or Ryan Reynolds as a Tibetan monk, that just wouldn't work, but in this instance I don't see why it should matter.
  17. @Candy Stick I would regard the truth that you only ever talk an out Resident Evil and haven't little to nothing on any other thread to be a little concerning, but that doesn't change the fact doing so is well within the rules. So @Crazycrab, please lay off him. If that is what he want to talk about then that's what he wants to talk about, it's not up to you, me or anyone else where his interests lie. Beside, it's not like @Candy Stick is bumping the topic all on his own, there are several people who post on it. I get what your saying and I do agree that @Candy Stick should branch out a little more, but I'm not going to lock this topic just because you feel it's run it's course.
  18. And there you go, word from a reliable source. Obviously they're not even gonna attempt to estimate the time of release at this point, but we now know a new GTA is being made.
  19. The switch actually has a pretty stellar reputation when it comes to ports. Games run well on the system. Of course the hardware is not a powerful as a PS4, XB1 and certainly not the new generation, but ones sense of gaming cannot be boiled down to technology alone. It's about the experience, and the Switch delivers a great experience. That's why over 100 million people have bought a Switch, for the experience, not the tech. It's ironic that console you referred to as a "toy" was choses by people because they have a far more mature perspective on what gaming is supposed to mean than you own. You say "sales numbers don't matter", but they actually do because those sales tell you (roughly) how many support the system and play thier games on it. You try to downplay the significance of that because it's an inconvenience to ridiculous claim you're trying to make that Nintendo have a small share of the market, when that is clearly not the case. Nintendo are, and likely always will be, a major player in the video game industry. I understand why that why that upsets you. Nintendo is a company that has a major role in the element of you life you have a great passion for dose not really cater to you, so you have to fix it in your head that the fact they're popularity isn't real. Well, I suggest you grow up and realize it isn't all about you.
  20. Wow! I knew Nintendo had a long history before video games even existed, but that's well beyond what I thought. Moving on and you're absolutely right, there are so many content creators, journalists and influencers that discuss Nintendo. I really enjoy Arlo, for example.
  21. That would be fine. I'm a moderator, so I can assure you if want to recommend a book, you can recommend a book. It's well within the rules to recommend games, movies, TV shows, music and books. What we DON'T allow is posts that promote something that hasn't been approved as an affiliate. If you want to recommend a book, you totally can, just not as an affiliate. Please check our Forum Rules and Guidelines for the full details. Let me know if you need anything else on tis issue. I will be happy to answer any questions you have.
  22. What's "duv"? one regrettable "google" later Oh my god! What the fuck!!!
  23. Welcome to VGR. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here. We're similar age with a similar level of experience with games, so I feel this is gonna go well. And besides, I don't want to know a gamer who doesn't love Japan! On a more official capacity, anything you want to ask or know about, let me know.
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