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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. Congratulations @The Blackangel. Under your moderation VGR will soon become a beacon of order. All denizens will be at the mercy of your will. Where all those who acquiesced to you will be permitted to survive and flourish and all those who resist will face dire and unspeakable fates!... ...Well, what I mean is congrats and I'm sure you'll do fine.
  2. That's exactly what they did for the first 3 games, the concept was flawed right out of the gate. They lent much more heavily on the modern day Animus plotline. During the first game they drone on and on to Desmond Miles the importance of the Animus and finding whatever artifact they were looking for through the memories of Altaïr, but never fully explain why. Even at the end all we see is a map showing where it is, but not what it is, leaving more questions than answers. The devs were so fucking arrogant here, it was like "You wanna know what's going on, you better buy the sequel you dumb fuck!". Needless to say, it pissed me off. I never gave a shit about Desmond, I didn't even buy another Assassin's Creed until Black Flag where the whole Aminus concept was mercifully reduced. I still insist it shouldn't be there at all but I guess Ubisoft think they made their bed and now they have to sleep in it.
  3. I don't care about what this "leaker" says. I've said it before and I'll say it again, untill there is an official announcement from 2K and/or Rockstar, this game does NOT exist. GTA6 is just a hashtag for asshole's desperate for clicks and any "leaks" are a total waste of time.
  4. Agreed, the whole Aminus thing always felt unnecessary to me. I don't think I have ever gave a fraction of a shit about the characters or story arc's that surround it. They have thankfully been marginalising it with later releases but they really should just get rid of it completely as far as I'm concerned.
  5. Is this anticlimactic or the most epic thing ever? @StaceyPowers you must decide!
  6. I know what some of you are probably thinking, how could an adaptation of a relatively plotless M.O.B.A be made into a linear series? I was thinking the same thing when I started to see a handful of online reviewers giving what's basically League Of Legends' 10 birthday present to itself a considerable amount of praise. Now I've just got done watching the 9 episodes of season 1 on Netflix and I can say with confidence that Arcane League of Legends is the greatest adaptation of of a video game IP to date. So many attempts to bring an interactive game into a non-interactive media are mediocre at best and down right embarrassing at their worst. This however, goes so far beyond it's source it's staggering. I admit I don't know that much about League of Legends or it's lore or whatever but the quality presented here is absolutely top of the line whether your a fan or not. First of all if you haven't seen it yet, FUCK THIS THREAD AND GO WATCH IT! I won't be spoiling it or anything your just WAY better off spending your time doing that than reading my dribble. It will still be here when you come back.... .... You done? Good. The first thing I want to comment on is the fantastic art style. They've taken the game's art style but really darkened things up with excellent lighting creating deep shadows immersive environments. It really helps to sell the more mature and complex tones the show is going for. In terms of appearance this is one of the freshest and most original, yet still palatable looking shows I have seen in a long time. The animation is outstanding. There is so much fluidity in the movement and facial expressions even during the action sequences where the camera will often get right up close faces deform and teeth fly out. Not forgetting the action sequences themselves which are quick and exiting but using just enough of those zoom in's and slow motion for that wow factor. This of course is all supported by the fantastic sound design and voice acting, there's not a single weak performance in this. The soundtrack is cool two mixing ambient tones and more well known tracks which would seem out of place normally but here it just adds to the shows slick off-beat style. My favourite thing though is exactly what it should be, the story and characters. I'll keep it as brief as possible and just give a basic rundown of the premise. It's essentially and origins story for a number of Champions that are playable in the game. There are two main factions. The decadent and sophisticated citizens of Piltover and those across the river in the oppressed underground of Zaun who often have to resort to criminal activity in order to survive. I'm not going to say anything beyond that about the plot but it's a very mature and intelligent story with lots of clever twists and engaging arcs where both sides have legitimate grievances. Every character is exceptionally well written and complex and you still sympathise with even when they do some pretty horrible things. So to sum up... The style is cool, the plot is engaging, the lore is interesting, the characters are complex, the action is jaw dropping, the drama is deep and the overall execution is flawless. So that's my thoughts. I would like to thank you for reading them and of course I would love to hear yours, but if you haven't seen Arcane League of Legends yet I've got to ask... Why are you still here?
  7. I'm not invested in it really. I'd hope for some stuff about Horizon Forbidden West, Hellblade 2 and possibly Starfield but I'd probably just catch the trailers later in the week.
  8. I'll say it from the start, I HATE Apple. Their products are hugely popular with so many dedicated hardcore fans and I've never understood why. Their greedy as hell with way overpriced products that don't even pack some of the most basic necessities in the box like charger's. Even worse they intentionally make it damn near impossible to repair anything forcing you to shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars for a replacement so that they can repair yours for pennies then sell it to somebody else. It's disgusting. With that being said I will still give credit where it's due this new line of M1 processers are very impressive, especially for a chip with only 15W TDP. Matching and even beating AMD's and Intel's best laptop chipsets using only a fraction of the power, especially on single core. I'd love to see what these things are capable of when pushed to a full desktop spec 80-100W TDP. If these scores are anything to go by they would absolutely obliterate the i9‑12900k and 5950x with 16 cores. As far as I can tell there is only one drawback to M1.... IT'S IN A MAC BOOK!
  9. As someone who is beginning to learn to play an instrument, I have to disagree. In music you are responding to a fixed auditorial tempo but is most games the the response is a reaction to what is happening on screen. In other words you use your ears, not your eyes. Even if it is a rhythm and/or music based game the reaction isn't an accurate correspondence to the physical movement and/or thinking process of playing the actual instrument. Take guitar Hero for example, the control and gameplay are designed to somewhat mimic the experience of playing on a real guitar with a guitar shaped controller and button prompts that are in time with the genuine notes of the music. However, it's doesn't teach you anything about playing on the real thing, in fact it's not even close. These I agree with. Gaming is definitely something that provides a safe space where people who are socially anxious or have some other social difficulties to improve their social skills and think that the biggest think it can teach you..... As well as typing! This I'm not sure about. My experience with driving is limited but do think driving in real life is a very different skill to driving in a games. Epecially on a public road with speed limits, other cars, pedestrians, traffic laws and so on. I think maybe driving simulation type games like Gran Turismo can be aid to driving on a track with the right setup but generally speaking I would have disagree here as well.
  10. He omited that detail for a reason. I expect you to post some proof of this because as far as can tell that highlighted part is completely untrue. The casting of Melina had no influence on the character model outside of her face. The first body was a custom one designed on 3D modeling software. The second and as far as I'm aware final model, was a physical scan of fitness model Vikki Wild (Instagram). I'm not aware of them making any significant changes following this scan. Vikki has what I would a call a muscled and medium (one might even say warrior like) build, and I believe this is the version that's in the final game. Admittedly it Is a little hard to say for with Sunua's Armour in the way (no perv intended) but I do think both @Shagger and @m76 are talking crap here. It is Vikki's body with maybe only a few minor adjustments and it suits her perfectly. She's lean and muscled just like Vikki. Nope, does not look like a warrior to me! Massive sarcasm.
  11. 2021 was a bit of blur. I barely remember anything came that came out and don't even recognize half of the nominees.
  12. Pretty much, but if it does include all of Sony's first party titles at their launch dates like XBox then it will be a significant improvement over the service(s) they currently offer and a legit competitor to Game Pass.
  13. Thanks for the info, I'll need to look into this.
  14. Actually for me at least, not one single part of that sentence is correct. NOT playing EA's greed centred crap is the easiest thing I have ever done. The last new game I bought from EA I think was Dragon Age Inquisition in 2014 and I've not even been tempted since with the possible exception of the Mass Effect Trilogy. It seems like just about everything that has an EA badge on it is either greedy as hell, broken or both.
  15. It is a kinda underwhelming catalogue so far, but hell they gotta start somewhere. https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/full-list-of-games-available-on-netflix-december-2021/ The most interesting ones are the two Stranger Things tie in games and Asphalt Xtreme. The Stranger Things games obviously aren't surprising since it's a Netflix IP. I've played a little of Stranger Things 3: The Game before and it's a little monotonous but still decent. Asphalt Xtreme was originally released in 2016 on mobile but has now been delisted from App Stores and is now an Netflix exclusive. They've also removed all the in app purchases which is encouraging, I might try this one.
  16. Actually, they already do with PS Now. It is actually has larger library, games can be downloaded on console now and a standard subscription is about the price. The only real drawback is the that's it streaming only on PC unlike Gamepads. I wouldn't blame anyone for not knowing this because Sony for whatever reason have barely put a squirt of piss of into marketing it. I'm guessing that they don't feel like they need to push it and can make more money of their exclusive titles by leaving them purchasable at retail for a few months. Then only shoving them onto the PS Now library when the sales have peaked, unlike XBox which put their big titles onto Game pass streight away. For now at least they might even be right, but I, but as Game Pass gains more traction they are going to have to push it more in the future.
  17. Again, here's the actual video: @YKMzz is just trying to piggy back on the success of a popular video to get clicks on their hyperlink, fuck off!
  18. Here's the trailer: Now you don't need to click this asshole's clearly bullshit link.
  19. You should be able to watch it on YouTube itself if you log in, I'll post it as a link. https://youtu.be/a1HTKWX15oo
  20. I probably say Ubisoft, I like their titles but the way some executives have been treating their employees does leave a sour taste in my mouth.
  21. It seems pretty simple to me. If Stream can't make money of it, then why should they (in all honesty, they shouldn't) give a shit about it. It's all a false market anyway. The "value" of an NFT can change at any moment. The only way to make a profit is blind luck.
  22. I'm sorry but comparing FIFA to Rocket League is like comparing Formula 1 to Mario Kart! It's obviously ridiculous, there's almost no gambling in Mario Kart or Rocket League.
  23. I'm 100% pro choice. It's not right for me or anybody else to tell someone that they have to follow through with a pregnancy if they don't want to. To be frank it's pretty disgusting that there are people that genuinely believe that they have the right to deny somone that choice. Even in the case of sexual assault or a medical complication like an ectopic pregnancy which would not only kill the fetus anyway but could kill the would have been mother as well. Outside of medical intervention, the only person that should decide whether an abortion is the right course of action or not is the one that's pregnant. End of story.
  24. It's nothing like Twisted Metal. I'd recommend Angry Joe's review (below) if your curious but suffices to say the publisher and developer were so embarrassed by this that since release they have removed all reference to if from their official websites and you can't legitimately buy it anymore.
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