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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. From what I understand they cancelled Bully 2 in 2009 despite being nearly complete. I don't think they could use much of what they developed back then now even it were still single player let alone multiplayer. If there is a new entry in the franchisee it wont be the same thing. I don't think were going to see anything from Bully in a long time if we see it at all.
  2. It seems that Horizon Forbidden West will be out 1 week before Elden Ring. February 18 for Horizon and February 25 for Elden Ring.
  3. Lets cut to the chase here, if they release this on the market we are all going scan our junk! 🤣
  4. Get the vaccines, don't believe the anti-vaxx nonsense that some idiots are spreading. Allow me to enlighten you. My mother recently tested positive and had to isolate. She along with my father had the first two jabs along with the booster. She had to go to hospital because of in another unrelated issue but she and everyone else in the house made it past the isolation period with little more than a cough. At my work I heard of another couple about the same age, maybe a little younger who also tested positive. They had not had their jabs. The woman was taken into hospital and died a day later and her husband is severely ill and probably not going to make it. THAT'S the difference the vaccine makes. It doesn't guarantee that you won't get the virus but the effects of getting I'll are dramatically reduced, literally the difference between life and death. As far as I'm concerned anyone who refuses to get their jabs is selfish, a moron and a walking health hazard. I mean this from the bottom of my heart... ...FUCK YOU!!! What your effectively doing with that statement is calling people like my mother fucking liers you cunt! I've seen it first hand. The virus is real, the vaccines are effective and if you believe otherwise I suggest you go out and give everyone a sloppy wet kiss until you catch it yourself, then die. Save the rest of us the indignity of living in a world with you in it.
  5. Don't jump into that bandwagon head first. Any PC gamer that isn't a PC Nazi Race liar will tell you that it can be a total pain in the arse and will piss you off to no end at times.
  6. There's some people in Scotland that believe that movie's bullshit. For example, did you know that Wallace and other lowland Scot's at the time NEVER wore kilts? He dressed pretty much the same as the English and most of continental Europe with long sleeve tunics, trousers and when in battle chain mail Armour. Yep, the guy getting his throat slit by Wallace in this scene is dressed closer to the historical William Wallace than Mel Gibson is! That is just the tip of the iceberg of bullshit that movie presents.
  7. Assuming that it's true I have to strongly disagree. Not only is 500 hours is ridiculous, but the only realistic way to achieve that is to pad the game with a bunch of bullshit filler and grinding. How much of our free time do these fuckers want!? In my opinion for an open world game campaign (not including post game content) the sweet spot is around 35 - 50 hours, then up to 100 -150 hours for 100%.
  8. If it's saying it copied to clipboard then all you need to do after that paste into the post. Just get to the YouTube page, hit share, copy link then post it here with nothing else. Or copy what's on the address bar at the top and post it. Fuck the code! That is not necessary!
  9. When it comes to European history you might be being a little (albeit unintentionally) selective there. I mean in the UK the last two centuries of the Monarchy have been dominated by woman with Queen Victoria at a reign of 63 years (1838 - 1901) was a record holder. Then the current Queen Elizabeth was coronated in 1953 and is currently longest reigning monarch in British history at 68 Years and ongoing. So that's recent history at least but in terms of the time periods you pointed out it's really just a coincidence. Monarchs are not traditionally female or male dominated, it's just who happens to have the strongest claim in terms of ancestry.
  10. I found this cover of Manowar's Warriors of the World United. I pretty much consider this the Terminator 2 of covers because despite the original being a classic, this is superior in every measurable way.
  11. Under the video (regardless of what browser or mobile app your using) there is a "share" option. Select that and amongst the options should be a "copy link" option. Hit that then paste it here. Below is what I think is the link your trying to imbed using the method I just described, I'll post both the embed and the copy text so you can verify if it's the intended link and that the link works if you post with this method. https://youtu.be/5-g-f_j5z9k If this doesn't work then it must be an issue with your browser and/device. I've done this from an Android Phone.
  12. The actual reason why ships in maritime tradition are referred to as "she" isn't all that clear or rational in the first place. Some say it's a reference to the idea of goddesses and mother figures playing a protective role. There was (and to some degree still is) a lot of superstition when it comes to ships and sailing. All I know is the case of Bismarck they decided to make an exception. It was a tribute to arguably the most powerful man in Europe in second half of the 19th century and they thought that "she" wouldn't have been appropriate. It was also reported that the captain believed that since the ship had such massive biceps and solid steel pecks that it should be a "he"... Ok those probably weren't his literal words but you get the idea. As to why the Tirpitz was still referred to as "she" and other ships from other countries (at least to my knowledge) never made the same exception even when the name is in reference to a male figure? I DON'T KNOW, why do they have genders in the first place? You seem to be looking for some logical explanation for choosing one pronoun over the other in this situation when their is no logical reason to use either of them! It's like shining a torch on a black hole and expecting to see what it looks like. To sum up, you posted the question... ...as if there was no answer or at least not one that was attainable, but their is. The answer is contradictory and doesn't make much sense BUT there is an answer. It was a terrible example that doesn't drive the point you were trying to make at all.
  13. Honestly that's going to go nowhere. If I googled "violent left wing extremists" what do think I'm going to find? Examples of left wing people doing violent things. Similarly if I did a search for "violent right wing extremists" what going to come up? It's obvious your only going to find results that match your search and it doesn't give the whole picture either way.
  14. It was named directly after formar Prussian and German politician Otto Von Bismarck. There, explained.
  15. Ok, time to either lock the topic or....
  16. This isn't a game of who posts the most. I'd much rather read a few thought outpost that have had effort put into them than post after post of filler from people just chasing a "high score".
  17. I've got to seriously ask, what IDIOTS actually buy these? It's effectively an Email receipt for something that doesn't exist. Is there is anyone actually this fucking brain-dead or are these companies just forcing them down our throats on the slim chance that we might not vomit? I mean for fucks sake! NFT's are literally nothing! Then again we are talking about the species that will spend $1000 for some woman's fart in a jar! The world has fucking mad I tell you! I feel legitimately embarrassed to call myself a member of this species. If this were the Star Trek Universe, humans would the laughing stock of the galaxy. The kind of idiots the Borg wouldn't even bother to assimilate because their to fucking stupid. First thing tomorrow I'm sending my application to be reincarnated as a squirrel 🐿️, and then I'm going to kill myself!
  18. ....You've still got a lot to learn!
  19. The specs look good and the Horizon game is a nice surprise.
  20. It's just more NFT, Cryptocurrency, Pyramid scheme bullshit. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!
  21. He's talking out his fucking arse! NFT's are a total sham, the ultimate snake oil. It's paying and trading for a code generated by Blockchain, in other words literally nothing! It's an absolute joke.
  22. Yeah.... I'll believe this when I see it. Goldeneye is one of those games that is a licensing hell hole. If they have managed to do it then great but I've got my doubts.
  23. The video add is annoying, not because of the video but because of the noise! If you close the video add without muting it first the audio just continues to play. The video isn't easy to mute either, especially on Android. I try to hit the tiny mute button and it's 50/50 between actually muting it and it loading up the add link in another tab. When I then close the new tab (on Chrome for Android at least) there's a "Closed new tab..... UNDO" footer at the bottom of the screen that blocks the mute button! So I gotta wait for that to go away before I can even attempt to mute it again and then another new as link tab opens..... It's really frustrating. I understand that adds pay bills but if you could fix it so the add always opens muted by default that would make a huge difference.
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