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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. This might be the most up beat and happy metal track I've ever heard, and I barely know what it's about! 😄
  2. I can't believe the fucking ignorance in this interview. Not just from Pouard but the interviewer Chris Stead as well: "Having worked in games media for well over 2 decades, I'm about the experience first and foremost. I play for fun. I'm not interested in investing or in making money from games. But having also kept a close eye on blockchain and NFT games over the last 4 years, I can see the potential the technology has to offer gamers greater freedom." - Chris Stead "The end game is about giving players the opportunity to resell their items once they're finished with them or they're finished playing the game itself." - Nicolas Pouard Do they seriously not see the obvious problems with this? Their staring right in the face! Turning gaming from entertainment and hobby into a business model? Creating a free market for Blockchain tokens. It's got scams, Pyramids, Multi Level Marketing and a ton of other sketchy schemes written all over it! Hell it's happening already with games like Townville.
  3. Yeah, If we convicted people of murder just for thinking about it then It's fairly safe to say that would be almost the entire human race. The only thing people should be judged by is their actions, having an impulse and acting on it are not the same.
  4. EDIT: Hey, hold the phone... Me @m76 How did THAT happen!
  5. Until February 8th you can get 3 months of EA Play for just £3.99. This includes Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, It Takes Two, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, Anthem... ok scrap that one since nobody's playing it, all the Recent Battlefield's, and more. It's a pretty good deal.
  6. It's more a scam than a game. For years they have been keeping the game in Alpha and stringing their backers along with promises of the grandiose vision that they will never deliver.
  7. That's not a very good comparison. If it was one was loose it's power over time and the would turn into compost. Unfortunately neither of these are the case.
  8. The Tales Series, solid JRPG series but by fuck the characters during combat just never SHUT THE HELL UP! Each character makes vocal call outs for nearly every single move they do! It's just a constant stream of ear-splitting, indistinguishable, NOISE!
  9. Considering how many headaches PETA have given Nintendo (and by extension all of us) over the years with their stupid protests over shit like Takooki suit. I think the current president, Shuntaro Furukawa should officially reply with an image of himself mooning and giving the finger.
  10. Game's are really any cheaper on either platform but with Gamepass you probably won't be buying as many games at retail price so it's better value overall.
  11. To some extent your right. The Nora tribe are a society where men are generally subordinate to the woman. The leaders, or Matriarchs are all woman and are ranked by how how many generations of children and grandchildren they have which is all tied up into their culture. The thing is it does NOT present that as a good thing. They are stubborn and can be very cruel. Especially with how they treat Aloy herself since she has "No Mother". It's not all one sided either. In the Carja and and to a lesser degree the Oseram are more male centric society's. The new Sun King is pushing for equality but there are still a some people pushing back like Ahsis of the hunters lodge. Being a victim of prejudice herself Aloy is just as against this as the prejudices of the Nora. When it comes Forbidden West we'll have wait and see to be sure but based on what we know now (which is significantly more than what we had when you made your first post back in September) their is nothing that suggests it's going to be "worse". If anything it looks like it's stepping further away from gender issues. At least 3 of her allies that accompany Aloy to the Forbidden West are male and the main human villain (Regalla of the Tenakth) is a woman. Like I said we won't know anything until it comes out but prejudice and gender equality seems to less of theme here and it was never that provident in the Zero Dawn either. Now that's bullshit! Family values are not presented that way at all! Fist of all if you ask me it presents Olin and what in a very relatable way, the Eclipse kidnapped his family and coerced him to working for them. He throws everything on the line to protect his family, that's literally the polar opposite to "against family values". He's a victim in this story, not a villain! Even when staring death in the face he puts family first, which brings me onto the second and much bigger hole in your statement. How could the game, or writers of the game which is what you really mean, "condemn" him when his fate is left up the player! That is absolutely ridiculous! I'm with you to some degree. I mean just look at Vanasha, where the hell are all the men with abs like this! I know she's a trained spy but she's spent most of the last few working as a handmaiden, not a fucking wrestler! For every bitch like Lansra in the game there's about three or four complete cocks! I don't agree that "every male character stands on the back of a female in the game. And those who don't are either evil or completely useless" (Nil, Rost, Aratak and Uthid to name a few) there is to many male characters that fall into those tropes and it should have been better balanced. I talked about Forbidden West and Regalla so it seems this might be being addressed but we'll see.
  12. Crazycrab


    Based on what I know the truth is the complete opposite. Overclocking does not serve much practical purpose anymore, especially where CPU's and gaming performance are concerned. Now the uploader is "boasting" a 20 - 30fps difference from a 700Mhz overclock. They probably just didn't want to wound their own pride but the truth is most of the time the overclock makes little to no difference at all. Keep in mind as well that video is 4 years old and since most newer games are GPU intensive I'd bet that overclocking the CPU would even less of a difference now. Overclocking the GPU doesn't make that much difference either but it is better and safer, even with just a standard factory overclock: When it comes to memory the best idea is to run it at the speed and timings it's rated at, no more no less. Otherwise you might run to stability issues.
  13. If you want extra money your MUCH better off doing a couple of hours overtime than playing Blockchain games!
  14. I know it's an old comment and all but l I'm not sure where you're coming from there. Horizon Zero Dawn has internal politics within it's own narrative and lore but I can't recall any of it being direct satire or commentary on any current political events. There are some subtle commentary on certain social issues like sexism, corporate greed and the environment but it's nothing over the top.
  15. Why would there "Government Interference" ? Microsoft have a legal obligation to follow through with any of Activision-Blizzard's existing contracts but after that they can do whatever they want. That includes making COD a Microsoft platform exclusive which they absolutely will, it's why they bought Activision-Blizzard in the first place. You might not like it but the US government (or any government for that matter) has no legal precedent to make these decisions for them and rightly so. A government might get involved with the internal workings of a company if they were doing something illegal or highly unethical but this is nowhere near that level. Let's picture a slightly different scenario. Picture the US government telling Nintendo they can't release the next Zelda game on the Switch unless it's released on PlayStation 5 as well. That would be absolutely absurd.
  16. That depends on what kind of publishing deal Activision-Blizzard had (or still has) with Sony. It could just be year by year or it might be a multi-year contract. Microsoft will have to honour any existing contracts that Activision-Blizzard has with Sony but their IP's including Call of Duty WILL become exclusive to XBox and Windows PC eventually.
  17. Well the thing is and it eludes to the point I made earlier: XBox is not the most profitable part of their business. Microsoft generates nearly 40% of its revenue from their corporate server and cloud services. Their more common commercial products like XBox and Windows Operating Systems only generate around 30% and almost certainly have higher running costs.
  18. A State of Play is coming up very soon (early February from what I've heard) and it's been rumoured that Sony, among other things, will announce their own version of game pass for PlayStation platforms.
  19. Only certain models of the PS3 are backwards compatible. https://gamingsection.net/news/what-playstation-3-models-are-backwards-compatible/#:~:text=60GB model numbers that begin,backward compatible via software emulation.
  20. The most basic term would a be game where one session can be played indefinitely without stopping or following a specific objective. In other words a game "does not end". This includes most open world games like Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Assassins Creed, Skyrim and Horizon Zero Dawn. Also procedurally generated games Like No Mans's Sky, user creation type games like Minecraft and simulation/management type games like Sim City and The Sims.
  21. It's on PlayStation 2, I even posted the box art for crying out load!
  22. There are apparently some financial experts that believe Sony could be looking to make a major purchase of their own... Electronic Arts. https://www.gamingbible.co.uk/news/sony-set-to-buy-a-major-aaa-publisher-experts-say-20220121.amp.html I want to make it that this is pure speculation but it does make some sense given Microsoft's recent acquisition of Activision-Blizzard. I guess it all depends if SONY have the financial muscles and the balls to do it.
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