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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. I'd like to see a reboot of Perfect Dark, pretty much and Konami IP NOT made by Konami or a new entry in the Golden Axe franchise that isnt this:
  2. Apparntly we are embryo's spawninng evil twins! 🤪
  3. Before anyone breathe's anything into this, this is mere wordplay.
  4. I'm going up the ante by changing not one word, but one letter. Mario Fart
  5. Did you seriously take an opinion about ESports and somehow come out with bigot? I.... I have no words.
  6. What version of Twitter are you using? I ask because mine is a cesspool of idiots.
  7. I think it says Alexander II.... 1863... I dont know. I'd look it up but I think it might give the location it away and don't wanna do that.
  8. I haven't checked my Twitch prime in ages, this is mostly the reason why. Maybe it is a UK region thing but it is full of garbage like this in my experience as well. In fact I think I'll check it now: I see them now but you have to jump through a bunch of BS hoops you to claim this stuff. Installing the Amazon Games Desktop, signing into twitch and Amazon multiple times, captchas, notification checks on your phone... ugh I hate this shit! The biggest game on there right now is arguably Rocket Arena which you need to sign into Origin in order to claim, another loop!
  9. I wouldn't normally pitch this but I’d tell anyone in this position just pirate the original, It’s not our fault their not letting us buy it! I'm not ashamed to admit that that's what I would do if it weren’t in your shared library. Think about it, THQ Nordic doesn’t deserve the money for the shoddy remake and they had nothing to do with the original so they don't deserve to cash in for that either. Furthermore, since EA can't publish it anymore and the original developer Big Huge Games has long since bit the dust it doesn't affect anyone there either, It’s victimless.
  10. "Hello Angels" All: Hello Charlie!! "Today Microsoft released details on the XBox Series S, your mission to investigate what exactly the point of it is" Dylan: WHAT!!! This isn't mission impossible!!! Natallie: I can't even play my CD's on this thing!!!! Alex: They are BLUEBERRY!!!!
  11. I haven't had the chance to play the so-called re-master myself but according to Game Debate's user-submitted score for the 1080Ti which I have, the average is 116 fps at 1440p on ultra. I have tried the original though and I max out at 144fps during gameplay WITH an active re-shader. That is at least a 20% hit but If weren’t maxing I bet it would be closer to 40% or more in a game that looks almost exactly the same. With that being said you should clearly be getting better performance than you did and I can’t explain without being hands-on myself but it's inexplicable and inexcusable how shallow an effort this is. Just play the orional with one of the re-shaders on Nexus and you see legitimitly more improvement.
  12. Well I can confirm that the Windows Store version of ReCore is UWP, just like Halo MCC. The install files are buried inside a hidden folder in the root directory. The more I look into this the more I'm starting to realise what a huge fuck up this really was. Steam does not support UWP so their versions are Win32. Not only does this mean that they bypass all these annoying restrictions, but it turns out it also means that are more universally compatible with later versions of DirectX so they often perform better.
  13. Ok I'm seeing the quotes now, thanks. It's a little strange since he seemed to quite liberal and progressive, except for this one thing.
  14. I’m not willing to read anything written by that bigoted piece of shit. Am I missing somthing... how was he a bigot?
  15. Well let’s see: The statue must be a WW1/2 memorial given the reef-motif at the base, as well as a space to place reefs during a memorial service... So it’s most likely in Europe. I'll discount the UK because I would probably recognize the Cathederal if it was. What I DO recognize is that sky, and that sure ain’t no warm Medetarianian sky! That is a cold and dismal North Sea one. Not to mention the two people we can see are pretty warped up so it’s not warm. So…... Western Mainland Europe, most likely North Sea Coastline. That's about all I can figure out.
  16. I think I have an explanation. The Windows Store version HALO MCC, being a game that came on Windows quite a while ago, is classed as a UWP (Universal Windows Platform) app rather than the traditional Win32. UWP apps can only be installed in Windows system protected folders. This idea came from around the Windows 8 era when Microsoft were complete and utter tools that seemed to think they were designing an OS for a fucking tablet. it's a large part of what made Windows 8 and the early iterations of the Microsoft store such a pain in the ass. Thankfully it seems like Microsoft has mostly abandoned UWP in favor of Win 32 on the store but still affects some older apps and games. What you will have to do for MCC is what we all had to do to set your default install location on another drive. First (if you haven’t already) go to Settings - Apps and select HALO MCC, then uninstall. Simply deleting the files won't be enough since the Store will just simply try to download and re-install at the same location again. Now go to Settings - System - Storage then scroll down to "Change where content is saved" then change the dive under "New apps will be saved to" to another drive. Now install HALO MCC again and it should download on the drive you have chosen.
  17. I think you need to check your app settings or something. I remember it being like what you said at first, but that feature at least was patched in ages ago. This is what comes up on the screen when I try to install one of mine:
  18. Let me answer your very first question: YES THIS IS REAL!!!!! https://www.standard.co.uk/tech/gaming/playstation-5-preorder-ps5-console-gold-a4543701.html Sony have partnered with Truly Exquisite, a customization company that specializes in making highly decadent consumer goods like phones, tablets, shoes amoung other things. You can legitimately pre-order one from tomorrow from around £8000 and there are even matching accessories! What are your thoughts? Is this cool, bloody ridiculous or both? P.S @DC , you should totally get one of these for one your giveaways!!!
  19. Well now it's offical. The XBox series X will release alongside the Series S on November 10 at a ERP of $499. You can pre order from September 22nd. Well Sony, I guess it's your move now. Do you think the PS5 will match the price of the Series X or do you think they might try to sqeeze out a bit more?
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