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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. I havent played a Fifa game sine the nineties or possibly early 2000's and as far as I can the core gameplay is pretty much the same. The only "innovation" they do is finding more ways to empty your wallet.
  2. It's a trial, you get 60 turns for free then it's like $20 - $50 for the game + expansions and stuff much like the PC version. So the good news is it’s NOT a free to play game loaded with microtransactions, the bad news is it seems to only be compatible with the more expensive phones right now.
  3. It would have to be Doki Doki Liuriture Club for me: https://store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/ This game is pure genius and one of the most unique and compelling gaming experiences I've ever had, but I can't explain why without ruining it so you'll have to trust me. The best way to experience this is to go in completely blind. There is no excuse not to since the game is 100% free, and I don’t mean “free to play” free, I mean ACTUALLY free!
  4. Even 2021 is ridiculous, if we assume that the riumours that it entered pre production this year are true them were talking 2024 or 2025.
  5. I'm not sure about now but the game was actully FREE on Epic last night.
  6. Guerrilla has just relased patch 1.01. https://twitter.com/Guerrilla/status/1294214278317248517?s=20 Patch Notes: It doesn't really seems to have fixed that much yet but the team seem commited to geting it working right.
  7. I'd disagree with you there. Microtransactions are never a good thing because in order to qualify as a good thing they have to be able to make the game better for it. Microtransactions have not only never done that, but I actually believe that they are literally incapable of doing so. Even without buying them they still negatively affect the games that they are put into by making them more grindsy or tedious by design, to make the microtransactions more tempting. Big publishers don't need microtransactions to turn in big profits and they certainly don't improve the end user experience, at the end of the day It it just greed.
  8. I wan't to get it but I still have a bit of a backlog of several other games I to finish so I've been putting it of.
  9. This year does mark the 20th anniversary of the system so it's definitely possible, but there is a problem with the idea. Working PS2's are not rare and still quite reliable so you can get working models for comparite pennies compared to an NES, SNES or even a GameCube. You go to a car boot sale in the UK and you can usually find one with working controllers and a bundle of games for about £40 - £50.
  10. You know I never thought about it before but, why IS this topic in the "Esports & Competitive Gaming" subforum? I know there is speedrunners and stuff but the topic hasn't really been, or even seemingly intended to be pushed in that direction.
  11. Microsoft have already confirmed that the XBox Series X will be compatible with XBox One controllers. In fact as I can tell apart from the new share button they are almost exactly the same.
  12. I've been looking into this and I saw a one article from VG247 that offers a possible explanation: https://www.vg247.com/2020/08/09/horizon-zero-dawn-pc-debug-build/ He thinks that Guerrila and/or Sony slipped up and that (at least in some cases) that a debug build has made it's way to customers. It's accessing memory in a way that it shouldn''t which is what is causing the game to crash.
  13. If GTA 6 comes out in 2023 I will eat my pubes, and that's assuming it's even in development at all! Like @Shagger said, don't believe anything that doesn't come from the horse's mouth. Links or get the fuck out bro!
  14. It looks good so far, but will there be any open testing at any stage? I ask because I don't think you can properly stress test the servers and fix and any (inevitable) issues with a 48 hour window before release with backers alone. I'd recommend and open BETA over a weekend a month or so before that. It gets you valuable feedback and gets the game some promotion.
  15. Crazycrab

    upgrading my gpu

    Both Nvidea and AMD are releasing new models in a couple of months. Just wait a little longer.
  16. If nostalgia isn't a factor and you have a little money then I think the best thing to get by a long way is the RetroUSB AVS: It's a modern NES system of which there are tons on the market but unlike others which use unreliable software emulation or cannibalise old parts the designers of this thing have actually been very clever. It uses a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to simulate the original hardware. An FPGA is a logic board that can be programmed to simulate the circuitry of whatever you want, in this case an NES and it's much more reliable that software emulation. It works with the original controllers as well as having its own wireless controllers with variable turbo. It's fully compatible with NES (all regions) and Famicom games (including disk drive) and it's HDMI and upscales to 720p. The only drawbacks are that it won't work with Light Guns because of issues with refresh rate and so on and at around $200 it sure ain't cheap.
  17. I was brought up on metric and thank fuck! Metric is easy to understand and work with because it's decimal every time. Imperial is so confusing and cumbersome because it's so inconsistent. Sometimes to the base 8, sometimes 10, sometimes 12, sometimes 16... It's like it was designed to make every little thing just a little bit more difficult than it need be. If I were to ask "how many metres are in a marathon when it's 42 kilometers” it's easy, 42,000m becuase all you're doing is moving the decimal point. Even if you were to go further into cm (4,200,0000cm) and mm (42,000,000mm) it's still simple. You try to do the conversion for the same 26 miles into feet, then inches, then 8th's of an inch, then 16th's of and you'd have a headache for a week! If that example is too unrealistic then here's a more real world example of how annoying imperial measurements can be. You go into a butcher's shop in the UK to buy some meat and you tell the butcher "5 pounds of mince", does that mean 5lbs in weight or £5 in currency worth since they are both pronounced "pounds"? This matters because there is a HUGE difference between the two. I remember having a lot of adults telling me when i was in school that "exams must be much easier now". I used to take offence to that but I've since realised it's true and it's because my generation didn't have to deal with this bullshit! As far as I'm concerned imperial measurements should only be used for clocks, pizzas, draft beers and that is it. Yeah as much as I hate the imperial system even I'm not gonna order a 30cm pepperoni and a 500ml lager! Lol!
  18. I never watch let's plays of games I haven't played. You don't get the full experience by watching a let's play and if it's a story driven game then it's going to be spoiled for you. Gameplay > let's plays every time.
  19. Well this is useful in a predominantly western forum... Thanks for completely wasting everybody's time, especially your own.
  20. I think they stil have PTSD about the Zune.
  21. I think her question was hypothetical, I don't believe she is actually considering a purchase. If she (and by extension anybody) is then I don't recommend it because Nvidia's 3000/AMD's RDNA Navi 2 series GPUs and AMD's Ryzen 4000 series CPUs are right round the corner these aren't going to be the top dogs for much longer anyway.
  22. If money is no object then your choice would be in the region of these two. Exibit A being for your 4K graphical fidelioty nerd: Exhibit A Then exhibit B for the framerate e-sports nerd: Exhibit B In my ideal scenario you would have the hardware and cool secondary touch screen form exhibit A but with the 17.3' 1080p 300Hz G-Sync display from exhibit B.
  23. It's not a very practical way of playing older games but it does sounds like a fun little project. Finding compatible parts is a challenge but i've seen people do this kind of thing on Youtube, it's possible.
  24. It looks more of an homage to DOOM than a clone to me. A clone would try to disguise the influence of the original but this clearly isn't doing that. Hell the Steam store description literally says:
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