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Everything posted by Crazycrab

  1. I couldnt get into Fallout 4. There was just to much busy work and story didn't really suck me in.
  2. I was leaning towards the PS5 for a while but now I'm not so sure. The only noteworthy game confirmed for the PS5 in the first year that is ACTUALLY exclusive to the console is Ratchet and Clank, not a big system seller for me. I'm also becoming disconcerted with their increasingly anti-consumer business models especially with how they are handling next gen upgrades. I probably will get a PS5 but definitely not at launch. The XBox doesn't really have anything coming out either but it is offering much better value for money and service with XBox Game pass, Smart Delivery and backwards compatibility all the way back to the original. Not to mention if it does turn out that Bethesda games like The Elder Scrolls 6 , DOOM and Starfeild won’t be coming to PS5 then that will turn many people off that console.
  3. Like @Kane99 said your laptop should have some software for controlling your RGB keyboard and other devices. Assuming it's a an ASUS ROG Laptop them it's likely to be ASUS AURA SYNC Ultility. See if you have that installed.
  4. I've been thinking of buying it on Steam. I've already played it on PS4 and it seemed to have some issues at launch on the PC. It seems that the latest couple of patches have fixed most of the problems. It is one of the best games I have played over the past few years and now that the PC Port is reportedly stable I would highly recommend it. The only thing really holding me back from buying and replaying it is that I would have liked to see better mod support.
  5. It is VERY ambitions in terms of what they have done here. They at least claim that they have digitally mapped to scale the entire world. This means that wherever you live you can quite literally fly by or even crash into your house!
  6. Will you get over yourself! The actual answer as to why we are attracted to violent media is actually quite simple. It’s not Trump. It’s not China, It’s not Oil or the laundry list of commercial, political or any of your conspiracy theories you might come up with. It’s because we are PREDATORS! It’s not some elaborate spy movie scenario! Whether you like to admit it or not we like the thrill of the hunt, we enjoy the challenge presented by our prey, our bloodlust satisfied by the kill, the admiration from our potential mates and the jealousy from our sexual rivals. We are a sentient species with established moral codes, so to fully expose these kinds of primal instincts would normally mean to engage in antisocial or even criminal behavior like wild animals. We are generally able to keep these instincts under control because we have a conscience. This is why for thousands of years we have had violent media. Whether it be through Paintings, Sculptures, Music or stories told through Novels, Movies or the most recent goto scapegoat… Video Games. It’s a method through which we can stimulate those violent primitive instincts without actually hurting anyone. Video Games is arguably the most effective method of suppressing that we have ever had since it allows you to control the violence yourself. You say that: Listen carefully... EVEN "SHEEP" ARE NOT THAT FUCKING STUIPID!!!!! If that were the case then at least 1 million people would have flown to Russia and shot up the airports because "Modern Warfare 2" told them to! Are you really this dense? It's nonsense! Human beings are actually capable of something suspension of disbelief. That means they can tell the difference between seeing or even simulating a fantasy and weighing the consequences of a reality. What you have just done here is not only yet another unwarranted effort to push your own political agenda OUTSIDE of the designated political thread, but you have actually pushed the idea that video games directly cause violence in that pursuit. Shame on you!
  7. Being an English speaking human Jacakass... Crab... I believe I can translate:
  8. Maybe it's because I'm older but I just don't get it. I don't care what people are streaming. I don't know why Mixer made the obvious mistake of paying $30 million for Ninja. I don't understand why so many choose to watch someone loud and obnoxious play a game rather than play it themselves. I do not see the appeal of any of it. It's like a live F1 practice session. If anything interesting actually does happen (which is rare) then you know it will be uploaded to YouTube in a 4 minute video later on that day. Why spend 4 hours watching it live?
  9. You don't want either of them but it is kinda funny that Middle Earth: Shadow of War is cheaper that Shadow of Mordor right now.
  10. I don't see the difference, everybody has one and they are usually full of shit.
  11. Are you sure this is PS5 only? The announcement at the PS5 event last week said "Console Exclusive". Which suggests it's coming to PC as well, at least at some point.
  12. It seems like I gotta make a few edits here... It's got to be said that The PS5 exclusive line up is looking weaker and weaker by the minute. The two biggest draws as far as I'm concerned (Horizon Forbidden West and Spider-Man: Miles Morales) have since been announced to be coming to PS4 as well. The only other game that got my attention, Project Athia, won't come out for years and seems to at least be coming out for PC as well.
  13. I've never tried to really go Mage but I would imagine that being the most difficult by a long way. There are so many skill trees you need to tap into. Destruction and Conjuration sound easy enough to manage on paper, but even if you want to include any other weapon skill you will also have to include that associated weapon tree and Smithing. You will also need Enchanting for staves and Restoration for healing and warding. It's a lot on your plate especially at the start of the game, personally I think if you are serious about magic you really can't afford to invest any skill points in any other weapon or armor skill at all.
  14. I should have actully placed that bet! https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/9/24/21451371/amazon-luna-cloud-gaming-service-twitch-alexa-controller
  15. I remember playing it on the PS2, it was one of the first what I would call "interactive Narrative" type games that I can remember playing. It was a pretty unique idea at the time but of course these days they are fairly common like with Life is Strange, Telltale games and of course Quantic Dream/David Cage's other games like Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls and Detroit Become Human. The funny thing is when you look at these other games from Cage it’s funny the most trippy and odd was most definitely the first one! As for answering the question “Did you guys like Indigo Prophecy?” well… Yes and no. I really liked it at first playing as both the cops investigating the murder and the purpotrator tring to cover it up, it was very intersting and engaging. But the longer it went on the trippier and weirder it got almost as if David Cage was writing this thing on the fly and was running out of time so with each new chapter just went form the first idea that popped in his head. Then there’s… Well were talking spoilers anyway so screw it! The part of the game that REALLY freaked me out and made me seriously question just what kind of mindset David Cage really has, was the sex scene between the main character Lucas and the female cop Carla. I would give an NSFW Warning, but it's really more of a not suitable for humans warning! If we are being honest all the sex scenes in this game (and there are several) are awkward as hell but his one in particulaer is so ickey and beyond logic that could barley even look at at. Carla has been trying to arrest this guy for murder for most of the story, Lucas’ girlfreind just died and worst of all, Lucas is effectivly a walking, talking corpse! She is a detective willfuly fucking a murderous zombie! This is gross on so many levels! The game starts off well but really falls apart towards the end. Not just because of that but the story in general just feels more and more pretentious and rushed the further it goes. I much prefer Quantics Dream's Later releases like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls (I haven't played Detroit yet) but they've their fair share of problems too.
  16. Ok, a bit of a correction here. It was WWF Smackdown Just Bring it, not Raw vs Smackdown.
  17. https://www.thesixthaxis.com/2020/09/21/microsoft-bethesda-xbox-exclusive-doom-starfield-fallout-elder-scrolls/ Many of us have been saying that Microsoft needs more exclusives for the XBox platform, and they seem to agree. They have acquired a number of studios over the past few years announcing many acquisitions during their 2018 E3 conference like Ninja Theory and Undead Labs. This time however, they are REALLY throwing their money around by acquiring Bethesda's parent company ZeniMax Media for $7.5 Billion. This has given Microsoft a big bin of IP's to rummage around in that include The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, DOOM, Wolfenstein and more. If you're wondering how this affects Bethesda's releases on other platforms like Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4/5, Bethesda has assured that current plans for releases will go ahead as scheduled such as Deathloop remaining a PS5 timed exclusive. Ather that though it is likely that future releases like Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 may not come out on PlayStation or Nintendo systems. It's clearly no coincidence that they have announced this right before XBox Series S/X pre-orders become available. So how do you feel about this? With this new information are you considering the XBox Series X? Were you thinking of getting a PS5 but are now having second thoughts?
  18. It will be longer than that, we might see an announcement for GTA VI by the end of 2021 but that's it. An actual release is years away assuming that they are even working on it. I think remasters of the earlier games might plug the gap between now and then but I kinda doubt that 2K would consider it worth the effort, especially if they need to re-license a bunch of music for the radio stations again.
  19. Crazycrab


    If you genuinely believe that Marijuana does not (or maybe more specifically cannot) get people addicted, drawn to criminal activity and subsequent personal and financial ruin then you are ignorant my friend. There are plenty of people (and I'm pushing medical use to one side here) that regularly smoke weed, drink or even do harder drugs and manage to live relatively normal lives. However, just because the consequences of using these substances outside of moderation to the point of it becoming abuse aren't happening to some does not mean they aren't happening and you have no right to ignore them. The real truth is that the ideal world is one where none of these substances exist to be abused because once you're that far gone the consequences are the same, regardless of what the fix is. I’m not gonna bother to weigh in on whether Cannabis should be legal or not because when you look at places where it is and places where there are problems either way. I’ve seen with this debate multiple times that each side of the argument is so fixated on their own cherry picked facts that it constantly goes nowhere.
  20. I've had some instances of PC's shutting down due to thermals but they've always worked again after allowing them to cool down. On a completely unrelated note dont play a graphically intensive game on a hot day with the front fans off and the front panel door closed... just a general tip... never happend to me... 😳
  21. The only wrestling game I played at length was RAW vs Smackdown Just Bring it on the PS2 and me and my brothers had a ton of fun with it. I've been thinking about getting WWE 2K Battlegrounds since the gameplay and overall style sounds up my ally, but I've heard it's loaded with microtransactions and that's putting me off big time.
  22. I've got 3 drives. The first is an intentionally small 256GB SATA SSD that I use for my OS and core applications only. This is something that I feel anyone building a PC should do because this way if anything goes badly wrong and you have to reinstall your OS all your games, documents, pictures, music, videos and whatever else stored on the other drives(s) are unaffected. The second is a 1TB NVMe SSD that I use for most of my bigger and/or more recent games that benefit the most from the faster loads times and such. The third is a standard 2TB Hard Drive that I use for pretty much everything else, older games, media, downloads and so on.
  23. I'm certian they wanted to charge more but knocked the price down in responce to the XBox, which is the right call since even at these prices the XBox is deffintly offering better value right now with XBox Game Pass.
  24. I like that there is a bit more color, it helps things stand out.
  25. The short answer is yes. These are porpriitory PCI 4.0 NVMe SSD's, so if you want an extra 1TB or so at launch don't be shocked to pay $200 or more. I hope that they can maybe do them for less but I understand that they are taking a loss on the upfront cost of the systems and these SSD's are very expensive.
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