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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. It never really works out for me to play a scary game on Halloween. I have Outlast 2 I've been meaning to play. I know it's gonna be sick and probably get chased by a luny. I'm just not hyped about games where I am chased, like Resident Evil games. Oh, but RE 7 is an exception. Chase me mother fucker. lol. Anyways. But I have to be really into it now to play that style horror. I prefer trippy stuff like Evil Within. I like having moments to absorb, soak in the horror at my own pace, room to room, scene to scene. Bodies laid out before you, beautiful horror you can stare at instead of getting rushed. I want to stare at the dead corpse. Don't rush me away. Seduce me with scenes of death. Don't make me run away from the beauty. The art of limbs hanging, blood dripping, your own face in the mirror. Grinning. Raising a human arm to eat.While you stare at yourself in the mirror. Eating it raw. Blood all over your mouth. Your friend calls. All you can muster to say is, meat me at 666 street. I don't really have a game in mind this Halloween. Outlast 2 would probably be the scariest game I have. But I also have Oculus and Exorcist is so scary to me. Actually, that is what I will play for Halloween.
  2. I will also say that fishing isn’t a sport either. How would you like aliens to drop a line from outer space with chocolate so they can hook your mouth then freeze you alive for a filet.
  3. It currently looks like republicans are still trying this CPAC 7 point plan to re-instate Trump as president because republicans just ousted their own Speaker of the House and now are calling for Trump to be Speaker. On top of that, republicans have had impeachment hearings for Biden. It's funny that they are still trying this plot. This coup d'etat. Let me explain what is going on now. America has been paying attention to the fiasco of the republicans in the House of Representatives and trying to pass a budget deal so our government doesn't shut down. Luckily, this past Friday at the last minute, a deal was signed. But it left off aid to Ukraine because republicans are protecting Russia. And republicans have lied to democrats and backstabbed Ukraine after saying they wouldn't block aid. But the republicans are in such disarray right now and are having a sort of civil war against each other. There are probably around 10 republicans in the House who are the extreme extreme MAGA worshippers creating all this chaos. Well it took republicans around 15 votes to finally elect a Speaker of the House and nearly got into a fist fight. All this happened a few months ago. Kevin McCarthy was voted in as Speaker. Those MAGA extremists in the House wanted the government to shut down. Trump has been telling republicans to shut the government down. Marjorie Greene has been secretly meeting with Trump on how to impeach Biden and who knows what else. I mean, Trump is already running the House. They do as he says. Because Speaker McCarthy passed a budget deal, and Senate democrats agreed and signed off, the MAGA republicans in the House are now saying McCarthy is a traitor who secretly works for democrats. So they ousted McCarthy today, which hasn't been done in like a century. So now, this goes back to the CPAC 7 point plan because republicans in the House now want Trump to be Speaker. What does this do exactly? The plan is to impeach Biden, then impeach the next in line who is the vice president Kamala Harris. Then next in line to become president is the Speaker of the House. That is why they want Trump as Speaker. Because they are trying to impeach Biden already. Thing is, it won't work because democrats control the Senate and they aren't gonna boot Biden for a witch-hunt. And that is exactly what it is. Republicans have called witnesses at Biden's impeachment hearing and even the witnesses said there is no evidence of Biden's wrong doing. But republicans don't care. This is their plan. Would Trump even consider being Speaker? I doubt it because he would have to drop out of the presidential race. This all sounds ridiculous, I know. It's all a long shot that won't happen. But republicans are trying to make it happen. That's the thing. I'm personally not even worried about it. I just thought this was quite interesting actually, to say the least, that those extremists are still obsessing about this plan to reinstate Trump. When congress prevented a government shutdown this past Friday, it is only good for 45 days. So some time in November we will be having this fiasco again while republicans have no Speaker, which means it is very likely our government will shut down over the holidays and ruin a bunch of federal employees Christmas because they won't get paid. Republicans don't give a shit about Americans and continue to hold the country hostage if they don't get their demands. And they are willing to do all this in order to block Ukraine aid and protect Putin and sacrifice the economy in the USA. All because republicans are a bunch of crying spoiled fascist brats who hates this country. And they are becoming more and more open about their support for Russia. To be continued... More to come, for sure!!!
  4. Seriously, even if the game doesn’t interest someone now, it will be such a great series for later at a cheap price. Do Not Miss Out. Stupid if you do. Game series is hardcore.
  5. I don't believe hunting is a sport because the victim isn't playing.
  6. That's a lot of employees, but at least they will get a severance package. I'm not really understanding though how they are spending so much money and investing in things that has caused them to lay off 16% of their company. Some bad decisions were made.
  7. Of course, that is what he does--deny, blame, and threaten. In this case he actually already admitted to his wrong doing. He posted in all caps on social media that what he did was a good thing because he paid his loans back and the banks got paid, which is ironic because he's filed for bankruptcy like 6 times. The thing is, over inflating his net worth to get better loans with lower interest is against the law. It's cheating the system. It allows the rich privileged to get way better rates than others. And no doubt he under reports his worth on his taxes. Trump Organization has already been found guilty of tax fraud. But you are right, his people don't care. They don't care about a thing he does. They are a morally broken society who honors corruption. This is such a huge blow to the Trump family. And it's such a big relief for New York to get rid of all that toxic orange waste out of their city and state. I wonder if his Mar a Lago resort is legit in Florida. Trump's sons are already reacting pretty paranoid about it.
  8. Ok, first off, I am currently playing this saga and it is excellent! I bought the saga last month. It is great story telling, narrative driven, mystic, scary, dramatic, and awesome gameplay. It's a must. This series is now one of my favorites. Metro Saga Bundle, includes ps4/ps5 remaster versions of Metro 2033 Redux, Metro Last Light Redux, and Metro Exodus Gold edition with all DLC for $11.99, 80% off from $59.99. Starts today till 10/12/2023. Get it!
  9. Sept 26, Trump and his two sons was found guilty of fraud due to him over valuing his businesses to banks and insurers in New York. The judge has ordered Trump Organization to be dismantled and Trump can no longer set up business in New York. His business license has been revoked. There will be a third party who was appointed by the judge to dismantle Trump Org. Trump Organization was just recently also found guilty of tax fraud. Plus, yesterday's verdict isn't completely over yet. Trump has to go back to court and find out how much money he will have to pay New York. The NY attorney general sued Trump for $250 million big ones. This is a pretty huge deal and it's a beautiful sledge hammer to the orange traitor turd. Trump is a crook through and through. Republicans don't even give a fuck about his criminality. They love this stuff. It's who they are. Bunch of crooks. Meanwhile, the republican second debate is tonight and once again Trump refuses to debate. All but one republican presidential candidate has sworn allegiance to Trump now even if he was a convicted felon. What's that tell ya!!! Like I said, they're a bunch of crooks who loves criminality!!!
  10. Woke is basically coined to represent being aware of inequality. That's where it originated. Republicans have taken that term and coined it to represent everything they hate, no matter what it is. The anti woke scare of the 2020's is the same thing as the Red Scare of the 1950's where they accused everyone of being communists. They even went so far as to imprison teachers back then and that is what they are wanting to do now. Teachers can now go to jail for having a book that they banned. They proposed a bill to jail librarians in public libraries. Calling everything woke is all just a ploy to justify them taking rights away. No doubt republicans believe our civil rights in the constitution is woke. Republicans in congress eliminated the civil rights committee. You can easily see the parallels of republicans today and nazi Germany. They must have a guidebook or something because they are following step by step. Even now republicans are now attacking our military. That is one of the steps needed for a dictatorship, to gain control of the military, politicize it, divide it. Republicans are calling the military woke, threatening the life of our top general now and calling him woke. Tuberville is blocking over 300 military nominations of officers all the while calling the military woke. They call history woke and so they ban discussion of it. They call colleges woke and they call diversity woke, so now they are banning diversity and inclusivity in colleges. They call businesses woke and so they ban diversity and inclusivity in businesses. Even affirmative action has been banned. They ban whatever book they can, calling it woke. They are banning tens of thousands of digital books in public libraries so even adults can't read them. They call LGBTQ as woke and ban everything everywhere they can to suppress that community. They go after movies and songs and shows and food and calls it all woke if there is any diversity, inclusivity. They call protecting the environment is woke. They call the damage done by natural disasters is woke, saying the forest floor should be swept to prevent fires in California. The fires in Hawaii were woke. Even now the religious fanatics are calling scriptures from Jesus in the bible is woke. I mean, if you think about it, Jesus was woke. The true definition of woke where he wanted equality and non violence and to help others. Republicans attack every minority group and calls them woke like blacks and brown, Jews, women, LGBTQ. These republicans are genocidal and would probably place woke labels on people's arms and send them off to their camps like how Hitler placed color coded bands on the people they sent off to camps. Republicans call fighting a pandemic is woke. Vaccines are woke, wearing a face mask is woke, health research and doctors are woke. They call our government agencies woke. Prosecutors are woke, judges are woke, laws are woke. Juneteenth holiday is woke, the holiday where blacks finally gained freedom. That is the republican culture war, attacking everything and calling everything different from their shallow mentality is woke. It is meant to demonize everyone and take their rights away. To force control over elections, education, businesses, justice system, entertainment, and military. Republicans attack everything now because they want a dictatorship. They want to oppress Americans and abuse them. Even genocide them. That is what all this is. The GOP is the New Nazi Party.
  11. That sounds like an interesting community relating to dinosaurs. It's amazing how those giant beings roamed Earth. I think the reason was that Earth had higher oxygen levels? Now that I think about it, there really needs to be a new dinosaur game. One that is scary and fun. I also love HZD. That game has always been well respected on this forum. I have a couple fossils from millions of years ago. I have several Trilobites and have Ammonite that has been Pyritized.
  12. Heard this song on Spanish radio just out of nowhere in a peaceful drive to town. I don't know Spanish so I don't know the lyrics. But this song sounds beautiful.
  13. Thief looks like I would really enjoy that kind of game. I'm definitely looking for a sale to get it. Thanks!!!
  14. Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you are able to remedy that situation too.
  15. Don't take freedom of creativity and to have diversity and inclusivity for granted. Because there are people right now, today, who are doing everything they can to take that freedom away. Since the date this thread was created, affirmative action in the USA has now been banned. That means it is now illegal for any movie producer or game developer to claim they want equal representation in their work. I'm not sure how that affects the entertainment industry and we won't know till some time down the road. I mean, they can't be open about any diversity initiatives. They have to be silent about it. Banning affirmative action not only effects ethnic minorities, but it also will allow the suppression of females too. If a developer in America says they want a female to play a certain character because there are too many men, well, that is now illegal. In a way, that actually oppresses their freedom of speech too because they no longer have the freedom to say they want diversity in their work. How it all holds up in court, who knows. But that's how it is now in America. And it won't stop there. Yesterday it was book bans, tomorrow it is game bans. Enjoy what you can while you still can.
  16. Denying us physical discs is simply monopoly. You will no longer have a choice where to shop. You will be forced subscriptions.
  17. I already knew my answer a few months ago when this post was created. And it is confirmed now that for me, I disassociate myself from gaming when I'm stressed. I have to be in a positive mind, a peaceful mind, and have energy to play games. I can't play if I'm not feeling alright. I can't play if I'm depressed. I can't play if I'm hungover. I can't play if I feel lonely. I play games when I'm content. If I don't feel content, I just can't play. I won't pay attention to story. My mind will drift. And things will remind me of something I'm trying to forget. I don't want to look back at a game and always think about a depressing event. And I play many games, so one bad event can have me negatively associate to 10 games. Fuck that.
  18. What if we had open discussion on VGR news articles? Or somehow just have VGR news headlines in the Video Game Discussions section under Gaming News. A headline and link under Gaming News would be cool. That way we can always be reminded we have someone dedicating time to write news articles on VGR.
  19. The legendary Assassins Creed series is all about time travel. You literally hook up to a machine and relive the past trying to obtain objects of power to protect Earth from destruction. And you get to experience culture and lore. What's not to love?
  20. I don't usually follow, but I would read some news about a disaster. Just recently Morocco had an earthquake that I think has killed around 3,000 now. I remember the Australian wild fires which was horrific. I remember the flooding in Texas from hurricane Harvey. Assholes abandoned animal shelters and let them drown all over the Texas area. I remember seeing dead hogs everywhere after the water began receding. Just waiting for Yellowstone to erupt.
  21. I like you said that about friends and fighting darkness. Reminds me of playing Final Fantasy 15, or actually any FF game where you have a group of friends that come together to fight darkness. I really like the friendship in FF15, and playing in an open world, drive around, and camp sites to wait for the morning while they cook and hang out. It brings a good feeling.
  22. That's pretty cool! I'm sure it's gonna be a long ways away probably. But knowing Rockstar, they make games to last and it takes time for that kind of quality. Depending on the size of the studio I guess. Gonna be interesting when we get to see some previews.
  23. It's pretty much expected now for other countries to issue travel advisories to the USA for LGBTQ safety. The thing is, republicans are stupid, especially in the state of Florida where they rely on tourism. Florida's Disney is their greatest revenue for the state and look how DeSantis has attacked Disney. Disney has now stopped development plans in the state causing Florida to lose a $1 billion investment. Florida's Disney has also decreased in tourism. There are literally Nazis now, all dressed up with their symbols and flags, armed with guns, protesting at Disney, you know, a supposedly family friendly place. And this all started because Disney spoke out against the governor's anti LGBTQ bills. Let the republicans ruin themselves. Unfortunately, the LGBTQ community has to take the brunt of their fascist attacks. It was all a hoax how republicans wanted to ban books they say is porn. They have went beyond that now and are banning books from black and Hispanic authors, they banned a book of poems from a young black girl who read her poem at Biden's inauguration. And republicans are banning tens of thousands of digital books at public libraries so even adults can't read them. They are taking the first amendment right away by doing that. They are banning inclusivity in schools, colleges, and businesses. The supreme court has now allowed segregation by letting businesses refuse service to gays. And we already know that's gonna spread to all minority groups getting their service denied. That is segregation in 2020's America. Texas passed a bill to force all classrooms in every school in the state to hang a big poster of the religious 10 commandments, while banning rainbows. Republicans are crying about the nude statue David from a Renaissance art class, calling it porn. Are republicans gonna ban the Creation of Adam painting? Are they gonna ban the bible? But what does this have to do with LGBTQ? Well it started with banning books they say have LGBTQ content in it, then they cry about porn, then they are now attacking famous Renaissance art, and foods like pink poptarts, and movies at the theatre. Hey video games are next on the banning shit. Just watch. God damn fanatics. Some old bitch on a school board snuck into the school library without permission, in the dark, using a phone flashlight to spy on all the school's library books. And she would turn off security lights that would turn on. She got busted! Crazy psychos. My God. Then she was complaining that she found books that had violence in it. Cmon. WTF. You see, their fascist obsession won't stop. It will get worse and worse if they aren't put in their place. It's an obsession!!!!!
  24. I’m trying all sorts of things lately. I originally wanted something fun with little brain mechanism and so I played the Destroy All Humans remaster, which I love. But it’s not it! I am playing Control and is cool! But I have to be in the zone to play it. Military, it’s cool but naw…Open worlds take a lot of time which I feel burnt out somewhat with them right now. I started playing older generation games like Infamous, Awesome!!! That, along with Control has intrigued me for Sci fi games. I think what I want right now is good sci fi. I want crazy stuff. Off the wall. So I guess I answered my question. But got now I don’t want an open world. I’m playing the Metro trilogy right now and boom! It’s hard stuff. I always had the impression it wasn’t all that. But, oh man, it is something special. I’ve been playing the trilogy full steam ahead. But what is it? There is something more I need to play. What is it? It’s like I’m craving some damn sloppy enchiladas or nachos dripping with everything and the chips stay crunchy. What is it? What am I looking for? What are you looking for? Is there a curiosity in a genre you haven’t explored yet? Are you simply contempt? Not I. Maybe I’m looking for rarities. What is it though? It’s like I’m lacking a mineral. What is my game mineral that I need?
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