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Everything posted by Yaramaki

  1. Yeah it's the best motorcycle game on the ps2 and the game has aged fairly well, it included pretty much any motorbike you ever wanted up until 2006, however from what i remember it doesen't really play out like gran turismo, you just unluck bikes by completing licenses and races instead of buying them as you do in GT. if you have a ps2 gathering dust you should give it a try as i'm sure the game can be had for a couple of dollars, this was one of the last titles i played/bought when the ps2 was actively around well you know before the ps3 came out.
  2. Cool it's good to know atleast somebody takes interest in my recommendations haha you know i always got the idea my posts of games are too obscure for vgr. anyways i had a look trough my collection yesterday evening and here is some more i forgot to post about, i'll just list the titles as i've got chores to do around the house and don't want to get sidetracked 😉 : Boktai -> Can't remember to much about it but since Kojima produced it, it can't be bad. The Pinball of the Dead -> I gave this a play last night and spend playing 2 hours, can't believe i forgot to list the game originally Drill Dozer Lilo & Stitch -> don't judge yet, give it a try first Car Battler Joe Sigma Star Saga Well since most people know me by now i like my japanese shit so if you wanna play something not a whole lot of people have heard of and from what i remember are import friendly : Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai -> Pretty sure this got a fan translation in english, go play it if you find that rom if memory serves me right it is part of the far east of eden series aka Tengai Makyou which is a series that sadly never left japan. this is an Exellent rpg with many choices to make, that offers a different outcome with branching paths which was quite unique at the time. I'm sure you'll have fun with this one. Tomato Adventure Densetsu no Stafy 1-3 Kururin Paradise -> This is the sequel to Kuru Kuru Kururin i mentioned in a previous post Alright now i really need to start getting to work because the house doesen't clean itself (sadly). To stick to the topic i finished watch dogs legion yesterday, i have some mixed feeling about the game but i'll post about that in the appropriate thread after i finish the dlc and I still need to get some achievement to complete it 100% before i can do that.
  3. Hmm since you use an emulator you should totally check out Ninja five-o , It may be more know now for it's high price tag on the secondary market, but it's one of the best games if not my favourite game on the Gba. Combines all the best elements of ninja gaiden and bionic commando. Well that would be my top pick. Others i would check out in the worst case you don't like it but hey now. Keeping in mind i can't list any real long games. It's been a while since i played any gba games but from memory Astro Boy: Omega Factor -> It's made by treasure so you know it's good, mixture between shoot em up, platformer and beat em up. Gunstar Super Heroes -> another one made by treasure, kind of a sequel to the 16 bit classic on the genesis/megadrive. Yggdra Union -> This mixes strategy rpg gameplay with card battles and it does it quite well from what i remember. Kuru Kuru Kururin -> Hands down the best puzzle game on the system, you've not played anything like this i can tell you that. Lady Sia -> a fellow collector recommended me this a long time saying it was one of the most underrated and best platformers on the gba (it was also quite cheap at the time) and you know he was right. Can't remember too much about it since it's been years that i played it. If you wanna get real funky and try out a long game when you are done with these you should also give Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis, imo this one of the best strategy rpg's ever made. Multiple endings which was fresh for the time. There are also a ton of disney games on the gba especially the mickey games are quite good platformers and recaptures the magic of the 16 bit ones fairly well. I diden't list any nintendo games since everybody knows about them but if you haven't give Wario land 4 a try when you are at it. Normally i would have included both Advance wars games but since they are being remade for the switch it's mostlikely better to wait on that. Man i feel like charging up my gba now and play some games on it myself now.
  4. Nice, maybe it's an unpopulair oppinion but i always found metroid to be more suited on handheld rather then consoles, well the 2d ones anyway. Just wondering do you use actualy hardware or an emulator? What exactly are you looking for gamewise, it's kind of hard recommend something without knowing what you're after? 😉
  5. These days i'd say it's going to be close to 5k a year i spend on collecting videogames, i try not to go over 500 euros on a monthly basis, especially during summer months collecting games takes a back seat and i may buy one or two games. There were times when i lived at my parents place i'd spend about 10k a year on collecting games, the good part is that many of the games i bought back then were mostly the more in demand japanese imports, so i can easly make a good profit if i was to sell my collection as most games have multiplied in value over the years but why would i do that right. People can say what they want of me but all the stuff i have i bought with my own money that i worked hard for, sometimes i did double shifts because then i had more money to spend on my hobby.
  6. VR isen't going to be next big thing as many people thought it was going to be. I keep saying it unless they start introducing headsets that are less a pain to use and are less expensive then it may have potential to become mainstrain, because let's face it your average gamer isen't going to pay a couple of hundred bucks for an accessory that they may use every once in a while. Microsoft their hololens may be the best solution i've seen yet but apperently it's going to cost over 3500$ and you know who wants to spend that kind of money on a new piece of tech. Also how many VR only games are really worth playing and must buy. Don't get me wrong i've bought playstation Vr a few months after it launched and it's an exellent piece of technology but as it stands now i don't see any reasons why people should get into VR, let's hope a once in a generation Vr game comes along and changes that, only time will tell. Right now on to the topic question, alsong microsoft and sony don't ditch the xbox one and ps4 and start focussing on their new hardware we are not going to see the full potential of next gen hardware. Because as it stands now my xbox one x runs the same games just as nice as my series x. I don't know about ps5 but i'm sure horizon forbidden west and gran turismo 7 run just as smoothly on a ps4 pro then on a ps5 console and for that surely sacrifices had to be made. Since the 5th generation is brought up, these days the graphics i see them as a downgrade compared to the 4th gen, a lot of ps1/n64 games have just aged badly not only graphic wise but gameplay wise aswell not to mention the horrible camera angles most games had in that generation. If you look at streets of rage 2 and compare it with any 3d beat em you'll know what i mean, another example take street fighter 2 and compare it with 3d fighters from the 6th generation.
  7. No offence my man but how i hate phrases like this, it's like comparing apples with oranges . Also what quality are you talking about just graphics because nintendo clearly puts gameplay first as do i. I'll take good gameplay over fancy graphics anytime a day.
  8. Did you know Ea already (sort off) dabbled into the console market in the early 90 ies with ill fated 3DO Interactive multiplayer.
  9. I doubt the Guillemot family is looking to sell ubisoft completly atleast from what i read the past few days, they are more keen on something like a business partner/investment company taking a controlling stake in ubisoft rather then sell off ubisoft completly that way Yves Guillemot would still be in charge, i don't know but don't really think this is interesting for either sony or microsoft. If anybody i can see the embracer group or tencent stepping in. No sony would be more interesting in buying a big japanese developer ala capcom, square enix or konami as it would make a lot more sense imo.
  10. If the game list it as a collectible i try and get everithing but i guess that's not what this thread is about. When i'm early ingame i usually pick up everithing that looks remotely interesting and get as much junk as possible because like @Withywarlock said every little bit of extra coin helps in the early stages of a rpg. Usually in later in the game when i don't need the money that bad anymore i just loot money, weapons (if they are worth something), ammo and gear (again if it's worth something) and offcourse if there are any collectibles tied to an achievement/trophy you bet i'm going to try and get that achievement.
  11. @Heatman Said this in another thread, since i don't want to derail the thread. I have it installed on my computer so i can use it whenever i want, to me discord is nothing more then a chat room and above all i find it cluncky to use to be honest as it's hard to find what you are looking for or how Maybe i need to give it another go or maybe not, i'm not one to judge something if i haven't tried it out properly so yeah especially the first few lines have me intrigued : Why should a gamer join discord, what are the benefits? Ps : don't really know where to put this so if it's in the wrong section, please feel free to move the topic
  12. Here is all the crap i picked up in may. I just stuck with the main 3 consoles i'm collecting for at the moment, nothing too crazy or expensive, but damn i need to start getting better at taking pictures : Og japanese xbox : 7 Japanese wii u : man there were days people would go nuts for those smash bros bundles with the gamecube adapter and pay close to 200$ for them, nowadays you can have a brand new for about 40 atleast that's what i paid. That nintendo land bundle was about 15$ brand new just to show how cheap wii u games are in japan. Those monster hunter games set me back a little more then i wanted but since they are exclusive to japan and it seems other collectors are willing to fork out a premium for them i should get my hands on as soon as possible. Japanese xbox 360 : can't really add much here but i'm happy to find a complete Shin hokuto musou treasure box, there is always something missing like it comes with a clock that is either broken or missing or the box is damaged, the clock isen't used so i had to get it. I paid about 1000 yen for it (about 8$) so that was a good deal, glad i held off on it. I also like my videogame books so these are the ones i picked up the last couple of months, i do have to say the dreamcast collected works dissapointed me a little as it's more of an artbook with a few interviews here and there. But the quality of the book overall is top notch. I always pick up these perfect catalogues when they get released in japan they finally released one for the ps2, these cover every ps2 game released in japan with some small info. So for a japanese import collector like me these are a must buy. The persona/shin megami tensei and the wrestling with pixels ones are a no brainer if you are into either and like reading or discover more about the smt franchise or wrestling games. You can get them both from amazon and they aren't that expensive to get should you be interested. The go straight is offcourse with 650 pages the ultimate book about side scrolling beat em ups, i always buy bitmap their books whenever they release a new one as they are the best when it comes to videogame books, always top notch quality and very well written, exellent lay out with huge ass pictures and whatnot and you know prices are reasonable for what you get. now you know why i get up at 1.30 am at night to go to work.
  13. Man i don't want to nag or anything but damn are we still going on about driver or what on earth are we talking about, i think everithing there is to say is said just let the thread rest and move on. Driver while one of my favourite franchises ever, it's not going to come back, offcourse never say never but i doubt ubisoft has any intention of bringing back a franchise that's been dead for 10 years.
  14. Surely we can add more games right? Man i've been thinking about this the last couple of days and it feels hard to find a few couch co-op games. But apart from the ones mentioned, especially with xbox one and series x in mind as per original posters request. Normally i like using arrows instead of dots but i'll list it the same as @shagger to keep it uniform. Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 : What do you get when you combine the 2 best puzzle franchises ever, yes this game. Highly addicting even in single player, it's most likely more fun to play it with a person on the couch. Imo this is the best puzzle game ever made so you can't go wrong either way. Unravel 2: The first one diden't have have co op but the second you can play with a friend together on the couch, exellent puzzle platform where yarn plays a major role in solving puzzles. I think this may appeal to a lot of female gamers because of the cute art style. Rayman Legends : Arguably The best platformer on a xbox console, you can't go wrong with this one. I know it's an older game but still worth playing today. Team Sonic Racing : Nothing beats a kart racer to play in split screen. Crash Team Racing nitro-fueled : Same as above, crash team racing is better then team sonic racing though. Diablo 3: Damn i almost forgot about this, you know what diablo is if you don't then well then what are you even doing on a video game forum. J/K Stardew Valley: I'm sorry i have to bring this game up every few days, but yes you can play stardew valley in co-op, you do have to build a cottage for your companion first. This is probably the best game ever made, so you can't go wrong either way. Halo Master chief collection: The first 2 halo games are imo the best split screen games ever made, it made friendships and also destroyed them. we used to play with 4 players on a tiny Crt tv back in the day which made it even more hectic since you could barly see what you were doing. Nowadays with those huge 4k screens you shoulden't have a problem having fun with this one. As far as i know local split screen is included. If you have an xbox you probably have this already right? Lego games: I think nearly all of them have local co-op so pick which one you like and go for it. I'd highly recomned Lego city undercover because it's not tied to any license or whatsoever and of the lego games i played i had the most fun with. Streets of rage 4: Can't have a list of local co-op games without a good old beat em up, so there you go. I think the second game is still the best in the series though but you can play that aswell on your xbox. See below SEGA Mega Drive Classics / Genesis Classics : I should have listed this one on the top because it's just that good of a compilation, but you know streets of rage all 3 games are included, all the golden axe you could possibly want to play on the couch. Sonic 2, still holds up to this day playing together with a friend. I'm sure there are a ton more on this comp you could play together and if you're tired of playing with a partner, the best jrpg of all time is included aswell Phantasy star IV. There is even a rewind button and save states so you can restart where you left off. Monopoly : Ubisoft released several monopoly games over the years, so just pick one that looks the most interesting to you. Now why would you play a board game on a console, because you can save your game, nobody can cheat and you don't have to stay up until 5am in the morning until the game would possibly be finished, i for one never in my life finished a monopoly game where only one person remained. There are more i could list like Human Fall Flat, Moving out and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime but i have not played these so i can't comment on how they are. I think if you try all those listed above you should be quite busy for a good amount of time.
  15. I don't know i had an obessesion when i was a kid of washing my hands way too much (according to my grandma), so that's why i always figured it as a bad habit on the contrast i work in the food industry (i'm a baker) so i wash my hands atleast 40-50 times a day.
  16. For the better it's probably i don't answer this question because i usually spend quite a lot of money on collecting videogames each month.
  17. Don't know if it's a bad habit but i always wash my hands before i start gaming.
  18. Let's see i was 6 years and a half, i turn 36 in 2 weeks, fuck stop making me feel old 😉
  19. I'm just going to quote this to make it easier, , i usually try and complete all the games i play so if it's part of the game and story then yes it's important to me. Why would you not do the guild quests in skyrim or any rpg for that matter, you would be stupid not to do them as you miss out on good chunck of the game that way. Dark brotherhood (and companions ) questlines are the best in skyrim. Kingdom come deliverance also had simulair guilds and those quests were better then the whole main questsline.
  20. Driving: i was alway into cars when i was a kid and wanted to drive a car so badly well that was until i got my driver license, at first i had a sense of freedom and whatnot but the older i get the more i hate driving a car, you have to constantly keep an eye on your speedometer, getting stuck in traffic sucks, Fuel is expensive as fuck these days then i haven't even began about maintenance costs and insurance costs each year.
  21. Christmas 1992 my parents gave me a sega megadrive with ayrton senna's super monaco gp 2, i still love that game to this day, toke me around 15 years before i got to beat it properly on master difficulty. Maybe once a year i play it on a rainy afternoon whenever i feel nostalgic. I feel lucky that i still own the system and my childhood games, the console still works fine and it has been modded since to play every region title and to play games at 60hz, i still use it as my primarly megadrive/genesis from time to time.
  22. If you asked me this a few months ago i would have said yes, however last month i started dating again so i have to admit spending time with her is more pleasant then gaming (and collecting) right now, favourite part of the week these days is on saturday or sunday afternoon going out hiking in the middle of nowhere having a chitchat while we are on the trail, doing a picknic in between etc.
  23. Kind of tough one to answer : most logical answer would be to go with Stardew valley, pretty sure with some adjustments a sega saturn or ps1 would be able to run it (i think) so that's what i'm going to go for, ah yes i can see myself playing this as a kid for atleast a 1000 hours, trying to complete that damn museum.
  24. This pretty much sums up my feelings about planes in games. I always felt like it was tacked on in open world games because devs think it's a necessary thing to have in an open world game. Gta 3 had one plane you could fly and how many people could get it even off the ground i never made it past the airport from what i remember, the plane mission in gta vice city where you have to spread flyers for a movie and fly trough checkpoints around the city is was one of the most frustrating missions in the game, quite a few people got stuck on that mission. Don't get me wrong i don't hate planes in games aslong the controls don't suck i'm fine with them being in the game as they make perfect sense in over the top games like saints row and just cause to name a few to wreck some havoc.
  25. Kind of a boring answering as I don't really watched many tv shows the past few years but a huge open world game of thrones game sounds like a good idea, one where you can play multiple characters, there is so many lore for potential ideas you could turn it into several games. You woulden't even need the main characters from the tv show in the game to make it interesting.
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