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Everything posted by Yaramaki

  1. Sony mentioned several times that their will be console shortage until 2023, i think if you put a little effort in it, i'm sure you can manage to put down a preorder somewhere, i think most people who wanted a ps5 badly have one by now so it's just a matter of being lucky now or having patience. look it on the bright side by the time you may get a ps5 a lot of games may already be on sale, so you win in the end by saving money 😉 Also nice avatar geppy-x kind off a forgotten ps1 shoot em up that is still a blast to play, if only the music wasen't so ridiculous.
  2. Nevermind my man, i thought for a second you felt attacked because of my comment my apoligies. Well Not everyone you meet on the internet are shady individuals, the problem is that you never hear about good things that happen between people on the internet but instead always the bad.
  3. Well to go back to the topic, i don't do multiplayer. I'm not going to say multiplayer sucks because it's something i know little to nothing of people can enjoy what they want. As previously mentioned by @The Blackangel i also like to play my games in peace and i don't need to have people raging to me because they lost or i'm the weakest link in their team it's just doesen't appeal to me. Like i don't have a problem with multiplayer being integrated in an otherwise mostly singleplayer game, IF the single player campaign doesen't fall victim because of it and that is mostly the case because with the time and effort designing the multiplayer, that same effort could have gone into a better campaign imo. You have to ask yourself do games like mass effect, ghost of tsushima, uncharted and the last of us really need a multiplayer mode, i haven't played them obviously but i'll take @kingpotato word for it and say that the efforts it toke for building the multiplayer were better off used elsewhere. Another problem i have multiplayer based games, they are temporarily experiences, like enjoy it while you can because it may be gone tommorow. I'm not going to dive deep into this because i've mentioned this quite a few times in other threads already. You'll probably be safe with fortnite for the foreseeable future but let's say something like the first destiny or the first the crew game, i don't know how well these are still doing but give and take another couple of years and those may be gone forever. A singleplayer game for aslong i have working hardware i can still play it, hell i still use my childhood sega megadrive every now and then. Something that pisses me off even more is singleplayer based games that are unplayable offline, like why? Why do i need to connect to a fucking server to play a damn single player game, if anybody can give me a solid answer to this please do. I do have a xbox live subscription, that i meanly keep it around for the "free" games since i don't buy digital games it's a good way for me to download some games for free that i would have never experienced otherwise. I know the quality isen't always great but you know. I'll end the rant here, to give a much shorter answer for all i care developers can shove their multiplayer shit up their ass. If you made it this far enjoy the weekend and have a good one.
  4. I use both, but damn the hotmail account that takes me back since it's still the one i made in computer class as part of an assignment. I think it was in 2001 orso, one of the very first times we were allowed to use internet in computer class, our teacher made us sign up for the school news letter aswell all pretty primitive stuff haha. I never really saw the point in changing it so i kept it around all these years, these days meanly for my xbox account and a few other smaller things and Offcourse how can i forget for msn messenger, where is the time we would send homework answers and music to eachother via msn messenger. Nowadays i primarly use gmail meanly because i'm used to it and it works best for me, but it's not that i think either hotmail or gmail is better, i think they are both equal imo. If somebody would force me to use hotmail again, it's not that i'm going to lose sleep over it.
  5. Hey now dude where did i attack you, please point it out to me because i diden't and why do you even feel offended in the first place? Did you even read my post because an "online friend" to me is something else then a person you know in real life.
  6. I'm finally done with watch dogs legion and it's dlc toke me way longer then expected. I'm somewhat glad it's over.
  7. It's only ment as a joke my man, nothing more, nothing less. 😉
  8. Not going to rank controllers because it's next to impossible to do. So i'll just post some impressions if that is ok. Let's just start with the 6th generation because rating anything before that would be unfair by todays standard (unless you really want me too) and you know otherwise the post in itself would be massive. Sega Dreamcast -> I've always liked this one from a nostalgic point, not perfect by any means though. No Rumble feature unless you bought it seperatly the analog triggers were great also why no shoulder buttons and one analog stick , the d pad while great if i had long gaming sessions my thumb would start to hurt after a while. Also why is the wire on the front of the controller and not on the back. Sony Ps2 Dual shock -> It was great at the time pretty much the standard in video game controllers, it's still a great controller to use to this day. The first dual shock was already perfect imo, only criticism i could give is that it's a little lighter then the dual shock 1. Microsoft Xbox "duke" -> Despite what people say it feels suprisingly comfortable to hold well if you have big hands like me. I've used the duke for a year until i got the S controller. I've always felt that the button placement is a little bit weird and you know if you don't have big hands it's just not comfortable to hold, one thing you can certainly do with it, is smash somebodys head in with it. Microsoft Xbox S Controller -> Pretty much better in every aspect when you compare it to the duke. Probably should have been the controller in the first place, can you believe it this was originally going to be a japan only controller, because apparently asians have smaller hands. Nintendo Gamecube -> I only gotten a gamecube very late in it's life cycle around late 2004 if memory serves me right. This has become my favourite controller of the 6th generation over the years, it has the best analog sticks of any 6th generation, the button placement while weird at first, when you get used to it feels exellent. The controller lays good in the hands, not too heavy or light. Nintendo knows the gc controller is a fan favourite hence it is still being used to this day. Microsoft Xbox 360 -> Probably my favourite controller ever until the xbox one controller came out, i've always loved the 360 controller and at the time it was the perfect controller for me. Only negative was the horrible d-pad but they fixed that with later models of the controller. Sony Ps3 Dual shock -> I'm not going to mention the sixaxis because it was a piece of crap. So the ps3 controller probably the worst controller of the dual shock family, it's way too light for my taste, the analog sticks felt dated in 2008 when it came out, the battery life is not that great. The triggers were horrible for racing games, clearly the design of the dual shock showed it's age by now. Nintendo Wii mote and nunchuck -> Ugh were do i start with this one, i've never liked it and probably never will. It just feels awkward to hold and the forced waggling on certain games just feels off. Only thing it was good for was mario kart with the plastic wheel, my dad would always say i look like an idiot holding a plastic wheel in front of me but i had a blast with that game so i diden't care. Nintendo Wii u -> I have a soft spot for the wii u, so this will be kinda biased. Despite that i hate the touch controls on the screen from gamepad, i really liked the wii u gamepad, it was big and bulky and that's what i maybe liked about it on the other hands it felt like i was holding a relic from the past. Clearly the second screen diden't work and why it isen't possible to turn it off completly is something i'll never understand because the battery life was just plain awfull. Sony Playstation 4 Dual shock -> Massive improvement over the ps3 controller, pretty much your perfect controller bar that i still don't like the r2 and l2 triggers. The touch pad was a neat idea but from the games i played it wasen't really used all that much, ghost of tsushima made the best use i played on ps4 of the touch pad or whatever it's called. Battery life while not great it's an improvement, also why you can't turn off the lights on the ps4 controller to save battery life i'll never understand. Microsoft Xbox one controller -> Microsoft already had the best controller and made it even better, imo the best controller ever made. An elite controller is supposed to be even better but i've not used one all that much to judge it properly. Nintendo Switch Pro controller -> I'm meanly using my switch as a console and don't think i've ever attached the joy cons from the system, so i'll just give my 2 cents on the pro controller, good controller lays good in the hand, nothing special about it to be honest as it does the job pretty well. Battery life is exellent, something sony could take a lesson or two from from. Microsoft Series controller -> Not much has changed from the xbox one controller but this is hands down my favourite controller ever. The fact i can still use regulair double a batteries on these which is a huge plus for me. Sony PS 5 controller -> Can't say much about it as i don't have the console maybe someday i'll give an honest oppinion. Oof that was a long post, i know i left out some wii controllers and the wii u pro controller but you know i have to draw a line somewhere. When i think about it i could have sneaked the ps move and kinect in there aswell but nah i shoulden't.
  9. Haha the joy of getting older, taking a nap on a free day, glad i'm not the only one who likes doing it.
  10. This thread made me curious what do you consider friends, have you met those people in real life and/or are these people you just know of by playing videogames online? I don't know if i could call a person i just know online a friend because you can't know for sure how they are in real life, like they could be the complete opposite of what you know of them online.
  11. 99,9% of the time i game alone and you know i don't mind that i've always gamed on my own for the most part of my life, besides try getting a bunch of people together who are in their mid to late 30 ies together is not as easy as you may think, let alone for playing videogames. It's not the same anymore when i was a teen who had nothing better to do then school, playing videogames and hang out with friends, most of us have moved on to other things and when we do see each other i'd much rather catch up on things, have diner together and whatnot, you know the boring stuff adults do. I'm sure i'm not the only one who had those thoughts when when being a kid.
  12. You Gotta love the comments being made from folks who complain they don't have much time to play videogames, yet are able to do 30+ posts a day on vgr.com 🤨 As for me usually during weekdays one or two hours sometimes more but that rarely happens as there is always something else that needs to be done, during winter i game a lot more then during the summer. Weekends are kind of a mixed bag, sometimes a couple of hours, sometimes an entire afternoon, depends on the weather wheter i can go out hiking or not.
  13. Reloading an earlier save is likely the first thing i try, quiting the game to the main menu and boot it back up usually helps, in the worst case turning off the console and reload the games does the trick aswell. Some people may even go as far as doing a hard reset but i never had to do it once. I did had to reinstall a game once because it woulden't boot up properly anymore but that was meanly due to a power outage so my save files likely got corrupted.
  14. Lol, how come i've never heard of these people listed in the original bar Ninja and Pewdiepie, even then i probably only would reconize Pewdiepie meanly because of the south park episode. Fuck i'm getting old because what's the fun in watching somebody play videogames anyway, when you can just play them yourself, guess i'll never understand. Don't get me wrong if i would want to watch somebody playing videogames, i would want to have them a strong personality and being a natural at entertaining a crowd, not too many people have that ability, yep i don't either. Despite what people think being a streamer is probably a stressfull job, you have to be consistent in your streams, you have to watch what you say because one bad or misplaced word and it could be all over. Needless to say It will probably take you years of commitment to reach that level and that's probably to just to make a living, i think everybody who earns money on twitch and/or youtube for them it started out as a hobby as I don't even think making a living was on their mind when they started out. I'm i jaleous if somebody earns money trough twitch or by playing videogames, no because trust me it's not going to last forever aswell.
  15. For current gen physical games i usually search every once in a while for various bargains i can find online like on sites like bol.com, nedgame and mediamarkt. Most offer free shipping so i don't have to go out to a physical store to buy them. Every now and then i just go on a "game hunting" trip where i drive to various stores and see if they have anything interesting but that rarely happens anymore. Nearly all the japanese region stuff i get off Yahoo auctions Japan trough a proxy service called Zenmarket, have been using them in what seems forever now since they first started out and they have never let me down once, if you're a regulair customer you get a lot of cool benifits. I'm also starting to get a lot of good deals trough Mercari Japan for that i use another procy service called Remambo. I've used ebay a ton in the past but these days i use ebay maybe once every couple of months to get something. For digital stuff i'm forced with either microsoft store or ps store i use those mostly to get a season pass or dlc because i don't have any other options for that but you know that's a last resort.
  16. Busting around heads in kamarocho and getting lost in minigames and side activities in the yakuza series is fun to me, not only is the gameplay fun as hell and the story top notch, hell even the side stories are worth checking out and even tell a story on their own. @Reality vs Adventure, why not go check out the Just Cause series considering you like saints row so much, if you haven't already, you'll probably going to have a blast with the Just Cause series.
  17. Very well, i know i shoulden't post when i have nothing decent to say but damn the above post has left me speechless and that rarely happens ,diden't expect such a detailed response, thank you for taking the time to speak your mind. Like i'm not going to defend the Ds it's still a great system however 75% of the games released on it are just shovelware garbage or kids games, besides i'll take the PSP over the DS anytime a day.
  18. Addiction is a big word to use, just when is somebody addicted to gaming? To me if it's start taking a toll on your personal life and you start neglecting crucial and important things in life like work, school, daily/weekly chores and social life activities in favour to just play games. Then i'd say it's time to start thinking wheter or not you have an addiction even if you don't the people around you who care about you will mostlikely point it out for you that you have an addiction. As for myself i never saw the problem in drinking a couple of beers every day after work, while playing some games or having a chat with friends at a bar. You know it's the most normal thing to do, alcohol is everywhere, hell you are allowed to drink alcohol when you're 16 over here. During covid i had no problem with drinking 2 bottles of wine whenever i diden't have to go to work the day after, it made me feel at peace and relaxed. I never saw the problem in that and as far as i know it diden't affect my life at all, well that was until some people started pointing out my alcohol usage. I've realised i was going downhill and started cutting back the booze and you know after a while i realised it did affect my social life more then i tought at first as i've started dating again for the first time in quite a while and you know my confidence got a boost and overall i feel more healthy aswell.
  19. I don't mind the adds on the board if it helps out but damn this one made me laugh, it's like they are on to me 😅:
  20. Man i haven't pulled out some of this stuff in years until a few days ago, like all my european gamboy advance games are still in the moving boxes when i moved out of my parents place haha. When digging trough them looking for rpg's, i realised how amazing the cover art is on most of these. You don't see that anymore these days, unless you would read gaming magazines for the most part publishers had to sell you the game on the coverart alone, they are all good games imo and there's atleast 10 rpg's in case they haven't been mentioned already :
  21. Are you talking about the amount of games or the quality or maybe i'm missing something else? I was just referring to the overall quality and diversity of games you have on nintendo handhelds vs their consoles counterparts, like i said their is something for everybody, you diden't have that until the wii came out. Also If you ask me i'll take the original gameboy over the Nes anytime a day, i know most people hold the nes in high regard but we all had master systems over here. If you're talking about the amount of games i'll agree on nes and snes well if you consider worldwide games i think europe got a little over 400 games which less then the original gameboy did, but the gba had atleast 900 games released in europe to like what 450ish for the gamecube, if my number are off i'm sorry european and american region games aren't really my expertise, i know japan got had 286 released for the gamecube which is even less. I think you underestimate how good the ds did, a quick google search led me to 1253 physical games released in north america, wherest the wii had 1262 released in north america, well what you know it's almost the same. When you compare the amount of 3ds games to wii u physical games, i think it's a no brainer the 3ds had more physical games. In my oppion you can build atleast a ds collection with 300 games that are ranging good towards masterpiece status, wherest with the wii i don't know maybe 100-150 games at most that are must own games. Either way it's not that important because what i like you aren't going to necessairy like and vice versa.
  22. With these threads i do gotta ask Where is the xbox option? I'm just wondering why is the ps5 the pinnacle of gaming consoles as to what more can it do then a series x? You may aswell add the series x in because both are pretty much the same. I feel like i should correct this statement the xbox one x already had a 4k blu ray disc drive, While the ps4 pro diden't and that came out 3 years before the ps5. if somebody thinks they are going to save money with buying an all digital console, no offence but they are idiots. Why would you do that even in the first place, i get it if you only buy one or two games a year, it may be a valid option. But other then that you're going to be stuck to the playstation store and it's sales for the most part. With a disk drive you have options, physical games go on sale all the time and don't know how it is even possible but in my region physical games are often cheaper then their digital counterparts when they go on sale. In the long run you're going to recoup the money you thought you would save with an all digital system. You know what i would do with these all digital consoles doesen't matter wheter it's a playstation 5 or xbox, Burn them to the fucking ground so nobody has to touch them again. Well the faulty ones atleast. However somebody wants to spend their money is up to them but man i'll never understand why you would pick an all digital console over one that can do a lot more and gives you so much more options.
  23. Offcourse i would buy any old console today infact i buy atleast a couple every year, a good game remains a good game no matter how old it is. I have pretty much any console i could ever wanted, so most of the ones i'm buying now are limited editions from console i already have the question is do i need them no, do i want them offcourse. The only console i don't own that i would like to get at some point is the Fijutsu Fm Towns marty but then again do i need it, probably not. Games are really expensive for it and i don't want to start collecting for yet another console. The Bandai playdia would be a more affordable option but since only a few games were released for it, the collector in me would want to get them all, trust me i've looked into this console before. There are several atari compilations on ps4/xbox so you can easily play those on current gen hardware and see what the games are for like, if you like them maybe then go get an atari 2600.
  24. Only game i ever had that i coulden't progress anymore was heavy rain on the ps3, i think it was where you are in the dancing club my screen would turn black and i coulden't do anything anymore. Offcourse connecting my ps3 to the internet and downloading a patch solved the problem. Surely i come across a bug or glitch every so often especially in ubisoft games there tends to be something like that, like an item that isen't there or a door that won't open to progress the quest, that i just have to restart the game and the problem solves itself to me is no big deal and not something worth complaining about. Also why is fifa even brought up here because as far as i know those games never had a gamebreaking bug.
  25. Yaramaki

    Road 96

    I'll post an indept review once i get around playing it, it's the next game on my list after i'm done with watch dogs legion well that is if i'm not getting sidetracked, @kingpotato already got me into playing a couple of hours on my gba for the first time in well in a couple of years, so blame it on him if don't get around road 96 anytime soon.
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