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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I actually ended picking it up about a month ago I would guess. It's fun as hell, I agree.
  2. Two things I never bought were a PS Vita and a Wii U. I had the PSP and the Wii. As I have said before I was not impressed with the Wii, and didn't see a whole lot of difference in the Wii U. The Vita was always too pricey for me. The only issue I had with the PSP was the volume. It never put out volume to a hearable level.
  3. PS3 has a lot of great games on it's own, and can also play any of the great classics from PS1 as well. I still use mine, and have a hell of a lot of fun doing so. Just because the PS5 is close to launch, doesn't mean that the PS3 should be disowned. That makes no sense to me. There are PS3 games that are classics that people loved instantly. There are no guarantees that said game will be ported or remade to be compatible with PS5. So dumping the PS3 just because something new comes out seems extremely foolish to me. I really don't get the reasoning behind getting rid of games/systems you love because a new system comes out. If GTA/COD/ES had stopped being made forever at the PS3, would you still be saying that?
  4. So did PewDiePie not sell out when he was on South Park?
  5. There are plenty of ways to gauge user reactions without making a complete ass of yourself. This one is not one of those.
  6. The only reason I see to go for any kind of achievements would be if they unlock something. Like in Mario Kart, you have to get a first place over all rank in the Mushroom, Flower, and Star cups to unlock the Special cup. And you have to do it at a higher CC race as well. Other than something like that, so called "achievements" typically seem pointless to me. If it's your thing, go for it. But don't act superior about it unless you want to lose some teeth.
  7. Are you stateside? 75K miles for a 12 year old vehicle, that's a daily driver is nothing. Twice that is closer to average. As for pics, at the moment all I have is a pic of the back. I'm assuming what you're looking for is side and/or front shots, so the answer would be no.
  8. Isn’t that the definition of a sell out?🤑
  9. I agree with you for the most part, but want to point one thing out. Speed runs are how some people enjoy their games. It’s their preferred style of gaming. It’s not my preference, but a lot of people enjoy it. It’s the same as setting an odd goal. For example people have begun playing Zelda on NES without ever getting a sword, and some have actually beaten it that way.
  10. Not anymore. I played a lot when I was a kid (17-18 years old) but haven’t since then. I just lost interest in it for some reason.
  11. The sad thing is that it only has about 75k miles on it.
  12. I know what ME is, but wasn’t sure if it counts in relation to this thread. I didn’t know if @DC was looking for things like Photoshop or Rosetta Stone.
  13. As I have said many times, FF8 opened my world. I started playing other sci-fi-ish types of games which led me further down the rabbit hole. If I had never played FF8, I would probably still be close minded as hell when it comes to gaming.
  14. I would honestly say fantasy. If you look at Zelda on NES for example, and then compare it to games like Skyrim, there really is no competition.
  15. It can be instantaneous, or days. It all depends on the game. The genre and franchise don’t have any impact. I used to play fantasy games exclusively. But then I got into FF8, which is a lot more sci-fi. FF8 grabbed me immediately. Twilight Princess never did. GoW on PS4 wasn’t impressive. F-Zero was an awesome game. So for me there’s no telling.
  16. Go for RDR2. For me, I would be waiting for GoW to come out. When that happens, then I’ll look more seriously at getting a PS5.
  17. The closest to an open world game so far for me is FF8. If that one counts, then it’s 100+. I kinda like the game.
  18. Same here for the most part. I haven't played the first one even though I've had it for quite a while. Until I get around to trying it out though, I don't have any plans of picking up TLOU 2. If I don't like it, there's no point in getting it. Especially at the release price. I'm assuming it's somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 to $60.
  19. If they had made it a keychain and cut the price in half, then I could see it being as it is. It also reminds me of the PocketStation. That thing was a bitch to play.
  20. There ae a few games I play that show how much time you have spent on said game file. The clock on FF8 counts for a total of 600 hours before it stops counting. It goes for 100 hours before it changes color. The color orders are as follows White Red Blue Green Yellow Purple The purple clock is the last one. at 99:59 the clocks stop counting further. In Goblin Sword, it gives a level in each area for a speed run. It doesn't do anything spectacular like earn you a hidden item or anything. It's just something for fun. Castlevania SOTN also shows a clock, but it only goes to 100 hours I think.
  21. I never knew that. I haven't touched a 3DS in so long, I honestly don't remember any of the games on it. But I have Metroid II for my GBASP, so I thought I would mention it.
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