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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Nothing I didn't already know. I was however surprised that they actually brought up the 3/5 screw point. For a lot of us, we check how many screws a game has before we buy it. If it has 3, then we're wary. If it has 5 we're a lot more likely to buy it.
  2. I'm definitely looking forward to this one. So much so that I pre-ordered it. It comes out March 26th and I can't wait. It seems like Resident Evil meets Silent Hill if you ask me. And the creatures, while grotesque, are nothing that would cause problems for me. I've already checked that out.
  3. Is this a trailer I can watch, or do I need to just take your word for it?
  4. You know, I've never been afraid of animals. I know not to screw with the majority of them. I've had a few encounters that I would rather not have. For example I loved hiking when I was a kid. On one hike, I saw a hellcat, probably about 100 yards away. Most would call them cougar or mountain lion. I always called them hellcats. Luckily I was downwind of it, so it didn't smell me. Another time was the same scenario but a bobcat. Except this one was a HELL of a lot closer. The last experience was a lot more recent, after @Rain Dew and I were together. This is before the chair, and we were out at some rock formations near here. I had to pee so I went around some bushes to go. As I was zipping up, I noticed something. About 4' away from me, all coiled up, was a copperhead. Since it was autumn I didn't see it in all the dead leaves. I think that even though I had just peed, I pissed myself when I saw it. I hadn't hunted them since I was a child. And finding one that close like that was like biting into an apple and finding half a worm. In captivity, they don't frighten me. Just ask @Rain Dew. When we went on a cruise several years ago, one of the shore excursions was in Belize. We went to a zoo there that we got to play with tapirs and (believe it or not) a jaguar. I'm not even close to kidding. They had a steel cage that was just big enough for 3 people, and had a bench in it, out in the jaguar's enclosure. You just enter the enclosure as if you're looking for something, make your way over to the people cage, lock yourself in, and here he comes. I got kisses, and was able to pet him with a couple fingers through the bard. We had bits of meat with us that we were able to feed him. That's something that would NEVER happen here in the states. So it was an awesome experience. Also, Capuchin monkeys are extremely entitled, but worth it. I loved playing with them at another stop. I've always wanted one, but @Rain Dew won't let me have one.
  5. Any movie franchise that saw even mediocre success with any of its first 3 movies will continue on making entries to a point that it’s nothing more than vulgar. Things need to fucking die at some point.
  6. I've been wondering the same thing. Live action would be awesome to see, but it’s way too easy to completely fuck up the entire thing by going that way. Then you have to get right actors to follow the race in the story. I doubt many would enjoy it much if Link was black or Chinese.
  7. Do you differentiate between captivity and wild, or just seen at all, because I’ve seen and interacted with a hell of a lot of species of animals, aquatic and landbased.
  8. My phobias have just gotten worse and worse as I’ve aged. We were watching The Descent earlier tonight and shortly into it, I had to have @Rain Dew shut it off. It used to be one of my favorites, but now it triggers my claustrophobia to such an extreme, that I simply can’t function. My phobias seem to rule my life.
  9. I always liked the design of the PS2. Maybe it's because I missed the entire PS2 era, but I just liked the design. The PS3 just looks like shit. Like all they cared about at the time was getting a console on the shelves. The PS4 was kinda slick, but nothing special. I do really like the design of the PS5. I think it looks amazing. Not to mention that it has the most comfortable controller in all of gaming. In my opinion at least. With the PS1, it wasn't anything super special. Sony was kinda using it as a test to see how gamers would feel about them entering into the video game market. And holy shit did gamers love it! If you want my honest opinion, since the PS1 was released, the PlayStation fanbase has grown exponentially, and I honestly think there's a highly likely chance that they have surpassed Nintendo. Xbox, while one of the Big 3, isn't really holding its own. Everything that I have read, isn't giving the Series X/S good reviews. Why do I keep doing this? Why do I always get off topic?
  10. You can also get better food. What's better? A cheese burger from McDonalds, or a big greasy cheeseburger from your own grill, that actually is a quarter pound and not a quarter pound of fillers and preservatives?
  11. Here's a bunch of tips to keep roaches away or catch and kill the dirty little bastards if you see them. They're a hell of a lot cheaper than an exterminator. But considering that they're nocturnal, if you're seeing a large number of them during the day, it may be too late for any of these to work. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPELENTS- put all repellents around house bay leaves garlic cayenne powder lemon vinegar w/ peppermint oil meem oil soab solution (w/ borax) catnip (fresh leaves is best) (put in teabag or coffee filter) - Or plant around your house to make them say "Fuck this place" since they hate catnip to keep new ones out. You can also plant enough that you can use it for your cats (if you have any) or sell/give to other people who do have cats. Just don't give away too much, or get it all from the same place or you're screwed. Also you want to get rid of the roaches before you plant the catnip. It will keep new roaches from coming in, but will also keep the roaches you already have from running out! ********************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************** TRAPS- Baking Soda/Sugar smallest dish can find (can be lid to milk/juice/soda bottles, etc) put baking soda & sugar in in a 1/1 ratio then set equal size container of water near **************************************************** duct tape roughly 8-10 inches long (20-25cm) fold ends in on itself for easy pickup (roughly 1-2" or 4-6cm) put sugary peanut butter or cheese in middle do not use jelly or other sweet liquid (will dissolve adhesive) **************************************************** take pickle jar or jar similar size make sure completely clean and dry (may want to buy brand new and unused jar. walmart sells single jars in arts & crafts section) put bait in bottom like sugary peanut butter, cheese, or pan grease spread petroleum jelly all over entire inside of jar (especially around inside of mouth) Can also make it easier for them to get in by putting painters tape around jar. the petroleum jelly will make it too slippery for them to get out. **************************************************** take clean dry jar take small styrofoam or plastic cup fill cup w/ wet coffe grounds cup needs to be small enough to fit in jar, but strong enough to not be affected by water put cup in jar (duh) fill rest of jar w/ water stopping just below surface of bait cup Can put petroleum jelly on inside walls if desired, but not necessary since roaches are virtually incapable of swimming
  12. Yes, it was my baby Lady. She had been diagnosed with cancer earlier in the year. But it wasn't the cancer that killed her. We had to put her down. We got up one morning and she simply couldn't move. She couldn't even show affection. When we got to the vet, although I knew it had to be done, I fought them like hell when they came to get her. after they took her in, I laid in the parking lot crying hysterically. @Rain Dew had to get help to lift me into the van so that we could go home because I couldn't move. All I could do was cry. All I'm doing right now is crying. I had to take all her pictured down. When I think about this I just want to join her. I want to die so I can be with her. I've been trying to kill myself ever since, but either @Rain Dew interferes, the rope/branch snaps, or I just simply can't find what I need. I made some poison that will kill a grown man within an hour, but @Rain Dew moved it somewhere, so it's out for now. If you're wondering why I make the poison, I tip my hollow points with it. What I make is deadlier than cyanide.
  13. Exactly. These days, if I can just get a day without being fatigued all damn day, THAT is my birthday.
  14. It may be an age thing, because I don't give half a husky shit about my birthday either. All it is, is the day that enables me to say one number higher when someone asks me how old I am. I'm 42 now. Before you know it I'll be 50. Assuming I live that long.
  15. Would it really be all that bad? It sounds like paradise to me, if you remove the religious aspect.
  16. When I would take that month every summer to live off the land, I would often eat things like grubs and grasshoppers. They're not the best tasting, but they pack a shitload of protein.
  17. It always looks fun, but for someone who is absolutely terrified of heights, it would literally be heart stopping.
  18. I'm so sorry you lost your baby. I lost mine last year. I've worn a vial around my neck ever since that has a bit of her blood, hair, and ashes in it. I refuse to take it off for any reason. I could die at 100 and this would still be around my neck.
  19. Since I'm like a guy in that respect (I think with my stomach), I would want this one too. That one is the best I've ever heard of.
  20. I had the opportunity to buy an entire liger skeleton. I just didn't have the $10k to drop on it. All I was interested in was the skull, since I collect skulls. But I couldn't buy just that. That would have been the crown jewel of my collection until I get a human skull.
  21. The fact that there's a CHAMPIONSHIP and a damn crowd doesn't make this display of dumbassery valid for anything other than pissing each other off. Why the hell would did anyone get into this stupid shit. Better yet, HOW THE FUCK DID THIS IDIOCY EVEN GET STARTED???? I have only ever come across one reason for people to be slapping each other. If you've played RDR2 you've seen it. It's an attempt to sober each other up.
  22. I never even heard of these. I know there are TV/VCR combos. I actually have one in my bedroom as we speak. But a TV/console combo is something I never knew existed.
  23. I can go either way. My preferred nut on brownies is definitely pecans. If pecans aren't available then walnuts. I just love both of them raw. They're fucking awesome.
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