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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Dodgeball Leap Frog Red Rover Hide & Seek Hunting the Tailypo (don't ask) Trying to find Molly Crenshaw's grave sites. (a bit of a rite of passage here in Missouri) Searching for Momo Laser Tag Talking shit about guys. Wait a minute.... I still do that.
  2. If you wouldn't say much, then why the hell did you make a post to say so? This post adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. In fact, it detracts the conversation. You are continually making posts that say nothing and damage the conversation at hand, because then we have to step into the situation. Either quit making pointless posts like this one, or simply don't post. There is no competition here to see who can make the most posts. There are a good amount of members here who joined long after I did, yet they have made more posts than me, and I would say 95%-98% of them were well thought out. I don't care that they post more than I do. If I don't have something of value to add to a conversation, I don't post. You would do well to use the same logic. As I said, it's not a race or competition of any kind. And I know that @Shagger is sick of you doing this as well, as he has given you countless warnings. I see that in 10,336 posts you have acquired 340 points. That was done within the last few days. Have you ever thought about WHY? So consider this a FIRM warning.
  3. SMB can be hard as hell if you don't play it constantly. The hardest level is by far 8-4. Trying to find the correct path to follow so you can beat Bowser is one of the most difficult things. If you take one single wrong turn, you're not going to find him. The game gives you plenty of chances to find the right path, but it sure as hell doesn't make it easy.
  4. That's not something appropriate to say to me. I'm Satanic, so saying something like that to me is extremely offensive, disrespectful, and insulting. Don't do it again.
  5. There were a couple games that were beautiful graphically. But they are few and far between. The only game I was able to find that was actually fun to play with the motion control was Mario Kart. The wheel accessory that you could put your controller into made it easier, but it was so fun to steer with a wheel instead of using a D-pad to drive, or in the case of the N64, a joystick. That may be true in most cases, but the old stuff still sells really well. There are a lot of us who prefer older games. I know I do. As for the price, the PS5 is definitely more expensive at the moment. Retail is $400 for the digital version, and $500 for the disc version. At least here it is. But you're going to be hard pressed to find one on the shelves. There's a place called Vintage Stock here that had both a PS5 and Xbox Series X on their shelves at the same time recently. But to buy one you had to buy both a brand new controller and 2 games. Which put the price close to $1,000. They wouldn't sell just the system. That's just bullshit if you ask me.
  6. You are also lesbian @Rain Dew, don't forget that. While I can't say what the transgender community feels about her, I know I hate her. Personally I think she should be dropped into a pit with about 100 trans people who come and go as they please. But she is never able to escape. It would be torture for her. I don't know if she has kids or not, but if she does, you know she's teaching them to hate. I was taught hate and flat out bigotry from the moment I was born. My head was finally pulled out of my ass about 3 years ago.
  7. I couldn't pick one either, so I just went with a long time favorite of mine. I probably have 100 NES games, and it's also my favorite system. So this was an immensely difficult question for me.
  8. You could definitely beat the game without doing any of it. Not getting the satchel just makes it immensely harder. And in my opinion, kinda pointless. But that's me. With fishing and hunting, you should go for the legendary's. Not only can you craft trinkets and talismans from the parts you keep, but the trapper pays top dollar for them. Don't sell legendary hides/carcass's to anyone other than the trapper. If you do, you won't be able to get a lot of what he crafts from them. Special garments and outfits for example. Other hides you can sell to any butcher or the trapper if you so choose.
  9. SON OF A BITCH.... I've had bones pop out of joint before, so I know what he's going through. Getting them back in is excruciatingly painful. It often hurts worse than passing kidney stones, which I've had twice.
  10. I've been in a wheelchair for almost 10 years. That's long before I joined the forum here. @DC would have to confirm the date he launched VGR, but I think this is even before VGR existed. As to why, I have advanced Muscular Dystrophy. It's a neuromuscular disease which is mainly degenerative to muscle tissue, and causes impairment to the cognitive faculties. If I try to stand, I fall. A place local worked with the MDA and my insurance to get me a powerchair. I got one and it didn't cost me a penny. My best friend's boyfriend has a VR set that has wireless controls. He plays CoD on it all the time. It's his favorite game. As I've said before, I can't play military games. So unless new games come out that are fantasy, I don't see me using it anytime soon. Also, first person is something I've never been able to do.
  11. Dumb ass time again for me. I don't know what you mean by "slides". What are they? The only slide I know is the one I put my ass on and go down onto the ground just so I can get a bunch of rocks in my underwear.
  12. Damn, you had to ask a question like this. I'm going to ignore big titles like SMB and Zelda for this question. My favorite 8 bit game would have to be Blaster Master. It's a perfect mix of fantasy and sci-fi. For 16 bit, that one has to go to Legend Of The Mystical Ninja. It's a little cartooney, and often virtually impossible, but it's a blast to play.
  13. I would say RDR2. The first chapter is mostly a tutorial more than anything. The game really begins in Chapter II. But for a first time gamer, the controls are so elaborate that it's hard to remember what to do and how to do it. Once you get in the flow it becomes a LOT easier. One of the worst things is your satchel. you can hold 3 of any given item. It's more or less worthless in the beginning. You're pretty much forced to collect all the hides you need for the Legend Of The East satchel. Therein lies another problem. A newbie to the game won't know where the hell to go for these hides, nor will they know how to get them or what weapon to use. For example, who here can tell me where to get an iguana skin or panther skin? That's panther, not cougar. Not to mention that you have to get perfect hides. Poor and good are useless for crafting. Also where do you plan on getting the money for crafting tools? They cost $180. So unless you can find some gold bars, you're screwed. And an unrelated thing, who can tell me where to find Fluorite and Ammolite? The Female Fertility Statue? I highly doubt anyone here can answer those questions.
  14. They did release some popular titles back in the 80's, such as Skate Or Die. But they also BOMBED on a lot of games like Shaq Fu. And they do definitely seem to have a monopoly on sports games. So 30 years ago they were a decent company. I enjoyed a few of their games back then. Today however.... Well let's just say I hope to see them forced to file for bankruptcy and have to sell off all their licenses and game franchises.
  15. Considering that JK Rowling said that transgender people should literally be killed to wipe them off the face of the earth, I don't allow anything created by her in my house. I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community, and I won't sit by and tolerate that shit. @Rain Dew and I love each other, so I bet she's targeting lesbians as much as transgender people. @Rain Dew had found a Harry Potter game that she would have wanted, but I told her no. When I told her what Rowling had said she agreed that there was no fucking way. Rowling has also said that child porn is better than transgender. That alone should tell you all that you need to know about the worthless piece of shit.
  16. It's never good news to hear that a developer dies. While I was more a fan of MTG, YuGiOh was a massive success. Possibly even bigger than MTG. I used to know kids that traveled all around the state to compete in competitions. I would bet that his lifelong dream was to be remembered for creating something memorable that would bring joy to others. And I would definitely say that he succeeded in that endeavor.
  17. Does anyone know if this will ever be an option, or if the idea has even been floated by some developers? While nowhere near the experience of doing it in person, there are tons of sites and cities that I would love to visit. But unfortunately, I most likely never will see them firsthand. So if it's possible, I would definitely be 1000x more interested in getting a really good headset.
  18. Safe or not, VR is something I simply can't do because I'm in a wheelchair. I don't have the mobility to be able to play it. My situation sucks, but there's nothing I can do about it.
  19. Considering that we already have all 3 options, I'm going to go with the PS5. It obviously has it's own roster of games, but being that it is fully 100% backwards compatible with the PS4 library, it's the front runner for me. The Xbox Series S that we have is nice, but no interest of mine. And, while not gaming on it but rarely, I'm on my PC almost every day, for the vast majority of the day. I'm addicted to YouTube. So it was an easy choice for me.
  20. God, I hated the Wii. It had a very small amount of games that were decent to good, but other than that, it was just one of the worst systems Nintendo ever released. The novelty of motion control wore off extremely quickly. Faster than any other system's novelty factor wears off. Not only Xbox and PlayStation, but Nintendo consoles as well.
  21. Definitely agree with you. The only reason I even have one is for some Xbox exclusives. Tell Me Why is the first one. If it wasn't for that game, I never would have wanted one. When I'm not playing it, my Xbox just sits around and collects dust.
  22. Sweeney Todd and The Phantom Of The Opera are my number one picks.
  23. I considered those, but I didn't watch them as much as the other ones that I listed. I do remember watching Tom & Jerry a hell of a lot, but not as much as the others.
  24. That's too true. When there's judges involved, the pageant isn't fair to anyone. Because it's entirely based off the judges opinion. There's no real winner or loser, because the judges (which are mostly men) may just be assholes. And more often than should be allowed, they just give good scores on the one they find the most attractive. There's no pageant that is a fair competition.
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