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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello everybody! I'm a 27 year old from the Gulf Coast area that goes by Memphis online! I've got an Xbox One, PS4 Pro and Nintendo Switch. I've also got a YouTube Channel called, Bargain Bin Gaming, if anyone would like to check it out! I'm looking forward to discussing all things gaming! Cheers, Memphis.
    1 point
  2. StaceyPowers


    @TheSteelyardDweller @killamch89 @DylanC I kind of see where you all are coming from on this ... but how were the stakes actually higher in Fallout 3 than they were in NV? I mean, Caesar's Legion wasn't exactly a tiny problem. I suppose one could argue that potential genocide was a bigger deal than mass slavery/murder, but I find it hard to quantify these things. Caesar's Legion really pissed me off.
    1 point
  3. True, video games are a great way to connect with other people. Back in the days, parents never understood much about video games so they would overlook you playing games like Mortal Kombat but parents nowadays are quite informed about the more violent games because of the media making an issue about their existence.
    1 point
  4. DC

    Milestone Thread

    Congrats on the milestone @DylanC! I'm closing in on 500 posts.
    1 point
  5. DylanC

    Milestone Thread

    I’m about to hit 2,000 posts 🙂
    1 point
  6. It’s definitely a great way to bond with your kids. Not saying going outside and having a play in the park together is not good, too. But there’s something magical about video games in how it can bring people together. It’s a great conduit that helps people have fun and laugh together. And, man. Mario, Duck Hunt, Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct are all top-notch games to play. The latter two maybe a little violent, but it was a different time for us back in the day, right? Playing games like that was fine when you’re little! Lol.
    1 point
  7. killamch89

    Future of gaming

    I once grabbed a kid who I saw running out into oncoming traffic to catch a Gyarados across the road. The kid actually had the nerve to be arguing when I just saved his life but being that I am not one for petty arguments I simply walked off.
    1 point
  8. I'm still in the 'child' range, I would say, but up until a few years ago I was obsessed with (like others) Minecraft and Plants versus Zombies: Garden Warfare. I still play both on occasion when I have the time, but I used to spend hours upon hours on both of them.
    1 point
  9. Teaching kids to be accountable from a young age as well as educating kids about the differences between fantasy and reality really aid them in their development. At her age, I was playing games like killer instinct on the Sega Genesis and Mortal Kombat. It's good that you game with your daughter - my dad did that with me at 3 years old when we got Mario and Duck Hunt for the original NES.
    1 point
  10. DylanC


    My personal favourite is NV because of the writing and humour. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved 3 as well. I think 3 has a more interesting story is some ways to NV. The stakes are higher in 3. But the characters, writing and lighthearted humour of NV wins me over. Also, NV's "Old World Blues" is one of the best Fallout DLCs, for sure.
    1 point
  11. I played Soul Calibur 2 in Very Hard and didn't have this issue... But since we want to talk about fighting games, I'll tell you a very good example within Dragon Ball FighterZ. That game's Arcade mode gets progressively harder and harder depending on your ranking. However, at one point, the CPU starts to get some unfair assistance. For example, the damage output is 3X what you do. Not only that, but the CPU also tends to gain meter faster and also cancel moves in a way that is simply not possible with human players (AKA they do combos characters are not meant to even do at this point). Ghosts N' Goblins... MAN, that game has evoked so much rage in me when I got to it. The game is lenient in the whole "you only get 2 hits (Losing your armor and then dying like a wimp). Not only that, but you do stay the same while enemies get stronger. Not only that, but the final level in this piece of trash DEMANDS you have the shield weapon in order to get to the final boss of the game. Otherwise, it tells you to "FUCK OFF GET THE SHIELD" I honestly think that games can be made difficult but peoplesometimes just think that difficulty is added by stacking everything against the player. That's not really how it's done.
    1 point
  12. The Blackangel


    It's good to see followers of Allah.
    1 point
  13. killamch89


    Good to have you here mate.
    1 point
  14. Halloween (1978) is still the finest I've ever seen - and I'm a huge fan of the genre. Carpenter was firing on all cylinders back then, and I think only Peele has a shot at taking the crown as his craft continues to mature.
    1 point
  15. There's a lot of early system games that wouldn't have the audience they once had when they originally came out. One that I think wouldn't have the same audience would be Contra. It was a great game in the 80's, with a slight Vietnam war feel to it. Or maybe that part was just me. But today even South Park is fighting aliens. And the war games like Socom, and CoD would surpass Contra in such a great way, that it would most likely flop completely. Then there are games like Dig Dug, Galaga, Q*Bert, and Marble Madness that kids would look at today and flip out asking "WTF is this shit?!" They were mind blowing then. They would be mind blowing today, but in the opposite direction.
    1 point
  16. I'd say for me that has to be Return to Castle Wolfestein. i was not aware of occult background of nazi. And the game kind of made me read about it. And overall impression of the game was fun for me. I learned a lot about survival games and different categories of it ever since.
    1 point
  17. I'm not sure if I'm answering the question correctly but I think it will be Doom or Golden eye 007 64. The reason why these two games are very popular even today is because they innovated in a time when First person shooters where almost none existing, they where the first of their kind and they excel at doing so . But nowadays there are FPS games everywhere so if these two games where to come out today they will most likely pass unnoticed.
    1 point
  18. One that baffled me was the lack of gore on God of War for the PS4, like seriously for those who played the whole game you will notice that you dont tend to see a lot of blood. I'm not sure if this was done on purpose but going back to the previous god of war games the deaths where very gruesome. It didnt ruin the game and its still a 10/10 game but I was very surprised.
    1 point
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