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  1. Live out that comic book fantasy and assemble your own team in the Match-3 RPG Marvel Puzzle Quest. Recruit Super Heroes ranging from bold to obscure, battle through storyline campaigns and in-game events, and unlock Super Heroes, upgrades, and more. Do you have MPQ questions? Ask here and get an answer! Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
    1 point
  2. https://www.frontlinejp.net/2022/07/05/lollipop-chainsaw-remake-announced/ I never played the original game, but I heard it has a huge cult following and has a lot of fans. And from what I hear it's a pretty decent game. Now, there is word that a remake is coming. This is why I like remakes, only when they focus on a game that came out 10 years ago. Not these remakes that are dropping 2-4 years after release. Anyway, is this a buy for you? I may eventually check it out.
    1 point
  3. Introducing the Polium. No information on price, release date, etc Yikes. Seems Cringeworthy. Discuss. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/the-first-nft-games-console-has-been-announced/
    1 point
  4. Sorry @Clasher, but are you deluded? Or are are you trying to sell snake oil or something, because there's something is not right. First off, people are not beginning to invest in NFT's. The whole metaverse, NFT and blockchain sector of investment is collapsing and burring to the ground. Even if this is a legitimate project, and I can promise you it's not, there couldn't be a worse time for it. By the time this gets off the ground, the world of NFT's and crypo will, at best, not be able to support this. Hell, that conman's investment market was never at any point stable enough to make something like this work, even at it's best. NFT's are a flash in the pan and they are going away. Second, the idea is announced. That's what an announcement is, you announce it exists. Why are you trying to twist the words and twist the facts to talk this up? @Kane99 is 100% correct, Polium claiming this this "console" will be ready as soon as 2024 is a serious red flag. Four people cannot developed a console that fast, it just can't be done. Even companies like Microsoft and Sony can't do that with tens-of-thousands of employees in R&D alone. With all due respect, one would have to be stupid to believe this. You're right about one thing though, 2024 does look too good be true and for a very good reason, it isn't true. Now you're just steeling lines straight out of the meeting the conmen at Polium has when they came up with this scam. "The Metaverse and the value of NFT's is collapsing with prices of NFT's only a fraction of they were only a year ago, so we have to convince these suckers that this console will still be out quick enough to take advantage of this before it collapses completely. However, we can't say the console will come out too fast as nobody except the most stupid of gamers will believe it's possible to do this is such a short time frame. So how does 2-3 years sound? We're obviously not going to actually make the console, we just need to give it some sense of authenticity" I'll tell you, if I was at that meeting, I still would have said "Nobody will buy that, 3 years is still not enough.", but it looks I was wrong. At least one person in @Clasher actually believes them, so good for them. Seriously though @Clasher, your admitted interest in crypto and NFT's is not something I would not call good for you, but I wouldn't actually worry about you if you didn't sound so exited about and be ready to twist the facts about and talk something up like this, something that is obviously not going to work. If you can just forget the Polium One's connection with NFT's and crypto and look at it as a device in development and technical exercise, you would see this same way I do. A joke at best and a scam at worst. To me the association with NFT's and crypto only makes this look like more like scam, and that's exactly why I took that out the equation and just looked at it as a project to develop a new console for the market and still came to the same conclusion. This is a scam doomed to go the way of the Intellivision Amico and Coleco Chameleon, a con console that never happen. Just like with those consoles, the promises in terms of spec's, the claims on the staffing, how it will be funded, the route map, the way the console looks, the logo, the absolute lack of information on how and what games we can expect, no confirmation of hardware, none of it makes sense together. Long before we bring crypto and NFT's into it, this is shady as hell. I don't get you. I cannot understand why you would look at this and do anything but cringe. This will fail, that's guaranteed.
    1 point
  5. This is mainly for the online mode. They add new content often for GTA V online, which is a 9 year old game at this point. While RDR2 came out in 2018 I believe and should still be receiving new updates, new content, missions etc. They release some content, but it's minimal compared to what is offered GTA V. And I know GTA V has a bigger user base. But I still feel like RDR2 online could work better if they actually supported the game more.
    1 point
  6. Well, you ain't far from the truth, there is the popular saying that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" so how do they judge when each individual is meant to perceive beauty in all it's forms differently as designed by nature. Popularity , sympathy votes and favoritism are the key playing factors when determining the winners of beauty pageants.
    1 point
  7. , there’s no real competition. Sports and other types of competitions such as math competitions will have a clear, concise winner based off the rules. Beauty pageants that determine a person’s worth based on the inside and out is a judgement call, it cannot be measured, it can only be convincing
    1 point
  8. The app I use for video editing is CapCut, developed by TikTok. It's great for starter/beginner editors.
    1 point
  9. I think eventually gaming would have rebounded. I don't think gaming was ever something that would have officially died. If anything, it would have died out, and then someone like Nintendo will come along. I think it was inevitable with Nintendo coming, that things would change. And even if the NES was a failure on release, something else would have come out to help put us back into that direction where gaming will become a massive pastime for many. But, Nintendo succeeded and here we are today. I just think the gaming collapse in the 80s was just a hiccup. No matter what, gaming was going to come out on top.
    1 point
  10. Oh yeah, they're going to get sued for that logo, it's too similar to the GC logo and I don't think Nintendo will let them get away with it. Anyway, in regards to the console, I smell a huge failure on the horizon. It looks like a raspberry pi in a custom case. Hell, it probably is for all we know lol. Oh and that claim of 8k graphics and all that, yeah no, that's not happening haha. This is just a kickstarter toy waiting to happen, and once it gets funded by the idiots who think this is the next best thing, we'll hear stories about how it's not coming. Just wait and see, if this thing does magically come out, there's no chance it'll survive for long. Plus with NFT's starting to fail these days, this console will as well.
    1 point
  11. I just ran the same math for myself. I joined 950 days ago (November 28, 2019) and this here will be my 2,612th post. So that's average of 2.75 posts a day. I have had a little time off from the forum here and there and my moderating duties and updating the Game Services Threads do rob me of quite a bit of time I could spend making posts, but even so that is pretty alarming. To do 30 posts a day, I would have to try to hit that number, and I mean really try. That's not my style. I post if and when I feel I have something worthwhile to say. Whether it be something informative, in debate, advisory, funny or whatever, I could easily read about 30+ posts from others and not make a single post myself, that's just how I enjoy spending my time here. I get a lot out of this place, possibly more than I give back, and cannot imagine feeling that way whilst making 30 posts a day. Everything I say would be drowned out and bleed together and probably even forget most of it. I just couldn't do that, at least not a smaller forum like this.
    1 point
  12. There so much wrong here that I am not sure where to even start. The one thing I won't do though is talk about Blockchain and NFT games because they are terrible and the only reason to play them is be the fool that thinks you're going to make money doing so, but I want to quickly point out that if this thing is only going to run those types of games then that is a huge problem right off the bat. Still, I'll leave that on the back burner and focus on the console itself. I think I'll start with the one thing Polium has said the I actually believe, that they only have four people working on this. That's a problem as that just isn't enough people to get the basic interface design elements correct, both in terms of software and hardware, to make it user friendly for a wide verity of people. PlayStation probably employed more people than that to decide the placement of the Disk Eject button on the PS4 Pro, and they still managed to make it awkward for me, so what chance have these not-even-a-handful of idiots got? Then there's that claim they'll have games running at 8K, 120fps with HDR enabled; It makes sense that they make this claim, after all the only people stupid enough to believe that are same people who would buy into this whole NFT, Blockchain game nonsense in the first place. Maybe there is a Blockchain version of Pong out there, and if there is I'll confess they might get that to run at 8K 120 fps with HDR enabled, but suffice to say for anything else I doubt it. At the very the least it's a bullshit claim to make at this point when we know nothing about the hardware of this thing, they haven't even built a prototype yet. It's likely the console won't actually run games itself. I believe it will be like Stadia and work as a streaming device for games, but if Stadia has proven anything it's that that technology is still too young and not ready yet and it's really not ready for the kind of ambitious numbers Polium are claiming. So whatever way I look at it, they are talking out their ass. Then there's Polium's attitude. Like so many who run these NFT, Blockchain scams, they come at criticism by claiming that those people don't understand. It even appears Polium has thier own fun little acronym for these doubts, "FUD" (I don't know about the rest of the world, but here is the UK, the term "Fud" is a literal insult, I means "moron" or something to that effect). Yeah nice touch, very dignified and mature. It's actually stands for "Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt", but no Polium. We don't "Fear" this. Even at it's worst this is a scam that won't hurt people with more than half a brain, so why would we fear it? We're not "Uncertain", on the contrary we know exactly what we are talking about when we call this shit out for what it is. You wish we were uncertain, then you might actually rope us in. And we are in no "Doubt" whatsoever. Much like how NFT's and the Metaverse has doing hard over this past year, this console is going to crash and burn. Even if this stupid console did come out, by that time the entire infrastructure it's meant to work with will probably have burned down completely, and that is what people actually want. This was doomed before it even get's started. The last thing I want to touch is creatively inept this thing is, exposing even further how blatantly shallow NFT's really are. The controller is a rip of off a DualShock, the console itself is tiny, looks generic and could easily be mistaken for a Wi-Fi hub or something. Even Polium's logo itself looks strangely familiar... Ok, Nintendo, this time we'd be totally OK with you suing somebody. To be fair, Polium has already announced they plan to re-design the logo, but even so the point stands. There is no creative soul to this at all and these people do not know what the hell they're doing. Even with some of the worst products or product concepts I've seen in my life, I have always found something to praise about it, I've found something about it that makes sense, something redeemable. With this though, I have been defeated. No matter how hard I try, I cannot think of anything I like about this thing. I actually feel like a bit of an idiot just for spending so much time putting this post together, the Polium One was not worthy of this from me. It is a terrible idea convinced by terrible people made exclusively for twits who deserve to be conned to buy. Polium are going to realise too late that they are in way over thier head. This is a joke at best, a scam at worst with nothing worthwhile in between. For the love of god, if you reading this gets the chance, do not support this. Do not buy it, do not take part in any kind of crowdfund if it happens, do not even engage with Polium just to criticize them. Live your life like this thing doesn't exist.
    1 point
  13. It depends on how you game on your phone. If you're right near a charger, no problem. If you commute to work on public transportation, or you're on a long drive as a passenger, you don't have a steady power supply and don't want your phone to die in an hour. It's a problem then. The only time I've kind of had that problem, where my phone battery comes close to draining faster than it can charge, is when I use my phone as a webcam for video meeting for work. Epoccam is the only non-gaming app that's that intense, but it's also a great app, imo. So, I'll deal with it.
    1 point
  14. First I'm hearing of this and I don't see it on the Google Play Store either but it could be location dependent.
    1 point
  15. Empire

    Dark Gaming Themes

    VGR is far older website and been running allot longer, plus people always posting content. Can have a great looking site and makes you say WOW, but then become dead and boring with no content LOL
    0 points
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