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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Try to justify that to those of us that are 80's kids.
  2. I've been in this damn thing so long, that I've reached a point to where I'm more comfortable in it that just about any other kind of chair. I mean I'm in it all day, so I better have accustomed to it. Sad as that is to say. Going by what I see in his profile, if the date @DC is shown to have "signed up" for the forum is the day it was built, then I've been in this bastard since before this forum existed.
  3. This pic is really old, and only covers a fraction of my games. Especially since my library has grown since then, but this is how I display my games.
  4. I was just a thinker. I come up with ideas due to my supposed "creativity" and pass them on to the guys that know how to write the software for a game. That's the extent of my involvement.
  5. RDR2 is pretty lacking in humor. Sure, there's moments where someone will make a comment that could be a little funny, but those are few and far between.
  6. I kinda don't have an option and just game from my wheel chair. But depending on where and how your gaming setup is, also if you're a console or PC gamer, you could always try a recliner. I've seen people who have recliners in their offices at their computers. Or an easy chair and ottoman. Maybe I'm older than I realize, but a rocking chair always worked for me.
  7. RDR2 is pretty easy. Sure, some parts are a bit challenging, but for the most part it's not difficult at all. It's more of an emotionally challenging game than a skill challenging game.
  8. GameStop is exactly the same. There are tons of reports though, of management treating the employees like shit, and it being an extremely toxic place to work, however. But I still shop there. And if I have a question about a game, they are always knowledgeable and more than ready to help.
  9. You can try RDR2, Life Is Strange(series), and Tell Me Why. Those are really great story based games in my opinion.
  10. You could always join The Satanic Temple. I'm a card carrying member, and highly proud of it. Check it out. The seven tenets will probably make a lot of sense and/or resonate with you.
  11. If Adolf seizes control again, he won't leave. He already tried to destroy several cultures. Me made the transgender community "unpersons". He claimed that Mexicans were thieves, rapists, and drug dealers. He calls nazis "very fine people". He incited a terrorist attack. He is the only president to ever have committed so many crimes in office to have warranted two impeachments. It's a proven fact that he lied to the American public more than 6 times per day. He allied with an enemy of the US. Two in fact, while still playing the "my dick's bigger" fight with them. He attempted to declare a state of emergency to get funds for his wall. His best friend was a convicted pedophile. He paid off a porn star that he had an affair with. He treats women as objects ("grab 'em by the pussy") instead of as people. He's a bigot in all senses. He claims to be xtian, yet doesn't even know what Easter is. It's a known fact that he would throw his own children under the bus to make a dollar. He has said on many occasions he would "date" his own daughter. He hates immigrants, yet is married to one. He specifically banned Arabs and Muslims from entering the country, and deported as many as he could, including the ones born here. Do I need to continue, or has the point come through? Adolf is a terrorist that wants to seize power, and will never turn it over again if he does. The election process will be eliminated from our constitution, and he will not leave until he dies. Which will hopefully be sometime in the next 10 minutes.
  12. Mario Is Missing was always fun. I played it a lot, and still do. Then there's 2 PC games I played when I was a kid. Operation Weather Disaster and Skytrip America. Both were educational, but so much fun to play, that you don't even realize that you're learning. I just wish I could get my hands on the both of them. I think @Rain Dew has Skytrip America somewhere around here, but I don't know if the disc even works, or if it's scratched up beyond repair.
  13. Greedy ass Bill Gates. If Sony won't offer him an amount that would nearly bankrupt them, and/or force them to sell the PlayStation to him, he will never let it be released on any system other than Xbox.
  14. Are there any games you can play on your phone with the headsets? I always thought they were for watching movies and to avoid distractions.
  15. Has anyone ever noticed that the people picketing places like Planned Parenthood are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?
  16. At least you know not to watch that here at home. And when the hell did you see Moana? That came out in 2016. At least that's what it says when I googled it.
  17. So do I. I was thinking that nobody was going to buy DVD's because a DVD player was like $200+, and that was for a cheap one. The discs were typically in the $30-$50 range in the beginning. So for those extortionate prices, I straight up said it would never take off. I was semi-right though. HD-DVD didn't succeed. Hell, I don't know anyone who even owns an HD-DVD disc, let alone the player. Now we have Blu-ray and 4K DVD. And to be honest, I can't see a damn bit of difference between the three of them. The only reason I ever specifically go for a Blu-ray disc, is if it has a digital code with it, so I can download the movie to my phone.
  18. The third tenet of The Satanic Temple says One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. I wasn't going to get involved with this discussion initially, but decided I had to. From a woman's standpoint, it's no one's business what I choose to do with my body. If I want a tattoo or piercing, that isn't your business. If I choose pads over tampons, that is none of your business. If I choose an abortion over carrying a child, that is none of your business. No one has the right or privilege to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body. The only time someone has that option is when they are the parent of a young child. Other than that, you have the right to your opinion. If you feel that it's wrong, fine. If you have no problem with it, fine. But mind your own damn business. You don't want to make it mine.
  19. It's also one of the worst abominations ever made in the history of games.
  20. The wolves circling around below them waiting to feast on their corpses.
  21. As soon as I heard Hunter's name, I knew this was one of the most moronic arguments a judge ever made. First off, we're seeking the tax returns of a former president, who is a known con artist. We're not looking for Ivanka's tax returns. We're not looking for Eric's tax returns. We're looking for those of Adolf himself. Second, Hunter is not the president. His *FATHER* is the president. Turn over Joe Biden's tax returns. If there's a discrepancy I want to know what it is and why it's there. I'm a hardcore liberal Democrat, but there's something that needs to be known. When someone takes that oath of office to the President of the United States, every second of their life while they're in office is my business. What bills they're working on, who they're meeting with, what they had for lunch, and how long the last piss they took was and what color it was. The lunch and piss thing was an analogy. When you become the ruler of a country, your surrender certain things that citizens take for granted. Certain aspects of privacy. I neither need/want to know, nor do I care, what he had for lunch or anything about his bathroom breaks. That is something that has to be known going in. Adolf led the birther movement trying to claim that Obama wasn't born in the US. Now he's fighting his taxes being revealed. Which tells me that there are no records to reveal, because he has been dodging paying taxes for decades. Not paying his taxes could land his ass straight in prison, and he knows it. We already know he's a draft dodger. What is there to lead us to believe that he wouldn't be a tax dodger as well?
  22. For fuck's sake, give it up Adolf. You're not going to get what you want this time.
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