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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. It would be the The Legend Of Zelda: Goddess Of Wisdom. It’s a ROM-hack, but it was designed to not be beaten. I truly believe that. I played it for 2 years and only made it into the third temple. I didn’t beat it because in the second room you have to fight an all but invincible Vitreous. The only thing that can harm any part of it is either an arrow or a spin attack. And like I said, the bastard is all but invincible. I haven’t played it in almost two years due to that level of difficulty. I love a challenge, but this one just went too damn far.
  2. Yeah, some of these are a total bitch to fight.
  3. There's a few games in my library that I've had for more than a decade and still haven't gotten around to playing them even once. It's sad, but it's also true.
  4. FF7 is THE Final Fantasy game. It's been the biggest hit in the franchise, with the possible exception of FF14. But that one being entirely online, with multiple expansions is kinda like comparing watermelon to hedgehogs. Either way, FF7 is the best selling and most popular Final Fantasy to date. Others have come close, but none have matched it. The funny thing is that they thought they could capitalize on FF7 with FF8 and surpass it. But FF8 was almost a total flop. The junction system is something that really turned people off from the game. People thought it didn't make sense, the story was boring or too sappy for them. Whereas with me, I love everything about the game.
  5. Broken heart. My baby is dying and I'm unable to stop it.😭

    1. Shagger


      I'm so sorry. I know what your animals mean to you.

    2. Reality vs Adventure

      Reality vs Adventure

      Sorry to hear that too. 

  6. The ability to put stickers on pizza boxes with my mind. That's the dumbest one I can think of.
  7. I have heard some asinine and absolutely STUPID things come from the right wing, but this one beats them all. She is so damn stupid, and with this attempt, I think I have lost at least 10 IQ points just from hearing about it.
  8. It's why a lot of people left the states, and sought asylum in other countries. Adolf has gone out of his way to destroy everything this country once stood for. He wants to be a dictator for life. His base and the senators/representatives that he has in his pocket are doing his bidding by blocking every legal case against him that they can. They were going to form a human moat around Mar-A-Lago to keep investigators out. All the while, Adolf is either sitting there sucking his thumb, or posting on his poor mans Twitter. He calls for violence, he calls for disorder, and he calls for money. It's all "me me me" with him. He is more than willing to burn his own children if he can make a dollar or get back into power. That much is a proven fact. He admires people like Putin and Kim Jong Un. I think the same is said for the Chinese President, but I'm unsure of that, and don't know who their president is right now. But they're a communist country, so there's no telling. Here however, we've literally become a fascist country, due to the god damn right wingers. Fascism definition: "A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." We can never get back to what we once were. The damage the republiKKKlans have done is too massive. The United States is now a distant memory. There is no such thing as "united" anymore. Not in America at least. The right wing has made sure of that. To put it simply: we're fucked.
  9. What's your favorite classic game?
  10. I love these two videos. They really got RDR2 down pat.
  11. FF8 I wouldn't. If you love the original FF7, you're going to want to opt out on it. At least that's what @Rain Dew tells me. She's a FF7 nut and says the remake is vomit inducing.
  12. I know this is a long list, but it's mostly games I simply couldn't live without. Any and all snowboarding games Any God Of War Any Dark Pictures Anthology Any Mario Kart Any Castlevania Zelda (NES-N64) Contra SMB2 Q*Bert Conker's Bad Fur Day Layers Of Fear: Legacy Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice FF8 Dante's Inferno Tell Me Why Berzerk Galaga Galaxian Dig Dug Pitfall Donkey Kong (NOT DKC) Frogger RDR2 Joust Mario Bros. Space Invaders Asteroids
  13. I can't say I remember the show, but I do have to agree with you on one thing: The 80's truly were the best decade ever.
  14. He was even calling for another terrorist attack. He's still whining and crying about losing the election, but this is actually frightening.
  15. I highly doubt he's going to be arrested. They've been investigating him for the last 7 years, have mountains of evidence against him, and have done nothing. I will be overjoyed to see him in orange, but nothing is going to happen. Also the moment he truly thinks he's in any possible danger of being arrested, he'll just jump on his private jet and head to Russia. We'll never see him again, which is just fine with the majority of this country. The only danger about that, is that I guarantee he has scans of all the classified documents he stole. He would most likely have them on a thumb drive or SSD card. Not to mention the fact that he's most likely already turned them all over to Russia, China, and North Korea. Not to mention that he's complicit in the deaths that happened on January 6th. He called for a terrorist attack, and people died as a result. He'll never face justice. Whether that's with bars and concrete, or a rope and a tree branch is irrelevant. It's just not going to happen.
  16. The impact Covid had went a couple ways from what I saw. The chip shortage plus the virus itself made a sever drag in the release of the newest systems, which in turn had a spike in scalping. On the other hand, people who were quarantined and had to stay home all day were buying games left and right through DDL's. From the reports I read, there was a MASSIVE increase in digital video game sales. The shareholders in these games were dancing like idiots due to the record sales. Some games truly were record sales the franchise had never before seen. So on their end, the profits were obscene. On our end, some of us were fairly limited as to what games we held interest in.
  17. I'm interested. I'm not the most health educated person, but I can possibly offer another point of view from being in a wheelchair.
  18. We have Sub-Zero covered, and if I remember right, they were initially planning to do one for each of the original characters. But they screwed up MKM Sub-Zero so bad, that the idea was scrapped after they saw how bad the reviews were. Even AVGN did a review. And in this instance, his rage was totally appropriate. If they were to fix their screw ups, and tone down the difficulty a good deal, then I would personally love to see them continue the series. I would especially like to see the Outworlders, Scorpion, and Kano get their games made. They made one of the worst games on the N64. It was screwed before it hit the shelves. So my vote is YES, I would like to see them revive the series. Just as long as they learn where they fucked up from the Sub-Zero entry.
  19. Mostly I go by system. When I'm sorting them, I try to keep most of the same general genre together. In my list, I list them alphabetically. That list is 13 pages long, so I have to keep them like that.
  20. I think what they were trying to do was make a horror themed RPG. There's a lot of elements that point that direction, (too many for me) but either way the game still looks good to the point that I plan on picking it up as well.
  21. Can't really say any spark a lot of interest for me, but some do look good. So far.
  22. I absolutely LOVE horror games. This one looks like it's right up my alley! Depending on cost and whether or not I can spare the money, I'm definitely going to be picking this one up. Thanks for the post! I had no knowledge of this game's existence.
  23. I don't look forward to any holidays anymore. None of them mean anything to me, and the major ones, I typically don't have anyone to celebrate them with anyway. @Rain Dew is at her parents house for the holiday, and I'm here at home. So aside from the fur/feather babies, I'm alone.
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