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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Weak and fatigued. I don't have the virus. The weakness and fatigue is something I've been dealing with for years, due largely to muscular dystrophy. There's a few other factors in play on that, but it's nothing new. If I could stay in bed and sleep 24/7, then believe me, I would.
  2. I shake my head when people talk about playing something like Minecraft when they were 7-8 years old. Or people referring to Wii as a retro system. Not to be insulting, but if you think the Wii is retro, you need your head examined. And Minecraft at that age just gives me a chuckle. Kids that age will never be able to grasp the fact that there was a time that all gamers played games with that kind of graphics because that was as far as digital animation had gotten.
  3. The only older games I played on PC were AOE, and Diablo 1&2. I played MDK on PC as well, but recently got it for PS1 so I don’t have to worry about that one too much.
  4. Or you could invest in a good solid baseball bat.
  5. I would suggest picking up a few more PS3’s that have problems that people are wanting to get rid of and taking the parts needed from each machine and combining them into one working PS3. That’s what I do with systems, controllers, game carts, and lots of other stuff.
  6. I want to see what everyone can come up with. These memes that you make don't have to have anything to do with video games, or current events. Just whatever you can come up with. I have 4 that I put together. The Spongebob meme may have been done before, but this one is honestly mine. 3 of them are practically identical, but I'm going to post them all anyway. So lets see some creativity!
  7. There are actually 2 movies, and I've heard unconfirmed rumors that there's a third one in the works.
  8. @Shagger Just..... I don't know how to respond. That game, is so much more than a game. For those of us with those psychological issues, it's a chance for people without to see what we face on a daily basis. I'm schizophrenic, bi-polar, depression, and anxiety issues just to name the ones I can remember. I have no short term memory, and little long term memory. I don't know where I was 10 minutes ago. And after I post this response, I will most likely forget that I posted it. But all in all, I want to say thank you. Rest assured, something will be pawned tomorrow to get the money for this game.
  9. I enjoyed Paper Mario on N64. This one looks wild as hell. I may end up picking this game up. I'm still breaking in Mario Odyssey at the moment, so I have some "Marioing" to do, but I still like the looks of this one as well.
  10. SF is better suited to be an introduction to fighting games, when you really think about it. It’s really tame, and simple to learn. Using it that way, you will be able to get an idea of your skills and interest in the genre. Do you want gore, or just to see some get a kick in the nuts? MK? KI? SC? It’s a decent intro to the genre, but by today, that’s about the extent to its usefulness in my opinion.
  11. If I’m picking a character from each game, Guile was my favorite on SF. On MK however, I was partial to Scorpion. But to pick one game over the other, I’m with @Crazycrab on this one. Mortal Kombat is the better game, even though its been decades since I’ve played either.
  12. I remember when MITB was first introduced. I always loved seeing who won it. Also I remember the best use of it. John Cena had just win the championship from Big Show, and was completely spent. Who wouldn’t be after giving a 500 pound man a suplex? He was try to build his strength up to get off the mat, when Edge came running down the aisle and cashed in the MITB. He speared Cena and pinned him to steal the belt. Cena was champ for all of 5 minutes tops. Brilliant if you ask me.
  13. I don't really know anything about PS Plus, but from the way you guys are talking, it sounds like it's completely worthless, and in no way worth paying for. Can someone clue me in on the subject?
  14. I don't know if it counts, but Kaepora Gaebora would top my list. I wish there was a way to draw my bow or slingshot and kill that POS bastard. He serves literally no purpose. He has never once said anything of value. He just interrupts the game, and to top it off, when he's done talking and asks if you want to hear his bullshit again, the cursor is set on "YES" instead of "NO". So if you're just button mashing to get through his dumbassery, and don't catch yourself quick enough, you have to go through it all over again. The only time in the game that there is a use for it is as a child on top of Death Mountain. You can get a ride down to Kakariko village. Beyond that one instance, just let me kill the damn thing. An owl that big would probably feed all the residents of Kakariko. But I want the heart. I want to eat his heart.
  15. That's actually a damn good battle strategy. I never would have thought of it. Thank you @kingpotato!!!!
  16. I was thinking of mentioning SMB and Castlevania, but only wanted to pick one franchise for my post. And of the 3, The Legend Of Zelda means the most to me. I think I mentioned before that, if it wasn't for Zelda on NES, I probably wouldn't be a gamer today. But either way, SMB is the biggest franchise that I'm aware of, and from it's humble roots to todays market, no game has aged anywhere near as well. Castlevania hasn't faded away, and certainly never will. But I honestly think nothing will ever be able to touch SMB. Nintendo really hit it out of the ball park with that one. I was never the biggest fan of RE or SH, so I can't comment on them.
  17. Picking up a couple games Saturday. Getting my van back tomorrow and not coming home all day. I need to get away from home for a good long while. Cabin fever is driving me crazy.
  18. At launch I can see them running $600+ depending on where you are. Which is completely ludicrous to me. I won't be buying one at that time. I'll give it a year or two, then think about it, but the only one that would ever be in my sights is the PS5. I still don't like Xbox.
  19. Assassins Creed 1,2, Bound By Flame Castlevania Lords Of Shadows 1,2 Dark Kingdom Darksiders 1,2 Dark Souls 1,2 Demons Souls Devil May Cry 1,2,3, Dishonored Dragon Age II Dragon Age Inquisition Deluxe Edition Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition (DA Origins, DA Origins Awakening) Dragons Dogma Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Fallen Angel Sacred II Family Guy Back To The Multiverse Final Fantasy X, X2 God Of War Ghost Of Sparta, Ascension Heavenly Sword Hunted: The Demons Forge Infamous Collection (Infamous, Infamous2, Infamous: Festival Of Blood) Lair Last Of Us, The Ninja Gaiden 3 Razors Edge Reckoning Kingdom Of Amalur Remember Me Rise Of The Argonauts Risen 2 Dark Waters Risen 3 Titan Lords Thief Two Worlds ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* PS4 - - - Dragon Age Inquisition Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age For Honor Gold Edition Kingdom Come Deliverance Lords Of The Fallen Pillars Of Eternity Complete Edition Shovel Knight Styx: Shards Of Darkness ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* XBOX ONE - - - Lichdom Battlemage Ryse Son Of Rome (Legendary Edition) As for why I haven't played them, I honestly don't know. I just never got around to trying them out. I had every intention when I bought them, but for some reason I've never tried them. I think it's because, for the most part, I'm just trying to eat up time with something I'm familiar with, and never got off my ass to try something new. Chock that up to laziness I guess. There's a couple that I've played once or twice, so I didn't put them on the list.
  20. To me, as a genre, fighting games haven't aged particularly well. In the beginning they were great. But over the years they've lost that charm. 30 characters with the same tired moves, over and over and over. It was old when it was new after 3 sequels. Don't get me wrong, I have several. But they're all on SNES, the era when the genre was introduced on home consoles. But after that, it just went south. A specific game would probably be a tie between Dr. Mario and Marble Madness. Amazing games when they came out. Everyone wanted them, and anyone who had them was instantly the most popular kid in school. Nowadays, few remember Dr. Mario, and I could probably count the number of people who even know of Marble Madness on one hand at this point. They didn't age well. A game that did age well to me will always be my all time favorite. Blaster Master. I can play it dawn to dusk day in, day out. It has only gotten better over the years. A series that has aged extremely well is obviously The Legend Of Zelda. No explanation needed.
  21. For the most part, I like a sword and a bow. I like the hand to hand combat style of the sword. It's actual combat to me instead of a sniper picking someone off from 1000 yards. The bow I like because it's a virtually silent projectile, and the ammunition is reusable. It requires more stealth than a gun does to be able to get in range and not alert your target that you're even in the vicinity. It just appeals to me more than a gun does in video games. It takes me to another time when people only had those options and fought with honor. The greatest insult back then was to kill a man with his own blade. Nowadays, there's not a lot of that mindset left when you can kill someone from so far away that you can't even tell if they have a beard or tits. I just don't see a lot of honor in modern fighting, and I saw plenty in the military.
  22. Is there a reason behind this? I fail to see a point or purpose as to why anyone should try to make you laugh. There are others who don’t smile or laugh. But we don’t try to offer meaningless brownie points to anyone who tries.
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