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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I would love that. The harshest most devastating weather imaginable would add so much to games. I love overcast days, especially if it's raining. Even better if that rain is a flash flood inducing downpour. I've watched tornados with my own eyes, not on video (damnit) and I've seen floods on a biblical scale. The only 2 storms I can think of that I haven't personally experienced (that commonly hit the US) are earthquakes and hurricanes. The west coast has earthquakes every other day, and Florida has hurricanes every 5 minutes. I'm landlocked in the middle of the country. So unless we get a hurricane so big that the asshole in the middle is Oklahoma City, I don't have to worry about them. And unless we get another earthquake so violent that the Mississippi river runs backward again, I don't have to worry about them either. Although I think it was technically the aftershock that flipped the tide on the river. Could be wrong.
  2. How are you guys liking Shovel Knight? I picked it up a while back (due to it having SNES style graphics), but have never actually gotten around to playing it. Ah, nostalgia.
  3. I started wearing glasses in my mid 20's. I didn't realize just how bad my vision was at the time until I put my glasses on for the first time. Now my vision is so bad, that anything over 2½ feet is so blurry, I can't tell what it is if I'm not familiar with it. My optometrist has told me that it's a possibility that I may be legally blind by the time I'm 50. Also macular degeneration seems to run in my family, so that's another thing I have to worry about, as if I didn't have enough fucking health problems as it is.
  4. The only gaming light I can think of off the top of my head was the Light Boy for the original big fat gray Game Boy. Since then everything has either been backlit, or played on a monitor/TV. Unless your calling a lamp a gaming light? Or maybe one of those book lights that you use so you can read in the dark?
  5. All of the above. There is so much life in the universe that there are life forms that look just like things we imagine, and others that no human imagination could ever come up with. We will most likely never encounter them. But that doesn’t negate the fact that they are out there.
  6. Marble Madness is another game that never really made a lot of sense to me. Interesting to play but really wacky.
  7. Brain freeze becomes a literal reality. Fleece
  8. What is more important to you; your lineage or your heritage?
  9. What is the worst illegal drug you have ever heard of?
  10. Favorite adult themed cartoon? Things like South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, etc.
  11. PS5 doesn’t hold the slightest bit of interest for me. So far from what I’ve seen it has nothing to offer that I’m not already getting from PS4. So I see no point whatsoever in getting one or even considering it.
  12. I love venison. It’s amazing. I haven’t had it since I was a kid. Mostly due to me not being able to hunt. But venison makes better summer sausage than any other meat, and that’s a fact.
  13. You could have a point there, but look at the success of games such as Minecraft. Games don’t have to have life like graphics. Some people need it. Some don’t. It’s a personal choice on their gameplay.
  14. Nah, they just look for the nearest garden. Gotta get fertilizer somewhere.
  15. I don’t believe in xmas, so I didn’t do anything for the supposed “holiday”.
  16. Maybe they don’t have a one way digestive system. Maybe when they eat their body holds on to every single part of the food and saves it until it needs it.
  17. I got asked to make a logo for a YouTube channel that someone is wanting to start, but I need to be able to do some animation that is apparently beyond the capabilities of anything that comes as part of Windows 10. They left it open to whatever I wanted to make, as long as in some way it related to their channel. They're making another one of those channels going over reddit posts. So I'm wanting to make a video of a rat walking up to a red R/ and then tearing it apart, since in essence that's what they will be doing on their channel. The problem is, that the Win10 3D programs SUCK. So does anyone know a good one?
  18. I was trying to decide on a file to play on Castlevania SOTN the other day, and noticed something. Apparently they couldn't decide how to spell the word "reverse".
  19. I agree with you there. But the sad thing is that there are people that have to have the current generation of whatever it is, whether it's any improvement or not is irrelevant. They have to have the current iPhone, they have to have the newest Xbox, they have to have this years car, and on and on and on. I don't get it myself. I used an iPhone 5 until around September of this year when it completely crapped out on me. Why? Because it still worked and did everything I wanted it to do. What am I using now? An iPhone 6S. I don't need the newest shit. Old shit works just fine for me as long as it does what I'm wanting it to do. It's part of why I'm almost exclusively a classic gamer. I love the old cartridge games. They entertained me more than 99% of the games since the Game Cube era. I wasn't big on PS2 either. Granted there are several PS3 games I enjoy the hell out of, and a couple series I'm a fan of. God Of War for example. But so many of the games you guys talk about, I only know that they're not the type of game I would enjoy playing myself. I've watched videos on YouTube of people playing many of the games, and I know it's not my thing. So unless we get a machine that is literally a Ready Player One type of setup, I highly doubt I'll be buying anything from the next 5 generations.
  20. That's actually not true. Deer are one of the more dangerous animals we have in the US, especially during mating season. A buck will attack a human without hesitation if it cant run. And the power of these animals is immense. There are several hunters every year that are gored by deer, most of them killed. Here in Missouri that is. And a doe with a fawn is just as dangerous. She will intentionally run at you and attack to protect her young. There was one incident a few years ago where a guy hit a fawn as it was crossing the road with its mother. he tried to get out of his car to check the damage and the doe wouldn't let him out. For whatever reason he couldn't get his car to start again. I think the radiator had gotten busted in the collision. But according to him she was snorting, bleating, hissing, and rearing up and attacking his car with her front feet. He ended up having to call 911 to get help out there. Deer are no laughing matter.
  21. In my opinion the gaming industry has been on a steady decline in quality since the Game Cube. Games are less imaginative, shorter goals, sequels are either the exact same thing as the previous entry, or so damn different you have to actually wonder if they're in the same series. Sure graphics are getting sleeker, and more realistic. And processors are typically getting more powerful. But did we really have to sacrifice quality games for that? I don't remember many people raving about Wii, PlayStation Move, or Kinect. Those came and went with little interest. Most of us just wanted to play the game without having to be a fucking acrobat. There's apparently a special reason they called the other half of the Wii controller a nunchuk. For ideas I say go back a few generations, look at the blockbuster games, get your ideas there, and then move forward. Otherwise, I see 1983 happening again as gamers continue losing interest in their favorite systems due to it not showing anything new.
  22. We could try to organize a boycott, but that would take millions of gamers to have even the slightest bit of an affect. But other than that, and what you said, there really isn't much we can do.
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