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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. I feel a lot of haters of Bioshock Infinite don't like the game because they don't want to admit how the feel about the game's strong message regarding prejudice, race and discrimination. You know, the kind of people who always say "keep politics out of games" when most creative fiction of any medium that's worth a damb has social and/or political overtones. In other words, they're cowardly hypocrites unwilling to admit they're uncomfortable being confronted by these issues because deep down they know they're part of the very problem the game (or whatever media it is) is making a statement against. I will admit the message wasn't exactly subtlety presented, but it wasn't wrong and it made its point. I wouldn't know, but I've also heard it's a bit different from the other Bioshock games. In what way specifically, once again, I'm not the one to ask.
  2. There's as much variety in JRPG's as there is any gaming genre. What they tend to have in common is stylish graphics and design, big on storytelling and combat that tends to prioritise strategy as much, if not more, than skill. Some JRPG's play more like western counterparts and my be easier to get into such as Dragons Dogma, Kingdom Hearts or, if you're a bit of a sadist who wants to torture oneself, the Souls Games. Others have a greater tenancy to follow tradition and like Valkyria Chronicles, Persona and the early Final Fantasy games. It's the ones in the middle I'd most recommend for people less familiar with the genre like the newer Final Fantasy titles and the Tales series. I'd recommend Tales of Berseria for a start. It's a great game and a great example of a JRPG that isn't to overwhelming.
  3. I think it depends alot on the game and the studio. I remember watching an interview with Ashley Burch who describes a situation very similar to the one you describe when she was working on on Horizon Zero Dawn. Other games more reliant on motion capture, like TLOU, the VA's seam to be more involved and aware of what thier working on. Security and preventing leaks to press also seems to be a varying concern. The VA for Aerith in FFVII Remake is a professional actress, but also has a long running gaming YouTube channel called "Strange Rebel Gaming", so I can only imagine what that must of been like for her to know what the part was and not be able to tell anyone due an NDA. Obviously, she was allowed to reveal the truth eventually. Overall, I feel like this varies greatly between studios and thier publishers because of differences in security protocols, methods of capture and how studio's write scripts. However, I do think the old days of VA's being given a booth, a script and a stern request to not ask questions are starting to fade.
  4. Why bother coming to VGR then? Let's face it, there's barely a snack here.
  5. The frozen Wilds expansion for Horizon: Zero Dawn I thought was superb. Challenging, great new story content and side missions, cool and potent new items and added new dynamics to the game. It was also ethically sound have only stated development after the game launched and was fairly priced.
  6. As much as I hate EA, and I ask others reading this to be honest, if BF2 really is the only EA game you have ever played, then you're missing out.
  7. I'm sorry, but I don't recall anybody saying the game was unplayable on PC. That description was aimed mostly at the console versions, versions you admit you haven't played, but still you apparently have the right to say "people exaggerated"? What sense does that make when you accuse everyone who speaks ill of the game of lying?. Don't go around accusing people of spreading misinformation whilst saying something that isn't true because hypocrisy doesn't look good on anyone. I admit I haven't played Cyberpunk2077 yet, mostly because I knew this game was in trouble well before the game came out and so avoided pre-ordering it. Now, I'm waiting for the game to come back out on console because by then I'll be confident enough to expect the game that should have been delivered in first place. I've looked at multiple reviews and coverage of the game and that's fed my believe it was not ready, and I've not got that confidence in the game yet I don't think how I feel is unjustified. I'm also well within my right to say to someone "it's probably better to wait" when they are thinking about buying it. You bought the game and saw a minimum amount of problems and enjoyed it, good for you, but that doesn't mean everyone had the same experience. The general consensus between reviewers, youtubers and the gaming community is that the game was buggy and unpolished. It's good to hear from you that the game improved, don't doubt that and know it's appreciated, but show some due respect if it's not too much trouble.
  8. I believe that I have found the topic you were looking for, but you're right, the search function wasn't much help. This is tricky one, maybe @DChas a better idea about what's gone wrong.
  9. At the point of typing this I haven't seen the vid, but I'll guess the no1 is Street Figher. Edit. I was wrong. I'm still pretending the winner doesn't exist.
  10. No doupt @Crazycrab is right, I actually forgot about Star Citizen. That $2,500 ship is the tip of an iceberg. You have to pay for additional character slots, pay for name changes, pay for the games single player component Squadron 42 (something that was promiced to be indluded in the original Kickstarter) and its pay-to-win with upgrades and boosters available as a pay or grind option. Then, there's this; And that $27,000 isn't even the real price. One must have spent at least $1,000 on other purchases just to "earn the right" to even buy this. All this in, as crab said, a game still in pre-alpha after almost a decade, has generated over $300 million in crowfunding and is not free to play. Maybe that's why I forgot about this "game", because it's not a game, it's a scam.
  11. Deal expired, locking thread Title says it all really. 10 games being offered to anyone who owns a PS4 or PS5 completely free. No need for PS+ or any kind of subscription, no strings attached, they are just simply free. Ratchet and Clank is available until the end of March and all the others become available March 25th except HZD that will be available April 19nth. Full details in this video.
  12. In the UK, the government set aside a considerable amount of money to offer to businesses struggling to employ people during the pandemic. That kept me employed for almost 4 months without actually going to work. That's what America should have done as well to keep small, attendance dependant businesses open. But, since it's just "good old fationed American capitolisum" to let these businesses close, get ready to pay a hell of a lot more tax to support those now unemployed Americans on welfare. On topic, I cannot see how Activision can justify this. Given how big the digital market is for video games these days. I can understand that video games are more difficult to make for developers and may result in games getting delayed because of this, but for the publishers to lay people off like this is a bad look on their already tainted image. And no, @m76, COVID doesn't justify this. You didn't even give an explanation of how a game's publisher would struggle in this situation. Like I said, because of digital sales, they wouldn't.
  13. The only game I've earned 100% on is Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm not actually the bothered about 100%-ing a game, but I get the point. It's not an easy thing to achieve and it people who do so deserve a feeling of accomplishment from doing so.
  14. To me, the winner must be the The Sims 4. The standard game is barely even a fraction of the actual game. There are so many expansion packs that expansion packs are available for the expansion packs, it's unbelievable. EA, they do what they do.
  15. EA has released an update on the situation, and it's a complete joke. They keep blaming the perpetrators of this black market, that has been created from within their own company, for "upsetting the game balance" and making it "unfair" and "frustrating" for players. No EA, it's the egregious, pay-to-win nature of FIFA Ultimate Team that does all that. All this black market offers is another way to buy these cards that's better than buying your loot boxes. Yes, it is still shady, wrong and obviously against the rules, but EA needs to take responsibility and accept the blame for creating a situation whare paying $2000 directly for a FUT card is better that trying one's luck with their slot machine. YongYea breaks down the statement in more detail if you care to watch the vid.
  16. I remember whoal thing started with a woman named Zoe Quinn. She was an activist (mostly for woman's rights and other often pretty extreme left wing principles) working in the game industry in some form, then decided to make her own game. It was a completely free, text based story focused game with choices. Think it as something like Life is Strange or a Telltale Game expect no graphics or voice overs. I haven't tried it, but from what I hear it was sub-par even for what it was with nonsensical plot lines, the choices didn't really affect anything and it was prechy. So, a bit of an unimportant, low quality but fairly harmless indie "game" created on a miniscule scale that was never going to leave much impact. However, despite not even meeting the low bar the game had set itself, a number of influecial journalists from the games industry gave it glowing reviews. All of them men, several of them knew Zoe Quinn personality and even had "relations" with her. I'm going to make one thing perfectly clear here, I am not accusing Zoe of "offering favours" in exchange for this good coverage of her game, but normal people could see there was something wrong with this picture as the game clearly wasn't worthy of these positive reviews. Whether she did "offer favours" or not, it was clear her connection to these journalists was what led to these reviews, not the game itself. So, corruption in games journalism seemed to be the only thing that made sense. The rise against that corruption, was #gamergate. Zoe and her friends in both in games journalism and in femist activist groups were not going to take this lying down, though, and fired back at gamers citing the misogyny and prejudices that sadly were (and at least to some extent, still are) rife amongst gamers against them in what, I personally think this was an attempt to burry the talk of corruption. However, far too many idiots on the pre-gamer gate side were all to eager to project and express this stereotype and the tru purpose of #gamergate states to loose traction. Yes, the sexisum, homophobia, misogyny and online bullying that game's journalists were trying to associate with #gamergate instead of the discussion on ethics in games journalism were real things and something gaming culture needed called out on, but this was the game's journalists doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. We could have had game's journalists start to hold themselves to a higher standard to (at leat partiality) eliminate corruption from game journalism and we could have a positive message spread among gamers to be more accepting and and take steps to end misogyny and other deep rooted prejudices within gamer culture, but in the end both these possitve ideas got drowned out by a massive shit flinging contest feed by lies, exaggerations and preconceptions from both sides. Such a shame.
  17. Loved this game. Deep, engaging story, unique setting, a great looking game and very enjoyable combat. The mechanics revolving arond Scree were also a lot of fun and were very innovative. The 4 demon types added variety and were all fun to play as. Another thing was the soundtrack from 16Volt, a brilliant band and the music fit so well. The game is still available on the PSN store and I would recommend it.
  18. The short version is the game launched back in December 2020 in the worst possible way with game buggy and unpolished on PC and even worse on PS4 and XB1 to the point it was basically unplayable. It was soon pulled from sale on the digital stores for PlayStation and Xbox and, as far as I know, it hasn't been put back on sale yet. CDPR made this mess even worse by not giving out review copies on console and not allowing reviewers to use their own gameplay footage in their video reviews. In other words, the knew the game was busted and tried to cover it up. To some up, the launch was a complete disaster.
  19. These cards are a digital good and represent players that you use to create your Ultimate Team that you play with in FIFA online. The higher the stats on the card, the better the player. Cards increce in rarity the higher they rank and thus the advantage they offer also increases. So obviously, the very rarest cards hold significant value to people who play FIFA.
  20. That's ridiculous. Why would Xbox, a company that sells consoles, buy a large game publisher (and it's parent company) to not sell one of that companies flagship games on its console? Microsoft have confirmed that some Bethesda IP's will become exclusive to Xbox and Windows PC's, I think we all expected that. Whether this will include The Elder Scrolls VI, I don't know, but why people genuinely believe that Xbox will not sell their shiny new IP's on Xbox is beyond my understanding.
  21. Welcoming to VGR. It's a difficult question to answer with certainty when you don't reference a specific game, but what I can suggest is logging into the Nintendo eShop on your Switch console and see what's available. I did find this slightly old (2018) article form Elecspo that might help.
  22. May as well post the new one from Lovebites. I find this one really uplifting, but it's still as technically jaw dropping as to expect from these ladies.
  23. We all know EA's FIFA franchise is a rabid dog, but the sheer, money grubbing greed attributed with FIFA's "Suprise Mechanics" is just the board room with the regular employees most likely embarrassed buy the actions of their superiors, right? Well, for at least for one employee, apparently not. It appears someone has been selling the rarest legends cards, cards that are almost impossible to to obtain through the game's loot boxes, to individual players for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars at a time. There has been a black market for trade of cards in exchange for real money going on for a while, but this is the first time an employee of EA has had alleged involvement. Full story from Eurogamer. I know this isn't directly EA's fault, except it totally is because they created the bullshit system that opened the door for this to happen. It's their fault that people were willing to engage in what is basically insider trading (MASSIVELY illegal anywhere else) because even paying $1,000+ as a direct purchase for a card is still significantly less than the cost of all the loot boxes one would have to purchase to get these cards the legitimate way. Fuck EA, they're not the victims. Yes, this is the work of an employee(s), who deserves everything coming to them if they're caught, but this also another reason why these lookboxes shouldn't exist.
  24. This little "revelation" is waste of time. Obviously Microsoft's web browser would be able work these browser programs on Xbox because it's exactly the same browser on Windows PCs that uses the same x86 software architecture, but more importantly, who would actually "take advantage" of this anyway? This isn't even a feature, more like a technological coincidence. Anyone who both wanted a game streaming service to use on Xbox and was blessed with mere shread of common sense would subscribe to Xbox Game Pass instead. Even on PC's, XBGP is a better option than Luna and definitely better than Stadia. It's like giving someone the keys to a Ferrari for track day, but also offering a clapped out old Beetle as an alternative, why waste anyone's time by offering that choice?
  25. Talk about an old woman teabagging again and I will abuse my mod power to ensure you never post anything anymore.
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